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免 stroke order animation

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免 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 免
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 免
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Meaning of

Pinyin miǎn
to exempt / to remove / to avoid / to excuse
免 [miǎn] (verb) 1. 去掉,除掉。 (take off; remove) 2. 不被某种事物所涉及。 (not involved in something) 3. 不可,不要。 (not allowed; must not) 4. 同“勉”,勉励。 (same as "勉", to encourage) 5. 同“娩”,分娩。 (same as "娩", to give birth) 1. 去掉,除掉:~除。~税。~费。~官。~检。罢~。豁~。 (to remove; such as: exempt from taxes, fees, officials, inspections; to dismiss; to exempt) 2. 不被某种事物所涉及:避~。~疫。~不了。在所难~。 (not being affected by something; avoid; cannot escape from) 3. 不可,不要:闲人~进。 (not allowed; idle persons should not enter) 4. 同“勉”,勉励。 (same as "勉", to encourage) 5. 同“娩”,分娩。 (same as "娩", to give birth) 免 [miǎn] (verb) 1. (会意。金文字形,下面是“人”,上面象人头上戴帽形,是冠冕的“冕”本字。由于假借为“免除”义,另造“冕”字。假借义:免除,避免) (pictophonetic; the shape represents a person below and a crown above, originally meant 'crown'; the borrowing meaning is 'to exempt; to avoid') 2. 脱掉;脱落 ([En.] take off) 3. 赦免,释放 ([En.] release; set free) 4. 逃避灾难或罪过 ([En.] avoid; refrain from) 5. 去掉;除掉 ([En.] excuse or free from something; exempt) 6. 罢黜 ([En.] dismiss from office) 7. 豁免 ([En.] discharge) 8. 生孩子。同“娩” ([En.] give birth to) 9. 不允许 ([En.] be not allowed) 10. 分开;分离;别离 ([En.] separate; leave) 11. 通“俛”。低头 ([En.] bow before; put down one's head) 12. 通“勉”。努力,尽力 ([En.] make great efforts; do all one can) 免 [wèn] (noun) 1. 古代丧服。去冠括发,以布缠头 ([En.] a kind of mourning apparel) 2. 物之新生、稚弱者 ([En.] bud) 3. 另见 miǎn (see also miǎn) 免 [wèn] (noun) 1. 古代丧服。去冠括发,以布缠头 ([En.] a kind of mourning apparel) 例:如:免服(古代丧服);免袒(古代丧服。袒露左臂,以麻布缠头);免麻(居丧者,缠麻带于首、腰以示哀) (examples: 如: mourning attire; expose the left arm wrapped in cloth; mourners wrap hemp around the head and waist to show grief) 2. 物之新生、稚弱者 ([En.] bud) 引: 1 《大戴礼记》:推远稚免之幼志,崇积文武之宠德。 (Refer: The Grand Ritual: encourage the young and weak, and cultivate both literary and martial virtue) 3. 另见 miǎn (see also miǎn)
miǎn què
xìng miǎn
narrowly and luckily escape
miǎn yì
exempt from service
miǎn guān
take one's hat off
bù miǎn
bì miǎn
to avert / to prevent / to avoid / to refrain from
miǎn fèi
free (of charge)
miǎn yì
immunity (to disease)
bà miǎn
to remove sb from their post / to dismiss
miǎn de
so as not to / so as to avoid
nán miǎn
hard to avoid / difficult to escape from / will inevitably
yǐ miǎn
in order to avoid / so as not to
wèi miǎn
unavoidably / can't help / really / rather
miǎn chú
to prevent / to avoid / to excuse / to exempt / to relieve / (of a debt) to remit
bù kě bì miǎn
miǎn qù
excuse sb. from sth. / exempt from / dispense with / exempt / free from / excuse / remit
rèn miǎn quán
power of appointment and removal
jiǎn miǎn
to reduce or waive (taxes, punishment, rent, tuition etc)
miǎn yú
to be saved from / to be spared (something)
miǎn yì lì
shè miǎn
to pardon / to absolve / to exempt from punishment
miǎn zhí
to relieve sb of his post / to sack / to demote / dismissal / sacking
rèn miǎn
to appoint and dismiss
miǎn tàng
wash and wear / easy-care / non-ironing
miǎn yì xué
miǎn yì xìng
immunity / immuno-
jǐn yǐ shēn miǎn
escape narrowly / escape with one's bare life / escape from being killed
miǎn bù liǎo
unavoidable / can't be avoided
miǎn yǔ
miǎn shuì
not liable to taxation (of monastery, imperial family etc) / tax free / duty free (shop)
miǎn gēng
no-tillage / no-till / zero tillage
juān miǎn
to let sb off (punishment, taxation etc) / to reprieve sb
huò miǎn
to exempt / exemption
huò miǎn quán
immunity from prosecution
miǎn zāo
to avoid suffering / to avoid meeting (a fatal accident) / spared

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Input Method for
Pinyin mian3
Four Corner
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