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Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

长 stroke order animation

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长 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 长
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 长
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Meaning of

Pinyin cháng、 zhǎng
length / long / forever / always / constantly, chief / head / elder / to grow / to develop
wěi yuán zhǎng
head of a committee
zhōu cháng
perimeter / circumference
sī zhǎng
bureau chief
cháng tàn
long sigh / deep sigh
cháng xū duǎn tàn
long moan and short gasp (idiom); continually moaning and groaning in pain
xiàn zhǎng
county's head commissioner
cān móu zhǎng
chief of staff
zǒng cān móu zhǎng
(military) Chief of Staff
cháng bǎn
cháng xiào
Long howl
zēng zhǎng
to grow / to increase
zhǎng zuǐ
tuán zhǎng
regimental command / head of a delegation
Cháng yuán
Changyuan county in Xinxiang 新鄉|新乡[Xin1 xiang1], Henan
Cháng chéng
the Great Wall
Cháng jiāng liú yù
Changjiang or Yangtze river basin
chī yī qiàn zhǎng yī zhì
A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit
zhǎng dī
causeway / long beach
zēng zhǎng lǜ
growth rate (esp. in economics)
chù zhǎng
department head / section chief
dí zhǎng zǐ
Eldest son
chǎng zhǎng
factory director
tīng zhǎng
head of provincial PRC government department
zhǎng sháo
zhǎng sūn
eldest grandson / the eldest son of one's eldest son
Cháng ān
Chang'an (ancient name of Xi'an 西安[Xi1 an1]) capital of China during Tang Dynasty 唐朝[Tang2 chao2] / now 長安區|长安区[Chang2 an1 Qu1], a district of Xi'an
cháng ān jiē
Chang An Avenue
zhǎng guān
senior official / senior officer / commanding officer / CL:位[wei4] / sir (term of address for senior officer)
shěn jì zhǎng
xuān chuán bù zhǎng
Propaganda Minister
jiā zhǎng
head of a household / family head / patriarch / parent or guardian of a child
jiǎn chá zhǎng
chief procurator
寿 cháng shòu
longevity / ability to live long / long lived
zūn zhǎng
one's superior / one's elders and betters
cháng wěi
the long tail
jú zhǎng
bureau chief / CL:位[wei4],個|个[ge4]
zhǎng lǐng gǎng
bā dá lǐng cháng chéng
Badaling Great Wall
Cháng lǐng
Changling county in Songyuan 松原, Jilin
Cháng Jiāng Sān xiá
Three Gorges or Yangtze Gorges, namely: Qutang Gorge 瞿塘峽|瞿塘峡[Qu1 tang2 Xia2], Wuxia Gorge 巫峽|巫峡[Wu1 Xia2] and Xiling Gorge 西陵峽|西陵峡[Xi1 ling2 Xia2]
mù tián yù cháng chéng
mutianyu section of the great wall
Cháng qí
Nagasaki, Japan
cháng qí xiàn
Nagasaki Prefecture
zhōu zhǎng
governor (of a province or colony) / US state governor / premier (Australian states)
wū shān cháng jiāng dà qiáo
Wushan Yangtze River Bridge
shì zhǎng
shī zhǎng
military division level commander / teacher
zhǎng xīn diàn
Cháng gēng
Classical Chinese name for planet Venus in the west after dusk
cháng dù
tíng zhǎng
presiding judge
cháng láng
promenade / long hallway / Long Corridor in the Summer Palace, Beijing 北京頤和園|北京颐和园[Bei3 jing1 Yi2 he2 yuan2]
yán cháng
to prolong / to extend / to delay
cháng fāng xíng
cǐ xiāo bǐ zhǎng
wane and wax / trade-off / One man's loss is another's gain.
cháng zhēng
expedition / long journey
zhù zhǎng
to encourage / to foster / to foment
káng cháng gōng
Long-term job
yōu cháng
long / drawn-out / prolonged / lingering
chéng zhǎng
to mature / to grow / growth
yà miáo zhù zhǎng
see 拔苗助長|拔苗助长[ba2 miao2 zhu4 zhang3]
suǒ zhǎng
head of an institute etc
yáng cháng ér qù
to swagger off / to walk off (or drive off etc) without a second thought for those left behind
shàn cháng
to be good at / to be expert in
tuō cháng
to lengthen / to drag out
cháng quán
Changquan - Northern Shaolin (北少林) - Longfist - Martial Art
pái zhǎng
platoon leader / sergeant
cháng dèng
pew / bench / CL:張|张[zhang1]
cháng máo tù
long hair rabbit / wool rabbit
quán cháng
overall length / span
xié cháng shí
plagioclase (rock-forming mineral, type of feldspar)
lǚ zhǎng
brigade commander
Cháng chūn
Changchun subprovincial city and capital of Jilin province 吉林省 in northeast China
Cháng chūn shì
Changchun subprovincial city and capital of Jilin province 吉林省 in northeast China
cháng jiāng dà qiáo
Yangtze River Bridge
zuì zhǎng
cháng qī
long term / long time / long range (of a forecast)
zhǎng ěr duǒ
long ears
cūn zhǎng
village chief / village head
cháng tiáo xíng
xiào zhǎng
(college, university) president / headmaster / CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4],名[ming2]
yè cháng mèng duō
a long delay may cause trouble
cháng yǐ
Cháng Jiāng
Yangtze River, or Chang Jiang
Cháng shā
Changsha prefecture-level city and capital of Hunan province in south central China
cháng jià
long vacation / refers to one week national holiday in PRC starting 1st May and 1st Oct
xiōng zhǎng
elder brother / term of respect for a man of about the same age
zhǎng xiōng
eldest brother
cháng jiàn
yataghan / long sword / longsword / long-sword / Rapier
殿 cháng shēng diàn
Palace of Eternal Life
Cháng tīng
Changting county level city in Longyan 龍岩|龙岩, Fujian
Cháng tīng xiàn
Changting county in Longyan 龍岩|龙岩, Fujian
cháng tú qì chē
long-distance coach
bō cháng
màn cháng
very long / endless
cháng tú bá shè
long and difficult trek
zī zhǎng
to grow (usually of abstract things) / to yield / to develop
zhǎng mǎn
to grow all over
Cháng bīn
Changbin or Changpin township in Taitung County 臺東縣|台东县[Tai2 dong1 Xian4], southeast Taiwan
zhǎng tān
Boracay / Long Beach

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Pinyin chang2
Four Corner
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