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Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

要 stroke order animation

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要 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 要
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 要
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Meaning of

Pinyin yào、 yāo
demand / ask / request / coerce, important / vital / to want / to be going to / must
要 [yào] 1. Request for something; to demand. 索取:~账。~价。 (Request: to settle accounts; to ask for a price.) 2. Hope or desire. 希望,想:~强。~好。 (Hope or desire: to be strong in wanting; to be fond of.) 3. To ask or request. 请求:她~我给她读报。 (Request: She asked me to read the newspaper for her.) 4. Significant; worth noting. 重大,值得重视的:重~。~人。~领。纲~。~言不烦。 (Significant: major significance; important person; lead figure; essential points.) 5. Should or must. 应该,必须:须~。 (Should: must do so.) 6. Will; indicates future action. 将(jiāng):将~。快~。 (Will: is going to; will soon.) 7. If; suppose. 如果,倘若:~是。 (If: supposing that; it is.) 8. To indicate choice. 表选择:~么。~不。~不然。 (To indicate choice: whether... or not.) --- 要 [yào] 名 (Noun) 1. Key point; summary. 要点,纲要 ([En.] important point.) Example: 纪要 (to summarize / record key points). 2. Counting book. 计数的簿书 ([En.] book.) Example: 要会 (accounting; ledger). 3. Power or authority. 权柄 ([En.] power.) Example: 要贵 (to be powerful; an influential person). 4. Important position or role. 指重要的地位或职务 ([En.] important position.) 5. Straw rope; cord. 要子 ([En.] straw rope; cord). Example: 打要子 (to make a straw rope). 6. Scheme or plan. 总要 ([En.] scheme.) 7. Surname. 姓 ([En.] surname.) --- 要 [yào] 形 (Adjective) 1. Important; essential. 重要,重大 ([En.] important; essential.) Example: 要务 (important affairs). 2. Concise and to the point. 简要 ([En.] concise and to the point.) 3. Significant in status. 地位显要 ([En.] powerful and influential.) 4. Strategic. 险要,与战略有关的 ([En.] strategic). --- 要 [yào] 动 (Verb) 1. Guard or hold a strategic point. 扼守。谓扼守险要 ([En.] hold (a strategic point); guard.) 2. To request; demand. 讨。表示希望将某种事物归自己所有 ([En.] want; ask for; beg.) 3. Wish for; desire. 想要,希望 ([En.] wish to; want to.) 4. To let; allow. 使;让;叫 ([En.] let; allow.) 5. Should; must. 应当;必须 ([En.] should; must.) 6. Going to; will. 即将来临 ([En.] be going to.) 7. To indicate a comparison or estimate. 表示比较;估计 ([En.] compare.) 8. To indicate a hypothesis, equivalent to "if." 表示假设,相当于“如果”、“倘若” ([En.] if; suppose; in case.) 9. To indicate selection, equivalent to either...or... 表示选择,相当于要么…要么 ([En.] or; either...or...) 10. See yāo. 另见 yāo. --- 要 [yāo] 名 (Noun) 1. Waist; the ancient character for "waist." “腰”的古字 ([En.] waist.) 2. One of the five cloths used in history, referring to areas 1500 to 2000 li from the capital. 五服之一。古代指离都城一千五百里至二千里的地区 ([En.] suburb.) 3. Surname. 姓 ([En.] surname.) --- 要 [yāo] 动 (Verb) 1. To invite; request. 约请;邀请 ([En.] invite.) 2. To make a solemn promise or oath regarding something. 约言。以明誓的方式就某事作出庄严的承诺或表示某种决心。 ([En.] ally; promise; pledge.) 3. To seek or pursue. 通“徼”( jiǎo)。探求;求取 ([En.] seek; pursue.) 4. To intercept. 通“邀”。拦阻;截击 ([En.] intercept.) 5. To meet or welcome. 迎候;迎接 ([En.] meet.) 6. To restrain or prohibit. 约束;禁止 ([En.] keep within bounds; restrain; prohibit.) 7. To force or coerce. 通“约”( yuē)。胁迫 ([En.] force; coerce.) 8. To join or meet. 和;会合 ([En.] join; meet.) 9. To examine or verify. 审察;核实 ([En.] examine; verify; check.) 10. See yào. 另见 yào.
yào mìng
to cause sb's death / very / extremely / frightening / annoying
yào sài
stronghold / fort / fortification
bì yào láo dòng
Necessary labor
jīn kuì yào lüè
Synopsis of Golden Chamber
yào hài
vital part / (fig.) key point / crucial
jiāng yào
will / shall / to be going to
jiù yào
will / shall / to be going to
zhǐ yào
if only / so long as
bì yào
necessary / essential / indispensable / required
bù bì yào
needless / unnecessary
bì yào tiáo jiàn
requirement / necessary condition (math)
bì yào xìng
kuài yào
almost / nearly / almost all
zhòng yào xìng
xiǎng yào
to want to / to feel like / to fancy / to care for sb / desirous of
yāo xié
to threaten / to blackmail
jiǎn míng è yào
brief and to the point (idiom) / succinct
è yào
to the point / concise
zhāi yào
summary / abstract
yào chōng
road hub / major crossroad
cuō yào
brief points / make an abstract
yào zhǐ
the gist (of a text or argument) / the main points
yào shi
(coll.) if
xiǎn yào
prominent / eminent / important person / notable / dignitary
shū yào
central administrative unit
yāo qiú
to request / to require / requirement / to stake a claim / to ask / to demand / CL:點|点[dian3]
gài yào
piān yào
to insist on doing sth / must do it, despite everything
zhèng yào
to be just about to / to be on the point of
yào sǐ
extremely / awfully
yào jīn
key post
yào fàn
major criminal
zhǔ yào máo dùn
principal contradiction
jiǎn yào
concise / brief
yào sù
essential factor / key constituent
suǒ yào
to ask for / to request / to demand
yào jǐn
important / urgent
bù yào jǐn
unimportant / not serious / it doesn't matter / never mind / it looks all right, but
jǐn yào guān tóu
urgent and important moment (idiom); critical juncture
jì yào
minutes / written summary of a meeting
gāng yào
outline / essential points
bù yào liǎn
to have no sense of shame / shameless
yào me
or / either one or the other
zhǔ yào
main / principal / major / primary
bù yào
don't! / must not
zhì guān zhòng yào
extremely important / vital / crucial / essential
xū yào
to need / to want / to demand / to require / requirement / need
zhòng yào
important / significant / major
hái yào
shǒu yào
the most important / of chief importance
yào shuō
as for / when it comes to
yào jué
the key trick / the secret of success
yào qián
to charge / to demand payment
xiǎn yào
strategically situated and easy to defend / strategic location
yào ài
strategic pass
xū yào liàng
requisite amount
xū bù xū yào
Is there any need?
xū yào
must / have to

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Input Method for
Pinyin yao4
Four Corner
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