Learn to write the Chinese character "士" by watching the stroke order animation of "士".
Stroke by Stroke: 士 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '士' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
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士 [shì]
1. 古代统治阶级中次于卿大夫的一个阶层。
(A stratum in ancient ruling class, subordinate to the aristocrats.)
2. 旧时指读书人。
(In ancient times, refers to literate people.)
3. 未婚的男子,泛指男子。
(An unmarried man; generally refers to men.)
4. 对人的美称。
(A commendable title for a person.)
5. 军衔的一级,在尉以下;亦泛指军人;上士、士兵、士卒、士气。
(A military rank below “wei”; also generally refers to soldiers; senior soldiers, soldiers, private soldiers, soldier morale.)
6. 称某些专业人员。
(Title for certain professionals.)
7. 姓。
(A surname.)
1. 《说文》:士,事也。
(Shuowen: Shi means service.)
2. 《白虎通·爵》:通古今,辩然不,谓之士。
(Baihu Tong: One who differentiates then and now is called "shi".)
3. 《汉书·食货志》:学以居位曰士。
(Han Shu: Learning to hold a position is called "shi".)
4. 《后汉书·仲长统传》:以才智用者谓之士。
(Hou Han Shu: Those who use intelligence are called "shi".)
5. 《周书》:太子晋,胄成人,能治上官,谓之士。
(Zhou Shu: Prince Jin was called "shi" for managing the officials.)
6. 《书·牧誓》:是以为大夫卿士。
(Shu: Therefore, to be the aristocrats.)
7. 《礼记·曲礼》:列国之大夫,入天子之国,曰某士。
(Li Ji: Great officials from various states entering the emperor's nation are addressed as certain "shi".)
8. 《马伶传》:其士女之问桃叶渡、游雨花台者,趾相错也。
(Ma Ling Zhuan: Those scholars crossing Tao Ye and wandering at Yuhua Platform are entangled.)
又如:士子(男子的美称,多指年轻人);士大夫官僚阶层;士夫(青年男子);勇士;壮士;士三日不见,当刮目相待 (Men should be regarded differently after a three-day separation, indicating rapid progress.)
(To serve as an official; to be an official.)
1. 《周礼·地官·载师》:以宅田士田贾田任近郊之地。
(Zhou Li: Use land to engage in nearby trade.)
2. 《荀子·大略》:古者匹夫五十而士。
(Xunzi: In ancient times, a common person became a "shi" at fifty.)
3. 《风俗通义·穷通》:夫不以其道进者,必不以其道士。
(Fengsu Gongyi: Those who do not advance by their own way will not succeed as "shi".)
4. 《韩非子·五蠹》:重争士橐,非下也,权重也。
(Han Feizi: Heavy competition among "shi", not from a lower status, but rather from weighty power.)
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