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Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

场 stroke order animation

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场 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 场
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 场
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Meaning of

Pinyin chǎng、 cháng
a courtyard / open space / place / field / a measure word / (a measure word, used for sport or recreation)
场 cháng 1. 平坦的空地,多指农家翻晒粮食及脱粒的地方。 (A flat open space, often referring to a place for drying grains and threshing in farming households.) 2. 量词,指一事起迄的经过。 (A measure word indicating the duration or occurrence of an event.) 3. 集,市集。 (A collection or market.) 场 cháng 1. 平坦的空地,多指农家翻晒粮食及脱粒的地方:~院。 (A flat open space, often referring to a place for drying grains and threshing in farming households: e.g., a drying yard.) 2. 量词,指一事起迄的经过:下了一~雨。 (A measure word indicating the duration or occurrence of an event: e.g., it rained for a while.) 3. 集,市集:赶~。 (A collection or market: e.g., to attend a market.) 场 cháng 1. 祭坛旁的平地 (Ground beside altar.) 2. 谷场,场子 (Threshing ground.) 3. 〈方〉∶中国农村按一定日子(如逢五、逢十)举行的市集 (A country fair held on certain days in rural China, such as the fifth or tenth of the month.) 4. 菜圃 (Vegetable garden.) 5. 道路 (Road.) 场 cháng 1. 处所,许多人聚集或活动的地方。 (A place where many people gather or interact.) 2. 量词,用于文娱体育活动。 (A measure word used for entertainment or sports activities.) 3. 比赛地,舞台。 (Venue for competitions or stages.) 4. 戏剧作品和戏剧演出中因场景变化或人物上下场而划分的段落。 (Segments in theatrical works or performances defined by scene changes or characters entering/exiting.) 5. 物质存在的一种特殊形式。 (A special form of material existence.) 场 chǎng 1. 地方,众人聚集进行某桩事情的地方或事情发生的地方。 (A place where people gather for an event or where an event occurs.) 2. 舞台。 (Stage.) 3. 演出。 (Show.) 4. 物质存在形式的一种,场中存在已知的效应(如引力、磁力或电力),并且在每一点上具有确定的值。 (A field where known effects (such as gravity, magnetism, or electricity) exist, and each point has a defined value.) 5. 一块饲养家畜或其他动物的土地。 (A piece of land for raising livestock or other animals.) 6. 联赛中计算各队比赛情况的统计单位。 (A statistical unit for calculating the performance of teams in a league.) 7. 一幕中不改变地点或时间延续性的一段戏。 (A segment of a play that maintains continuity in location or time.) 场 chǎng 1. 用于文娱体育活动。 (Used for entertainment or sports activities.) 2. 另见 cháng; chang。 (Also see cháng; chang.) 场 chang 1. 见“排场”( páichang) (Refer to “排场” (páichang).) 2. 另见 cháng; chǎng。 (Also see cháng; chǎng.)
chǎng hé
situation / occasion / context / setting / location / venue
yuán zhǒng chǎng
stock seed farm
xū cháng
market / country fair
shì chǎng
marketplace / market (also in abstract)
shāng chǎng
shopping mall / shopping center / department store / emporium / CL:家[jia1] / the business world
yuán yì chǎng
garden spot
zài chǎng
to be present / to be on the scene
jī chǎng
airport / airfield / CL:家[jia1],處|处[chu4]
广 Tiān ān mén Guǎng chǎng
Tiananmen Square
广 guǎng chǎng
public square / plaza
yī chǎng
scene / round / bout / a game of
zhàn chǎng
battlefield / CL:個|个[ge4]
xiàn chǎng
the scene (of a crime, accident etc) / (on) the spot / (at) the site
zhè chǎng
lì chǎng
position / standpoint / CL:個|个[ge4]
zhǔ chǎng
home ground (sports) / home field / main venue / main stadium
chǎng miàn
scene / spectacle / occasion / situation
shì chǎng jīng jì
market economy
chǎng suǒ
location / place
cí chǎng
magnetic field
dāng chǎng
at the scene / on the spot
chǎng jǐng
scene / scenario / setting
chǎng shàng
at the field / on the court
lā jī chǎng
dump / refuse site / tip / landfill / wasteyard / dumping place / dumping ground / dumping area / soot / nuisance ground
fén chǎng
kěn zhí chǎng
Reclamation field
yú lè chǎng
place of entertainment / casino / resort
mài chǎng
market / store / mall (usually specializing in a particular product category such as furniture)
shì chǎng zhàn yǒu lǜ
market share
shàng bàn chǎng
first half (of a game)
xià bàn chǎng
second half (of a game)
kè chǎng
away-game arena / away-game venue
tú zǎi chǎng
slaughterhouse / abattoir
tú chǎng
slaughterhouse / abattoir
jù chǎng
theater / CL:個|个[ge4]
xíng chǎng
execution ground / gallows / scaffold
rù chǎng quàn
admission ticket
qiè chǎng
to have stage fright
pěng chǎng
to cheer on (originally esp. as paid stooge) / to root for sb / to sing sb's praises / to flatter
nóng chǎng
yǎng jī chǎng
chicken farm
cāo chǎng
playground / sports field / drill ground / CL:個|个[ge4]
shài cháng
tíng chē chǎng
parking lot / car park
měi chǎng
each / every / per
tiān hé jī chǎng
Tianhe Airport
yù chǎng
bathing spot
yú chǎng
fishing ground
mù chǎng
pasture / grazing land / ranch
shòu liè chǎng
hunting ground (field) / game land
yǎng zhū chǎng
hoggery / pig farm
qiú chǎng
stadium / sports ground / court / pitch / field / golf course / CL:個|个[ge4],處|处[chu4]
jiāng chǎng
dēng chǎng
to go on stage / fig. to appear on the scene / used in advertising to mean new product
yán chǎng
saltpan / saltbed
zhuān chǎng
diàn cí chǎng
electromagnetic fields
dì cí chǎng
the earth's magnetic field
jìng jì chǎng
lán qiú chǎng
basketball court
xùn liàn chǎng
training ground / training hall
zhōng chǎng
end (of a performance or sports match) / last round of testing in the imperial examinations
kǎo chǎng
exam room
tǐ yù chǎng
stadium / CL:個|个[ge4],座[zuo4]
zhōu shān yú chǎng
Zhoushan fishing ground
广 bō cí tǎn guǎng chǎng
Potsdamer Platz
绿 lǜ yīn chǎng
football field
cǎo chǎng
Hóng qiáo jī chǎng
Hongqiao Airport (Shanghai)
shàng hǎi hóng qiáo jī chǎng
Shanghai Hongqiao Airport
hóng kǒu zú qiú chǎng
Hongkou Football Stadium
tiào zǎo shì chǎng
flea market
jīn róng shì chǎng
financial market
jí mào shì chǎng
pedlars' market
nóng mào shì chǎng
farmer's market
dǔ chǎng
sài chǎng
racetrack / field (for athletics competition)
féng chǎng zuò xì
lit. find a stage, put on a comedy (idiom); to join in the fun / to play along according to local conditions
bǎ chǎng
shooting range / range
sì yǎng chǎng
farm / feed lot / dry lot
shì yàn chǎng
experimental station
shí yàn chǎng
experimental field

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Pinyin chang3
Four Corner
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