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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

直 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

直 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 直
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 直
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Meaning of

Pinyin zhí
straight / vertical / frank / directly / straightly / upright
直 [zhí] 形 (Adjective) 1. 不弯曲: straight; not bent. Examples: 直线 (straight line), 直角 (right angle), 直径 (diameter), 直立 (stand up straight), 直截了当 (straight to the point). 2. 把弯曲的伸开: straighten something that is bent. Example: 直起腰来 (straighten the waist). 3. 公正合理: honest and fair. Examples: 是非曲直 (right and wrong), 理直气壮 (justified and vigorous), 耿直 (upright), 正直 (upright). 4. 爽快,坦率: frank and straightforward. Examples: 直爽 (frank), 直率 (straightforward), 直谏 (frankly advise), 直诚 (sincere), 直言不讳 (speak candidly). 5. 一个劲儿地,连续不断: continuously and without interruption. Examples: 一直走 (keep walking), 直哭 (cry continuously). 6. 竖,与“横”相对: vertical, as opposed to horizontal. Example: 不要横着写,要直着写 (do not write horizontally, write vertically). 7. 汉字笔形之一,自上至下: one of the strokes in Chinese characters, from top to bottom. 8. 姓: a surname. 副 (Adverb) 1. 径直,一直: directly; all the way. Example: 直至初六 (directly until the sixth). 2. 故意: intentionally. Example: 直堕其履圯下 (deliberately drop one's shoes under). 3. 竟然: unexpectedly. Example: 直如此 (even like this). 4. 只;仅仅: only. Example: 直不百步耳 (only a hundred steps away). 5. 简直: absolutely; literally. Example: 直可惊天地 (literally shocking the heavens and the earth). 6. 通“特”: only; alone. 动 (Verb) 1. 伸直;挺直: straighten; make straight. Example: 直身 (straighten one's body). 2. 伸雪 (冤屈): redress an injustice. 3. 面对着,当: confront; face. 4. 遇,碰上: meet; bump into. 5. 当值,轮值,轮班: take turn; be on duty. 6. 担任: undertake; assume the office of. 7. 价值相当于: be worth. 名 (Noun) 1. 价值;代价: value; worth. Example: 值得我直 (worth my value). 2. 工钱: pay; salary. Example: 受若直 (receive one’s pay). 3. 即使: even; even if. 介 (Preposition) 1. 当…时候: at that time. Example: 直夜 (at night).
píng pū zhí xù
tell in a simple, straightforward way / narrate factually and unimaginatively / plain and ungarnished / speak or write in a dull, flat style
chuí zhí
perpendicular / vertical
chuí zhí dài
Vertical band
chuí zhí sǎo miáo pín lǜ
Vertical scan frequency
lǐ zhí qì zhuàng
in the right and self-confident (idiom); bold and confident with justice on one's side / to have the courage of one's convictions / just and forceful
zhí bèn
to go straight to / to make a beeline for
yǒng wǎng zhí qián
to advance bravely
zhí gōu gōu
with fixed eyes
zhí shēng jī
helicopter / CL:架[jia4]
zhí shǔ
directly subordinate
Zhí bù luó tuó Hǎi xiá
Strait of Gibraltar
zhí xiá shì
municipality, namely: Beijing 北京, Tianjin 天津, Shanghai 上海 and Chongqing 重慶|重庆, the first level administrative subdivision / province level city / also called directly governed city
zhí jìng
jìng zhí
zhí cì
straight gear
gàng zhí
simple and honest
zhí lèng lèng
staring blankly
hān zhí
honest and straightforward
zhí jiē
direct / opposite: indirect 間接|间接 / immediate / directly / straightforward
zhí jié liǎo dàng
direct and plainspoken (idiom); blunt / straightforward
fú yáo zhí shàng
to skyrocket / to get quick promotion in one's career
zhí shū xiōng yì
to speak one's mind
zhí dǐ
Straight to
tǐng zhí
straight and upright
zhí tǐng tǐng
straight / stiff / bolt upright
zhí dǎo
to storm / to attack directly
zhí dǎo Huáng Lóng
lit. to directly attack Huanglong / fig. to directly combat the root of a problem
héng chōng zhí zhuàng
lit. bashing sideways and colliding straight on (idiom); to push through shoving and bumping / to barge / to charge around violently
zhí bō
live broadcast (not recorded) / direct Internet broadcasting / (agriculture) direct seeding
jiāng zhí
stiff / rigid / inflexible
shēn zhí
to straighten / to stretch out
zhí shuǎng
straightforward / outspoken
shuǎng zhí
zhí cháng ái
carcinoma of the rectum
zhí dīng dīng
with fixed eyes
jiǎn zhí
simply / at all / practically
shěng zhí
Province straight
Zhí lì
Ming and Qing dynasty province directly administered by Beijing, including Beijing, Tianjin, most of Hebei and Henan and part of Shandong
zhí dào
zhí zhì
lasting until / up till (the present)
zhí dá
to go nonstop to / through (as in "through train") / nonstop
zhí yán
to speak forthrightly / to talk bluntly
线 zhí xiàn
straight line / sharply (rise or fall)
zhí xiá
to govern directly
zhèng zhí
upright / upstanding / honest
zhí dèng dèng
to stare blankly
shù zhí
vertical / to erect / to set upright / vertical stroke in Chinese characters / young servant (old)
bǐ zhí
perfectly straight / straight as a ramrod / bolt upright
zhí chì mù
Orthoptera (insect order including grasshoppers, crickets and locusts)
zhí cháng
rectum (anatomy)
yī zhí
straight (in a straight line) / continuously / always / from the beginning of ... up to ... / all along
zhí lì jīng
erect stem
zhí duō
everyday robe worn at home in ancient times / robe worn by priests, monks and scholars
zhí jué
zhí yán bù huì
to speak bluntly (idiom) / not to mince words
zhí yì
literal translation
fàn yán zhí jiàn
zhí yán jí jiàn
Bluntly admonish
zhí yán jìn jiàn
Bluntly admonish
qiān zhí
vertical / plumb
zhí liàn
linear chain
Zhí bù luó tuó
dǒu zhí
zhí lì shěng
Zhili Province
cháng qū zhí rù
to march straight in unchallenged (military) (idiom) / (fig.) to push deep into the heart of sth / to flood in
gěng zhí
variant of 耿直[geng3 zhi2]

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Input Method for
Pinyin zhi2
Four Corner
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