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目 stroke order animation

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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 目
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Meaning of

eye / item / section / list / catalogue / table of contents / order (taxonomy) / goal / name / title
目 [mù] [名] 【本义】: 眼睛 【造字法】: 象形。甲骨文和小篆字形。象眼睛形,外边轮廓象眼眶,里面象瞳孔。小篆处理为线条。先秦时期多用“目”,两汉以后,用眼逐渐多起来。“目”具有书面语色彩。 1. 同本义 (En. eye) - Eye 2. 目光;眼力 (En. eye-sight) - Sight; vision 3. 孔眼 (En. mesh) - Hole; mesh 4. 条目;要目 (En. item) - Item; entry 5. 目录 (En. catalogue) - Catalogue 6. 首领;头目 (En. chieftan) - Leader; chief 7. 分类学上位于科之上、纲之下的类别 (En. order) - A taxonomic category between class and family 8. 名目,数目; 行列 (En. name of a thing; number; row) - Name; number; list [动] 1. 观看,注视 (En. look; regard) - To watch; to regard 2. 递眼色,使眼 (En. give a hint with the eyes) - To give a hint with the eyes 3. 看待 (En. treat with; regard as) - To treat; to regard 引: 1. 《说文》:目,人眼,象形。 (In Shuowen, it states: "Eyes, human eyes, are pictorial.") 2. 《礼记·郊特牲》:目者,气之清明者也。 (In the Book of Rites: "The eye represents clarity of spirit.") 3. 《韩诗外传》:目者,心之符也。 (In Han Poetry: "The eye is the symbol of the heart.") 4. 《易·小畜卦》:夫妻反目。 (In I Ching: "Husband and wife have a falling out.") 5. 《左传·宣公二年》:睅其目,皤其腹。 (In Zuo Zhuan: "Look closely with the eyes, with a white belly.") 6. 宋· 范仲淹《岳阳楼记》:满目萧然。 (Song Dynasty, Fan Zhongyan: "A scene full of desolation.") 7. 晋· 干宝《搜神记》:瞋目大怒。 (Jin Dynasty, Gan Bao: "Angered, he could not contain his fury.") 8. 《聊斋志异·狼三则》:目似瞑。 (In Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio: "The eyes appeared closed.") 9. 清· 薛福成《观巴黎油画记》:目不忍睹。 (Qing Dynasty, Xue Fu Cheng: "A sight too terrible to behold.") 例: 又如: 目不斜视 - Do not look sideways, indicating uprightness. 目见耳闻 - To see with one's own eyes and hear with one's own ears; firsthand experience. 目治手营 - To observe firsthand and experiment personally. 目空一世 - To disregard everything; to be arrogant. 目眩神摇 - Eyes dazzled, heart shaken; overwhelmed. 目无下尘 - Eyes look down on the dust below; indicating a high attitude. 目耗 - Eyes dim; vision impaired. 目指 - To indicate or direct with the eyes. 目眦 - Eye socket. 目珠 - Eyeball. 目睛 - Eye. 目精 - Eye or eyeball. 目光;眼力 (En. eye-sight) 引: 1. 《晋书·孙惠传》:四海注目。 (In Jin Book: "The eyes are on all corners of the world.") 例: 又如: 目捷 - Quick-sighted. 目击道存 - Realizing the way upon sight. 目色 - Vision; sight. 目使颔令 - Use of eyes and jaw to gesture commands. 目注 - To look intently. 目波 - A gaze like rippling water. 目逆 - To greet with the eyes. 目极 - To look far and wide. 孔眼 (En. mesh) 引: 1. 郑玄《诗谱序》:举一纲而万目张。 (In Zheng Xuan's Preface to the Poetry: "Hold one line, and thousands of entries unfold.") 例: 又如: 纲举目张; 一个60目的筛 - Keep the main point and details grow; a sieve with 60 holes. 条目;要目 (En. item) 例: 如: 目次 - A table of contents in publications. 目录 (En. catalogue) 例: 如: 参考书目; 故事节目 - Reference list; story programs. 首领;头目 (En. chieftan) 引: 1. 《广东军务记》:夷目嘉符。 (In Guangdong Military Records: "The leader is exalted.") 例: 又如: 目把 - Referring to a small leader among southwest ethnic groups. 分类学上位于科之上、纲之下的类别 (En. order) 例: 如: 松柏目 - Pine and cypress order. 名目,数目; 行列 (En. name of a thing; number; row) 引: 1. 宋· 文天祥《后序》:不在使者之目。 (Song Dynasty, Wen Tianxiang: "Not within the view of the emissaries.") 目 [mù] [动] 1. 观看,注视 (En. look; regard) 引: 1. 《史记·陈涉世家》:指目陈胜。 (In Records of the Grand Historian: "Point your eyes at Chen Sheng.") 2. 唐· 柳宗元《柳河东集》:指目牵引。 (In Tang Dynasty, Liu Zongyuan: "Point your eyes to guide.") 例: 又如: 目过 - To glance over; to look closely. 目下十行 - To read exceptionally fast. 目及 - To catch sight of. 目染 - To be influenced by what one sees. 目笑 - To smile with the eyes. 目礼 - To pay respects with a glance. 目断 - To look until unseen. 目识 - To remember upon sight. 目属 - To pay close attention. 目艳 - To admire what one sees. 目为 - To regard as. 2. 递眼色,使眼 (En. give a hint with the eyes) 引: 1. 《史记·高祖本纪》:酒阑,吕布因目留高祖。 (In Records of the Grand Historian: "As the wine grew thin, Lu Bu glanced at Gao Zu.") 2. 《史记·项羽本纪》:数目项王。 (In Records of the Grand Historian: "Look closely at Xiang Yu.") 例: 又如: 目交心通 - Convey feelings through a glance; mutual understanding. 目挑眉语 - To flirt with eyebrows and eyes. 目指气使 - To command with eyes; to act haughtily. 目禁 - To forbid actions with a glance. 目语额瞬 - To gesture with eyes and eyebrows. 3. 看待 (En. treat with; regard as) 引: 1. 清· 黄宗羲《柳敬亭传》:不敢以说书目敬亭。 (Qing, Huang Zongxi: "Dare not address the storyteller as Jingting.")
mù dèng kǒu dāi
dumbstruck (idiom); stupefied / stunned
lì mù
shuāng mù
bù kān rù mù
unbearable to look at / an eyesore
duó mù
to dazzle the eyes
guāng cǎi duó mù
dazzling / brilliant
zhàng mù
bù shì Lú shān zhēn miàn mù
lit. not to know the true face of Lushan Mountain / fig. can't see the forest for the trees
lú shān zhēn miàn mù
the truth of sth.
yǐn rén zhù mù
to attract attention / eye-catching / conspicuous
mù lù
catalog / table of contents / directory (on computer hard drive) / list / contents
jù mù
repertoire / list of plays or operas
guā mù xiāng kàn
to have a whole new level of respect for sb or sth / to sit up and take notice (of sb's improved performance etc)
nù mù
with glaring eyes / glowering
shǎng xīn yuè mù
warms the heart and delights the eye (idiom) / pleasing / delightful
yuè mù
good-looking / pleasing to the eye
rě rén zhù mù
to attract attention / noticeable
cí méi shàn mù
kind brows, pleasant eyes (idiom); amiable looking / benign-faced
miàn mù kě zēng
repulsive countenance / disgusting appearance
shì mù yǐ dài
lit. to wipe one's eyes and wait (idiom); to wait and see
yǎn rén ěr mù
to fool people (idiom) / to pull the wool over people's eyes
měi mù pàn xī
Beautiful eyes
shù mù
amount / number
mù biāo
target / goal / objective / CL:個|个[ge4]
tóu yūn mù xuàn
to have a dizzy spell / dazzled
mù bù xiá jiē
lit. too much for the eye to take in (idiom); a feast for the eyes
mù bù xiá gěi
the eye cannot take it all in (idiom); too many good things to see / a feast for the eyes
lán mù
regular column or segment (in a publication or broadcast program) / program (TV or radio)
ǒu tí mù
Artiodactyla (even-toed ungulates, such as pigs, cows, giraffes etc)
cè mù
to raise eyebrows / to cast sidelong glances (expressing fear or indignation) / shocked / surprised
liǎ mù
Two eyes
mù qián
at the present time / currently
zhù mù
attention / to stare at / to fix attention on sth
ěr rú mù rǎn
to be influenced
càn làn duó mù
dazzling / brilliant / The luster dazzles the eye.
xuàn mù
to dazzle / to inspire awe
mù guāng rú jù
farsighted / blazing with anger / sparkling eyes
mù guāng jiǒng jiǒng
eagle-eyed / have eyes with a piercing gleam
mù guāng
sight / vision / view / gaze / look
miàn mù zhēng níng
look fierce / sinister in appearance / with grossly offensive features / ferocious features / a vile visage
zhēng níng miàn mù
zhāng tóu shǔ mù
lit. the head of a river deer and the eyes of a rat (idiom) / fig. repulsively ugly and shifty-looking
lín láng mǎn mù
glittering jewels to delight the eye (idiom) / fig. a dazzling lineup
mù dì
purpose / aim / goal / target / objective / CL:個|个[ge4]
cuǐ càn duó mù
dazzling (idiom)
zhòng mù kuí kuí
see 萬目睽睽|万目睽睽[wan4 mu4 kui2 kui2]
míng mù
close one's eyes in death and die contentedly
chēng mù jié shé
stupefied / flabbergasted
mǎn mù chuāng yí
in a state of devastation / scenes of devastation meeting the eye everywhere
chuāng yí mǎn mù
lit. bumps and bruises everywhere (idiom); fig. an ugly shambles / devastation everywhere
mù dì dì
destination (location)
xiàng mù
item / project / (sports) event / CL:個|个[ge4]
jié mù
program / item (on a program) / CL:臺|台[tai2],個|个[ge4],套[tao4]
kē mù
xīn mù
mind / view
tí mù
subject / title / topic / CL:個|个[ge4]
mù dǔ
to witness / to see at first hand / to see with one's own eyes
miàn mù
appearance / facial features / look
máng mù
blind / blindly / ignorant / lacking understanding
zhǔ mù
to focus attention upon
tóu mù
ringleader / gang leader / chieftain
máng mù xìng
méi mù
general facial appearance / features / arrangement / sequence of ideas / logic (of writing) / rough sketch or general idea of things
mù xuàn
dizzy / dazzled
xuàn mù
variant of 炫目[xuan4 mu4]
tóu hūn mù xuàn
(idiom) dazed / dizzy
mù xuàn shén chí
jí mù yuǎn tiào
gaze into the distance / strain one's eyes to look at the distance
nù mù yuán zhēng
mù bù zhuǎn jīng
unable to take one's eyes off (idiom); to gaze steadily / to stare
yǒu mù gòng dǔ
anyone with eyes can see it (idiom); obvious to all / sth speaks for itself / is there for all to see
qīn yǎn mù dǔ
to see for oneself / to see with one's own eyes
ěr wén mù dǔ
to witness personally
sǐ bù míng mù
dead but will not close the eyes (idiom); to die with a remaining grievance
chēng mù
to stare
jǔ shì zhǔ mù
to receive worldwide attention
lìng rén zhǔ mù
remarkable / dramatic
yǐn rén zhǔ mù
catch someone’s eye
wàn zhòng zhǔ mù
attention focused by millions of people
méi qīng mù xiù
pretty / with delicate features
míng mù fán duō
names of many kinds (idiom); items of every description
Běn cǎo Gāng mù
Compendium of Medical Herbs 1596, compiled by Li Shizhen 李時珍|李时珍[Li3 Shi2 zhen1]
gāng mù
outline / detailed outline (of a subject)
qiào chì mù
Coleoptera (insect order including beetles)
lín chì mù
Lepidoptera (insect order including butterflies 蝶類|蝶类 and moths 蛾類|蛾类)
mó chì mù
Hymenoptera (insect order including ants and bees)
shuāng chì mù
Diptera (insect order including flies)
zhí chì mù
Orthoptera (insect order including grasshoppers, crickets and locusts)
bàn chì mù
Hemiptera (suborder of order Homoptera, insects including cicadas and aphids)
tóng chì mù
Homoptera (insect suborder including cicadas, aphids, plant-hoppers, shield bugs etc)
耀 yào mù
ěr mù
eyes and ears / sb's attention or notice / information / knowledge / spies
ěr cōng mù míng
sharp ears and keen eyes (idiom) / keen and alert / perceptive
xiān yàn duó mù
resplendent / dazzlingly beautiful / attractively bright-colored / Splendor blinds the eyes.
shī mù
Anoplura / Sucking lices
chù mù jīng xīn
lit. shocks the eye, astonishes the heart (idiom); shocking / horrible to see / a ghastly sight
kè mù
zhàng mù
an item in accounts / an entry
jī tí mù
Perissodactyla / order of odd-toed ungulate (including horse, tapir, rhinoceros)
mù sòng
to follow with one's eyes (a departing guest etc)

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