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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 是
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 是
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Meaning of

Pinyin shì
is / are / am / yes / to be
是 [shì] 一. 表示解释或分类。 1. Indicates explanation or classification: 他是工人。 (He is a worker.) 《阿Q正传》的作者是鲁迅。 (The author of "The True Story of Ah Q" is Lu Xun.) 二. 表示存在。 2. Indicates existence: 满身是汗。 (He is covered in sweat.) 三. 表示承认所说的,再转入正意,含有“虽然”的意思。 3. Indicates acknowledgment of what has been said, then shifts to the main point, implying "although": 诗是好诗,就是太长了。 (The poem is good, it's just too long.) 四. 表示适合。 4. Indicates suitability: 来的是时候。 (The time to come is appropriate.) 五. 表示任何。 5. Indicates any: 凡是。 是活儿他都肯干。 (He is willing to do any work.) 六. 用于问句。 6. Used in questions: 他是走了吗? (Did he leave?) 七. 加重语气,有“的确”、“实在”的意思。 7. Emphasizes tone, meaning "indeed" or "really": 天气是冷。 (The weather is indeed cold.) 八. 对,合理,与“非”相对。 8. Correct, reasonable, contrary to "not": 是非。 (It is right and wrong.) 他的话是。实事求是。 (His words are correct. Seek truth from facts.) 九. 认为对。 9. Thinks it's right: 是古非今。 (Old is better than new.) 各行其是。 (Each carries out its own views.) 十. 表示应承或同意(单说一个“是”字)。 10. Indicates acceptance or agreement (by simply saying "yes"): 是,我就去。 (Yes, I will go.) 十一. 这,此。 11. This; here: 是日。 (This day.) 是可忍,孰不可忍。 (This can be tolerated, who cannot tolerate?) 十二. 助词,把行为对象提前表示只这样做。 12. A particle that brings the object of an action to the fore to indicate that only this is done: 惟你是问。 (Only you ask.) 惟利是图。 (Only seek profit.) 十三. 姓。 13. A surname. 形 (Adjective) 【本义】: 正,不偏斜 (original meaning: correct, not inclined) 【造字法】: 会意。小篆字形,从日正。 1. 同本义 ([En.] right) 2. 对的,正确的 ([En.] correct) 3. 概括之词。凡是,任何 ([En.] every; any) 代 (Pronoun) 1. 此,这 ([En.] this; that) 动 (Verb) 1. 赞同;认为正确;肯定 ([En.] praise; justify) 2. 订正 ([En.] correct) 3. 遵从,以为法则 ([En.] follow) 4. 关系词。表示肯定判断之词 ([En.] be) 5. 表示两种事情同一,或后者说明前者 6. 表示陈述的对象属于“是”后面所说的情况。 7. 表示所说的几桩事物互不相干。 8. 表示存在 ([En.] be; exist) 9. 表示让步 ([En.] be..., but) 10. 表示适合 ([En.] be suitable) 11. 尝试。用同“试” ([En.] try) 12. 像;似 ([En.] like; resemble) 副 (Adverb) 1. 表示肯定 ([En.] certainly; really) 2. “是”不重读时,可省略,只表示一般肯定 ([En.] just) 3. 用作虚词,在回答问题、命令或要求时表示同意 ([En.] yes) 4. 很,非常 ([En.] very) 名 (Noun) 1. 商业、职业或政府的事务、业务或国务 ([En.] affairs) 2. 姓 助 (Auxiliary) 帮助宾语提前.
kě shì
but / however / (used for emphasis) indeed
kě bu shì
that's just the way it is / exactly!
shì fǒu shì
whether it is
zhǐ shì
merely / simply / only / but
wéi lì shì tú
to seek nothing but profit (idiom); personal profit before everything / self-seeking
shì yīn wèi
attributed to / be due to
yīn ér shì
rú shì
jiù shì
(emphasizes that sth is precisely or exactly as stated) / precisely / exactly / even / if / just like / in the same way as
mǎo shì mǎo
卯 is 卯
shú shì shú fēi
Who is right and who is wrong? / Which is right and which is wrong?
jiù shì shuō
in other words / that is
zhè jiù shì shuō
that is to say / in other words
shì fǒu
whether (or not) / if / is or isn't
zǒng shì
wéi mìng shì cóng
always do as one is told / be absolutely obedient / receive absolutely one's instruction
wéi lì shì tú
variant of 唯利是圖|唯利是图[wei2 li4 shi4 tu2]
rě shì shēng fēi
to stir up trouble
rě shì fēi
to stir up trouble
huò shì
or / either one or the other
bān nòng shì fēi
to incite a quarrel (idiom); to sow discord between people / to tell tales / to make mischief
què shì
nevertheless / actually / the fact is ...
liǎng gè fán shì
two whatevers
yú shì
thereupon / as a result / consequently / thus / hence
jì shì
is both ...(and...) / since / as / being the case that
zhēn shi
indeed / truly / (coll.) (used to express disapproval, annoyance etc about sth)
zhèng shì
(emphasizes that sth is precisely or exactly as stated) / precisely / exactly / even / if / just like / in the same way as
hái shi
or / still / nevertheless / had better
ér shì
gèng shì
even more
suàn shì
considered to be / at last
yào shi
(coll.) if
xiàng shì
seem / look like
xiān shì
former / original
fǔ shí jiē shì
lit. so numerous that one could just bend down and pick them up (idiom) / fig. extremely common / easily available
bǐ bǐ jiē shì
can be found everywhere
shí shì qiú shì
to seek truth from facts (idiom) / to be practical and realistic
sì shì ér fēi
apparently right but actually wrong; specious (idiom)
fán shì
each and every / every / all / any
yǒu de shì
have plenty of / there's no lack of
wèi de shì
for the sake of / for the purpose of
mǎ shǒu shì zhān
to follow blindly (idiom) / to take as one's only guide
yìng shì
just / simply / stubbornly / really
shì cóng
yě jiù shì shuō
in other words / that is to say / so / thus
xiǎng xiǎng yě shì
Think about it too
yú shì
thereupon / as a result / consequently / thus / hence
jìng shì
便 biàn shì
(emphasizes that sth is precisely or exactly as stated) / precisely / exactly / even / if / just like / in the same way as
nǎi shì
equivalent to either 是[shi4] or 就是[jiu4 shi4]
dàn shì
but / however
shì bù shì
is or isn't / yes or no / whether or not
ruò shì
mò bù shì
probably / perhaps / could it be that...?
mò zhōng yī shì
unable to reach a decision (idiom); cannot agree on the right choice / no unanimous decision / still a matter of discussion
gāi shì
would be
shéi shì shéi fēi
Who is right
xiàng shì
bù shì
no / is not / not
péi bú shi
to apologize
yuè shì
the more
míng biàn shì fēi
to distinguish right and wrong (idiom)
shì fēi
right and wrong / quarrel
diān dǎo shì fēi
to invert right and wrong

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Pinyin shi4
Four Corner
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