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政 stroke order animation

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Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 政
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 政
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Meaning of

Pinyin zhèng
political / politics / government
政 [zhèng] 1. Governance of national affairs. 治理国家事务。 2. The business managed by a department of the state. 国家某一部门主管的业务。 3. Affairs in family or collective life. 家庭或集体生活中的事务。 4. A surname. 姓。 动 [verb] 1. To correct, to rectify. 同本义 ([En.] correct) 引 [quotation/references] 1. 《说文》: 政,正也。 2. 政者,有所改更匡正。——《论语·有政》马注 3. 必从上之政下。——《墨子·天志上》 例 [examples] 1. 政本 (the fundamentals of governance). 2. 政主 (the ruler). 3. 政官 (officials managing military and political affairs). 名 [noun] 1. Politics; political affairs. 政治;政事 ([En.] politics; political affairs) 引 [quotation/references] 1. 其政不获。——《诗·大雅·皇矣》 2. 使帅其属而掌邦政。——《周礼·夏官》 3. 掌邦政。——《吕氏春秋·察今》 例 [examples] 1. 政化 (politics and education). 2. 政地 (the place for managing political affairs). 2. Certain administrative aspects of government. 国家某一部门主管的业务 ([En.] certain administrative aspects of government). 例 [examples] 1. 民政; 邮政; 财政. 3. Affairs of a family or an organization. 指家庭或团体的事务 ([En.] affairs of a family or an organization). 例 [examples] 1. 家政; 校政. 4. Policy; decree; edict. 政策;法令 ([En.] policy; decree; edict). 引 [quotation/references] 1. 先王之政。——《王安石《答司马谏议书》 例 [examples] 1. 政刑 (governing orders and punishments). 5. Official; person in charge. 官长; 主事者 ([En.] official). 6. In ancient sayings, each official term represented one governance period. 旧说做官一任为一政 ([En.] post). 例 [examples] 1. 历官七政. 7. State political power. 政权 ([En.] state political power). 引 [quotation/references] 1. 州吁果杀其君而夺之政。——《韩非子·内储说下》 8. Strategy; tactics. 策略 ([En.] tactics). 名 [noun] 1. 通“征”(zhēng). 2. Go on a punitive expedition. 征伐 ([En.] go on a punitive expedition). 3. Levy. 征税 ([En.] levy). 4. 另见 zhèng. 另见 zhèng.
chuí lián tīng zhèng
lit. to govern from behind the curtain / to rule in place of the emperor (idiom)
xiàn zhèng fǔ
county administration / county regional government
cān zhèng
to be involved in politics / participation in politics
zhèng biàn
coup d'état
zhèng tán
political circles
xíng zhèng qū yù
administrative area
zhèng wěi
political commissar (within the army)
zhèng zhì wěi yuán
political commissar (during Russian and Chinese communist revolutions)
shì zhèng tīng
city hall
qín zhèng
běn háng zhèng qū yù
This administrative area
xíng zhèng qū
administrative district
Zhèng Xié
CPPCC (Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference) / abbr. of 中國人民政治協商會議|中国人民政治协商会议[Zhong1 guo2 Ren2 min2 Zheng4 zhi4 Xie2 shang1 Hui4 yi4]
zhèng kè
xiàn zhèng
constitutional government
zhèng zhì jiā
statesman / politician / CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4],名[ming2]
guǎ tóu zhèng zhì
zhèng fǔ
government / CL:個|个[ge4]
zhèng zhì jú
zhèng jú
political situation
shì zhèng fǔ
city hall / city government
shěng zhèng fǔ
provincial government
zhōu zhèng fǔ
state government
zhí zhèng fǔ
Directoire Executif
zhèng fǔ bù mén
government sector
zhèng wù
government affairs
xíng zhèng qū huà
administrative subdivision
yú mín zhèng cè
obscurantism / policy of keeping the people in ignorance / obscurantist policy
Wù xū Zhèng biàn
coup by Dowager Empress Cixi 慈禧太后[Ci2 xi3 tai4 hou4] ending the 1898 attempt to reform the Qing dynasty
zhí zhèng
to hold power / in office
zhí zhèng zhě
zhí zhèng guān
consul (of the Roman Republic) / magistrate (chief administrator)
Zhuō zhèng yuán
Humble Administrator's Garden in Suzhou, Jiangsu
yōng zhèng ài mín
support the government and cherish the people
zhèng zhì
politics / political
dǎng zhèng
Party and government administration
zhí zhèng dǎng
ruling party / the party in power
shè zhèng wáng
shè zhèng
to act as regent
xíng zhèng
administrative / executive (attributive)
cái zhèng
finances (public) / financial
zhèng cè
policy / CL:個|个[ge4]
mín zhèng
civil administration
zhèng quán
regime / political power
zhèng zhì bù
political division / cadre department
bào zhèng
tyranny / despotic rule
cháo zhèng
affairs of state / the political situation and power of an imperial government
zhèng zhì quán lì
political rights
zhèng bǐng
at the helm of state / political power / regime
殿 qín zhèng diàn
hall of diligent government
zhèng zhì jīng jì xué
political economy
ào mén tè bié xíng zhèng qū
Macao Special Administrative Region / Macau S.A.R
zhèng qǐ
government enterprise
zhèng dǎng
political party / CL:個|个[ge4]
zhèng zhì fàn
political prisoner
yóu zhèng biān mǎ
postal code / zip code
xiāng zhèng fǔ
township government
zhèng cè xìng
zhèng gāng
political program / platform
zhèng jì
(political) achievements / track record
xíng zhèng gōng shǔ
administrative office
zhèng tǐ
form of government / system of government
zhuān zhèng
kē zhèng
tyranny / harsh government / oppressive government / tyrannical government
nüè zhèng
tyranny / tyrannical government
xíng zhèng sù sòng
administrative proceeding / administrative litigation / administrative procedure
xíng zhèng sù sòng fǎ
administrative procedure law / administrative litigation act
cái zhèng bù zhǎng
minister of finance
yóu zhèng
postal service / postal
fǔ zhèng
bāng zhèng fǔ
State government

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