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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

去 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

去 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 去
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 去
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Meaning of

to go / to leave / to remove
去 [qù] [verb] 【Original Meaning】: to leave 1. 同本义 ([En.] go away; leave) 2. 除去;去掉 ([En.] remove; wipe off) 3. 相距,远离 ([En.] be apart from; be at a distance of) 4. 前往,到别处,跟“来”相反 ([En.] go) 5. 失掉;失去 ([En.] lose) 6. 扮演 ([En.] play the part of) 7. 赶走;打发走 ([En.] drive) 8. 抛弃,舍弃 ([En.] throw away) 9. 去世,死亡 ([En.] die) 10. 用在谓词或谓词结构后表示趋向或持续 ([En.] used after a verb or a V—O construction to indicate that an action is to take place or continue) 11. 逃离,逃亡 ([En.] go into exile; flee from home) 12. 通“驱”。驱逐 ([En.] drive out; expel) 去 [qù] [adjective] 1. 过去了的 ([En.] of last year; past) 2. 通“怯”。胆小,畏缩 ([En.] cowardly; timid) 去 [qù] [preposition] 表示时间或处所 ([En.] at; in) 去 [qù] [noun] 去声。汉语四声之一 ([En.] falling tone, one of the four tones in classical Chinese and the fourth tone in modern standard Chinese pronunciation)
qù nián
last year
huí qu
to return / to go back
shī qù
to lose
jìn qù
to go in
qián qù
sǐ qù
to die
kàn shang qu
it would appear / it seems (that)
wàng qù
Look over
lí qù
to leave / to exit
cí qù
to resign / to quit
chú qù
to eliminate / to remove / except for / apart from
qù chù
place / destination
qù guò
kāi qù
yuǎn qù
go far away
duó qù
take away from
zhàn qù
to take up (one's time etc) / to occupy (one's attention etc) / to account for (a proportion of sth)
xiè qù
dà shì yǐ qù
be on the decline / be rendered powerless / one's day has gone
chū qù
to go out
shān qù
to delete
yáng cháng ér qù
to swagger off / to walk off (or drive off etc) without a second thought for those left behind
fú xiù ér qù
to storm off in a huff (idiom)
qù diào
to get rid of / to exclude / to eliminate / to remove / to delete / to strip out / to extract
qiā tóu qù wěi
break off both ends / do away with unnecessary parts at both ends / leave out the beginning and the end / nip off unwanted parts / remove the superfluous part
jiǎn qù
minus / to subtract
guò qù
(in the) past / former / previous / to go over / to pass by
miǎn qù
excuse sb. from sth. / exempt from / dispense with / exempt / free from / excuse / remit
guī qù lái xī
I'm going home! / I am homeward bound.
xiāng qù shén yuǎn
at opposite poles / poles asunder / wide apart
fān lái fù qù
to toss and turn (sleeplessly) / again and again
lái lóng qù mài
the rise and fall of the terrain (idiom) / (fig.) the whole sequence of events / causes and effects
shàng qù
to go up
xià qù
to go down / to descend / to go on / to continue / (of a servant) to withdraw
qù shì
to pass away / to die
tuì qù
to take off (one's clothes) / (fig.) to shed (one's former image etc) / (of a fad or the after-effects of a disaster etc) to subside / also pr. [tun4 qu4]
huō chu qu
to throw caution to the wind / to press one's luck / to go for broke
yī qù bù fù fǎn
gone forever
yī qù bù fǎn
be gone forever / go away forever / go for good and all / leave for good
yī qù bù fù fǎn le
Gone forever
退 tuì qù
shì qù
to elapse / to pass away / to die / demise
qù chú
to remove / to dislodge
diān lái dǎo qù
to harp on / over and over / merely ring changes on a few terms
fēi qù
fly to
shǐ qù
Drive away

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Input Method for
Pinyin qu4
Four Corner
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