Learn to write the Chinese character "盲" by watching the stroke order animation of "盲".
Stroke by Stroke: 盲 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '盲' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
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盲 [máng]
1. 瞎,看不见东西,对事物不能辨认。
Blind, unable to see things, cannot distinguish objects.
2. 瞎,看不见东西,对事物不能辨认:~从。~动。~目。~人。~区(指雷达、探照灯、胃镜等探测或观察不到的区域)。~流。~人瞎马(喻处境非常危险)。
Blind, unable to see things, cannot distinguish objects: blindly following; blindly moving; blind eyes; blind person; blind zone (refers to areas undetectable or unobservable by radar, searchlights, endoscopes, etc.); blind stream; a blind man and a blind horse (metaphor for being in a very dangerous situation).
形 [xíng]
1. 同本义 ([En.] blind)
Same original meaning (blind).
2. 昏暗 ([En.] dusky)
Dim or dark.
3. 形容糊涂,不明事理 ([En.] muddle-headed)
Describing someone as confused or unclear about matters.
4. 迅疾 ([En.] fast)
Quick or rapid.
动 [dòng]
1. 使失明 ([En.] blind)
To cause someone to become blind.
2. 喻不能辨识事物或事理 ([En.] cannot be recognized)
Metaphor for being unable to recognize things or reasoning.
3. 通“望”。看望 ([En.] visit; see)
Also means "to visit" or "to look at."
名 [míng]
1. 文盲,不识字或识字很少的人 ([En.] analphabet)
An illiterate person, someone who cannot read or has very limited literacy.
2. 指盲人 ([En.] blind person)
Refers to a person who is blind.
又如: 盲冥(眼睛失明); 盲废(因丧失视力而致残); 盲聋(眼瞎耳聋); 盲聩(眼瞎耳聋); 盲妹,盲女(旧时多指以卖唱为生的失明女子); 盲翁(丧失视力的老人)
For example: blind and dark (blind); blind and disabled (disabled from loss of sight); blind and deaf (both blind and deaf); blind and deaf (both blind and deaf); blind sister, blind girl (previously referred to blind women who made a living by singing); blind old man (an elderly person who has lost their sight).
1. 《说文》:盲,目无牟子也。
"Shuowen" says: Blind is when the eye has no discernment.
2. 《韩非子·解老》:目不能决黑白之色则谓之盲。
"Han Feizi" says: If the eyes cannot distinguish black from white, it is called blindness.
3. 《论衡·别通》:目不见青黄曰盲。
"Lunheng" says: If the eyes cannot see green and yellow, it is called blindness.
4. 《老子》:五色令人目盲;五音令人耳聋。
"Laozi" says: Five colors make the eyes blind; five sounds make the ears deaf.
5. 丁椽,好士也,即使其两目盲,尚当与女,何况但眇?——《三国志·陈思王植传》注
Ding Chuan, a good scholar, even if his two eyes are blind, he should still be with a girl; how much less someone who is just slightly visually impaired? - Annotation from "Records of the Three Kingdoms."
如: 盲瞽(看不见,比喻无知或不明事理); 盲明(昏庸与贤明); 盲陋(谓见闻不广,学识浅陋); 盲聋(比喻愚昧无知); 盲书(盲目刻写;胡乱刻写); 盲婚(男女双方互不了解,仅凭父母之命、媒妁之言的一种包办婚姻)
For example: blind and blind (being unable to see, metaphor for ignorance or lack of understanding); muddle-headed (mix of ignorance and wisdom); narrow-minded (referring to limited knowledge or experience); metaphor for being foolish and ignorant; random writing (writing foolishly or haphazardly); blind marriage (an arranged marriage where both parties know little about each other, solely based on parents' decisions).
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