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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

参 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

参 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 参
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 参
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Meaning of

Pinyin cān、 shēn、 cēn
take part in / participate / join / attend / to join / unequal / varied / irregular / to counsel / uneven / not uniform, ginseng
参 1. 加入在内: to join; to take part in 例: 参加,参与,参与政务,参与比赛,参与议论。 2. 相间,夹杂: to intersperse; to mix 例: 参杂,参半。 3. 检验,用其他有关材料来研究,考证某事物: to examine; to inspect 例: 参考,参照,参省(检验、检讨),参看,参阅,参检。 4. 探究,领悟: to consider; to discuss 例: 参悟,参透,参破,参禅。 5. 旧指下级进见上级: to pay a formal visit; to call to pay one's respects 例: 参见,参拜。 6. 弹劾,向皇帝告状: to impeach; to report to the emperor 例: 参奏,参劾,参革。 星名,二十八宿之一: Star name, one of the twenty-eight lunar mansions. 例: 参商(“参星”和“商星”,此出则彼没,两不相见;喻亲友隔离不得相见或彼此对立不和睦),参辰,参卯,参酉(“辰星”即商星,参星酉时现于西方,辰星卯时出于东方;喻互不相关或势不两立)。 中药名: name of traditional Chinese medicine. 例: 人参,党参。 参 1. 星名,二十八宿之一: Star name, one of the twenty-eight lunar mansions. 2. 人参、党参的通称: general term for ginseng and codonopsis. 〔参差(cī)〕长短不齐,如“参差不齐”、“参差错落”: uneven, as in "unevenly arranged". 參 cēn 另见 cān; shēn: See also cān; shēn. 參 sān 通“叁”。即三: to refer to the character meaning "three". 另见 cān; shēn; cēn: See also cān; shēn; cēn.
cān guān
to look around / to tour / to visit
cān kǎo
consultation / reference / to consult / to refer
cān yì yuàn
senate / upper chamber (of legislative assembly)
cān shù
cān sài
to compete / to take part in a competition
cān móu zhǎng
chief of staff
cān móu
staff officer / to give advice
cān jiàn
to refer to / see also / compare (cf.) / to pay respect to
cān zàn
diplomatic officer / attache
cān jūn
to join the army
cān zhàn
to go to war / to engage in war
cān zhào
to consult a reference / to refer to (another document)
rén shēn
hǎi shēn
sea cucumber
zǒng cān móu zhǎng
(military) Chief of Staff
cān zhǎn
to exhibit at or take part in a trade show etc
cān zhèng
to be involved in politics / participation in politics
cān hé
to accuse / to impeach / (in imperial China) to level charges against an official
cēn cī
uneven / jagged / snaggletooth / ragged / serrated
cān wù
to comprehend (the nature of things etc) / to achieve enlightenment
cān bài
to formally call on / to worship (a God) / to pay homage to sb
cān jiā
to participate / to take part / to join
cān chán
to practice Chan Buddhist meditation / to practice Zen meditation / to sit in meditation
jǐn gōng cān kǎo
for reference only
cān yù zhě
cān yè
to visit / to pay one's respects to (a revered figure etc) / to pay homage (at a tomb etc)
cān yù
to participate (in sth)
cān dǔ
Participate in gambling
cān shù chuán dì
parameter passing
cān zhuó
to consider (a matter) / to deliberate
cān yuè
to consult / to refer to / to read (instructions)
cēn cī bù qí
unevenly matched (idiom); scraggly / jagged

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Input Method for
Pinyin can1
Four Corner
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