Learn to write the Chinese character "眠" by watching the stroke order animation of "眠".
Stroke by Stroke: 眠 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '眠' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '眠' Step-by-Step
Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '眠' through a video tutorial with a
calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the
Chinese Character '眠'. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and
practice writing together with pen and paper.
1. Sleep; to sleep.
(En.) sleep.
Examples: 安眠 (to sleep peacefully), 长眠 (to sleep long), 失眠 (insomnia).
2. Certain animals enter a state during which they do not eat or move, resembling sleep.
(En.) dormancy.
Examples: 初眠 (initial dormancy), 冬眠 (hibernation).
3. To lie down (horizontally).
(En.) lie.
Example: 一日三眠三起 (to lie down and get up three times a day).
4. To lie flat; to place horizontally.
(En.) lie.
Example: 眠琴绿阴 (a horizontal harp in the green shade).
5. Grass and trees lie down (collapse).
(En.) fall.
Example: 眠芊 (similar to 芊眠; describing dense and deep vegetation).
6. A physiological state in certain animals characterized by a prolonged period of not eating or moving.
(En.) dormancy.
Example: 蚕眠 (dormant silkworm); 冬眠 (hibernation in response to adverse conditions); 眠蚕 (silkworm in a dormant state during molting).
7. Toxic response after medication.
(En.) anesthesia.
Example: 眠眩 (dizziness caused by medication), 眠药 (anesthetic).
本义: 闭上眼睛
(Original meaning: close one's eyes)
造字法: 形声。从目,民声
(Decomposition of the character: phonetic and semantic components - from 'eye' and 'sound of people'.)
1. 《玉篇》: 眠,寐也 (In "Yupian": To sleep, also means to sleep).
2. 《后汉书·第五伦传》: 吾子有疾,虽不能省视,而竟夕不眠 (In "Book of the Later Han": My son is ill, and although I cannot see him, he does not sleep all night).
3. 《楚辞·招魂》: 致命于帝,然后得眠些 (In "Chuci": Offer prayer to the Emperor, then one will find some sleep).
4. 《山海经·东山经》: 余峨之山有兽焉,见人则眠 (In "Shanhaijing": There is a beast in the mountain of E, which falls asleep upon seeing humans).
5. 《聊斋志异·狼》: 久之,目似瞑,意暇甚 (In "Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio": After a long time, the eyes closed, and the mind was at ease).
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