Learn to write the Chinese character "瞎" by watching the stroke order animation of "瞎".
Stroke by Stroke: 瞎 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '瞎' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '瞎' Step-by-Step
Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '瞎' through a video tutorial with a
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Chinese Character '瞎'. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and
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瞎 [xiā]
1. 眼睛看不见东西: 盲人。黑灯瞎火。
(One cannot see with one's eyes: blind person. In total darkness.)
2. 胡,乱,没来由: 瞎忙。瞎话。瞎吹。瞎聊。一堆瞎线团。
(Confused, random, baseless: aimlessly busy. Nonsense. Blowing nonsense. Chitchat. A pile of tangled threads.)
3. 炮弹打出去不爆炸: 瞎炮。瞎火。
(A shell fired that does not explode: dud shell. Blank fire.)
4. 农作物子粒不饱满: 瞎穗。瞎高粱。
(Crops with incomplete grains: empty heads. Immature sorghum.)
本义: 一目失明
(Original meaning: one-eyed.)
同本义 ([En.] one-eyed)
1. 《资治通鉴》:吾闻瞎儿一泪,信乎? 胡三省注:“瞎,一目盲也。”
(From "Comprehensive Mirror to Aid in Government": I have heard that a blind child shed a tear, is it true? Hu Sanxing's note: "Blind means one-eyed.")
双目失明 ([En.] blind)
1. 《世说新语》:盲人骑瞎马,夜半临深池。
(From "A New Account of the Tales of the World": A blind man rides a blind horse, approaching a deep pond at midnight.)
例: 瞎生 (formerly referred to blind people who made a living by fortune-telling)
形容糊涂,不明事理 ([En.] stupid)
1. 《西游记》:这呆子!石头又不是人,又不会说话,又不会还礼,唱他喏怎的,可不是个瞎帐。
(From "Journey to the West": This fool! A stone is neither a person nor can speak, nor can it return a greeting, what is the point of bowing to it? This is not a reasonable idea.)
例: 瞎账 (fool, confused person); 瞎屡生 (Buddhist term referring to the stupidest person); 瞎驴 (metaphor for the stupidest person).
哑 ([En.] mute)
例: 如: 瞎炮; 瞎火
(For example: blank shot; blank fire.)
虚构; 捏造 ([En.] fake; groundlessly)
1. 《醒世姻缘传》:小珍哥是瞎神捣鬼,捕影捉风的。
(From "Tales of Awakening": Little Zhen is a mischievous spirit, capturing shadows and grasping at the wind.)
例: 瞎神捣鬼 (metaphor for speaking nonsense); 瞎蒙 (deceive; dupe).
盲目地; 胡乱地 ([En.] aimlessly; at random)
1. 老舍《龙须沟》:我的四奶奶,你可千万别瞎聊啊,你要我的脑袋搬家是怎的?
(From Lao She's "Long Whiskers Ditch": My great-aunt, you must not chatter aimlessly, what if you want to move my head?)
例: 瞎头子 (without direction; mindless); 瞎来来 (messing around); 瞎淘淘 (talking nonsense; rambling).
徒然; 白白地 ([En.] in vain)
1. 田汉《江村小景》:孩子,你干吗要替人家瞎卖命呢?
(From Tian Han's "Scenes from a Country Village": Child, why do you have to work tirelessly for others in vain?)
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