Learn to write the Chinese character "指" by watching the stroke order animation of "指".
Stroke by Stroke: 指 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '指' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '指' Step-by-Step
Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '指' through a video tutorial with a
calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the
Chinese Character '指'. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and
practice writing together with pen and paper.
指 [zhǐ]
1. 手伸出的支体(脚趾亦作“脚指”): A part extended from the hand (toes are also called “foot fingers”).
Example: 手指. 巨指(大拇指). 指甲. 指纹. 指印. 屈指可数.
2. 量词,一个手指的宽度: A measure word—width of a finger.
Example: 下了三指雨.
3. (手指或物体尖端)对着,向着: Pointing at; directed towards.
Example: 指着. 指画. 指南针. 指手画脚.
4. 点明,告知: To indicate; to inform.
Example: 指导. 指引. 指正. 指责. 指控(指名控告). 指摘. 指挥. 指日可待.
5. 直立,竖起: To stand upright.
Example: 令人发指(形容极为愤怒).
6. 意向针对: Intention directed at.
Example: 指标. 指定.
7. 古同“旨”,意义,目的: Anciently same as "旨", meaning; purpose.
指 [zhǐ]
As a noun:
1. 手指。手掌的五个终端部分之一: A finger; one of the five terminal parts of the palm.
Example: [En.] finger
2. 足指也叫做指: Toes are also called 指.
Example: [En.] toe
3. 近代误写作“趾”: Mistakenly written as “趾” in modern times.
4. 意旨;意向: Intention; aim.
Example: [En.] intention
5. 一个手指的宽度: The width of a finger.
Example: [En.] finger breadth; digit.
指 [zhǐ]
As a verb:
1. 指向;指着: To point at; to direct towards.
Example: [En.] point at; point to
2. 指定: To appoint.
Example: [En.] appoint
3. 指示: To instruct.
Example: [En.] instruct
4. 指点: To show how.
Example: [En.] show how
5. 指责: To censure.
Example: [En.] censure
6. 诬指: To frame someone.
Example: [En.] frame sb.
7. 阐明,陈述: To state.
Example: [En.] state
指 [zhǐ]
As an adjective:
1. 竖起: Vertical.
Example: [En.] vertical
2. 通“旨”。美好: Fine; good.
Example: [En.] fine
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