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How to write 使

Animated Stroke Order of 使

Learn to write the Chinese character "使" by watching the stroke order animation of "使".

使 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: 使 Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '使' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

使 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '使' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '使' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character '使'. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable 使 Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "使"
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 使
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of "使"
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 使
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Meaning of 使

Pinyin shǐ
to make / to cause / to enable / to use / to employ / messenger
使 [shǐ] 1. 用: to use; to employ 例如: 用力 (to exert force);使用 (to use) 2. 派,差遣: to send; to dispatch 例如: 派遣 (to dispatch);差使 (to assign) 3. 让,令,叫: to let; to make; to cause 例如: 迫使 (to compel) 4. 假若: if; in case 例如: 假如 (if) 5. 奉命办事的人: envoy; messenger 例如: 使者 (envoy);公使 (minister) 使 [shǐ] 1. 同本义: same as the original meaning (order) 例如: 命令 (command) 2. 派遣: to send; to dispatch 例如: 差遣 (to send) 3. 致使;让;叫: to let; make; cause 例如: 使人贫困 (to make someone poor) 4. 运用;使用: to use; employ 例如: 使用 (to employ) 5. 使唤;役使;支使: to order about; to cause to work 例如: 使唤 (to order someone about) 6. 耍弄;玩弄: to play; to toy with 例如: 使酒 (to indulge in drinking) 7. 出使: to serve as an envoy abroad 例如: 出使 (to be an envoy) 8. 放纵,任性: to indulge 例如: 使性 (to act rashly) 9. 可以,行: can; may 例如: 使的 (may) 10. 主使: to instigate 例如: 主使 (to instigate) 使 [shǐ] 1. 使者: envoy; messenger 例如: 使者 (messenger) 2. 使命: mission 例如: 使命 (mission) 3. 佣人;奴仆: servant 例如: 使下 (servant) 4. 官名。负责某种政务的官员: official 例如: 节度使 (military governor) 5. 姓: surname 6. 假如;如果: if 例如: 如果 (if) *Note: The above definitions are essential meanings and usage examples of the character "使".
使 shǐ jūn
使 suō shǐ
instigate / abet / incite
使 shǐ huàn
to order sb about / to use sb
使 yì shǐ
to put to work (servant or animal) / to make use of for labor
使 àn chá shǐ
使 càn zá shǐ jiǎ
mix in the infenion or fake
使 shū mì shǐ
Privy envoy
使 jí shǐ
even if / even though
使 shǐ de
usable / workable / feasible / doable / to make / to cause
使 xíng shǐ
to exercise (a right etc)
使 dà shǐ
ambassador / envoy / CL:名[ming2],位[wei4]
使 jié dù shǐ
Tang and Song dynasty provincial governor, in Tang times having military and civil authority, but only civil authority in Song
使 zhì shǐ
to cause / to result in
使 cù shǐ
to induce / to promote / to urge / to impel / to bring about / to provoke / to drive (sb to do sth) / to catalyze / to actuate / to contribute to (some development)
使 pò shǐ
to force / to compel
使 shǐ mìng
mission (diplomatic or other) / set task
使 shǐ jìn
to exert all one's strength
使 shǐ zhě
emissary / envoy
使 gōng shǐ
minister / diplomat performing ambassadorial role in Qing times, before regular diplomatic relations
使 tǎng shǐ
if / in case
使 jiǎ shǐ
if / in case / suppose / given ...
使 shǐ guǎn
consulate / diplomatic mission
使 shǐ jié
(diplomatic) envoy
使 shǐ chū
to use / to exert
使 qiǎn shǐ
to dispatch an envoy
使 chū shǐ
to go abroad as ambassador / to be sent on a diplomatic mission
使 yán tiě shǐ
Salt iron
使 zòng shǐ
even if / even though
使 shǐ yòng
to use / to employ / to apply / to make use of
使 shǐ chén
使 jiàn fēng shǐ duò
lit. see the wind and set the helm (idiom); fig. to act pragmatically / to be flexible and take advantage of the situation
使 gōng shǐ xián
Ministerial title
使 yòu shǐ
to lure into / to entrap / to trick into / to entice / to induce / to invite / to tempt
使 bù rǔ shǐ mìng
have succeeded in carrying out an assignment
使 bī shǐ
obtrude / put to it
使 qiǎn táng shǐ
diplomats to the Tang Dynasty
使 yí zhǐ qì shǐ
lit. to order people by pointing the chin (idiom); to signal orders by facial gesture / arrogant and bossy
使 shǐ guǎn qū
embassy area / embassy district / legation quarter
使 dà shǐ guǎn
embassy / CL:座[zuo4],個|个[ge4]
使 shǐ lǐng guǎn
embassy and consulate
使 qū shǐ
to urge / to prompt / to spur on / to order sb about

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Input Method for 使
Pinyin shi3
Four Corner
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