Learn to write the Chinese character "政" by watching the stroke order animation of "政".
Stroke by Stroke: 政 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '政' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
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政 [zhèng]
1. Governance of national affairs.
2. The business managed by a department of the state.
3. Affairs in family or collective life.
4. A surname.
动 [verb]
1. To correct, to rectify.
同本义 ([En.] correct)
引 [quotation/references]
1. 《说文》: 政,正也。
2. 政者,有所改更匡正。——《论语·有政》马注
3. 必从上之政下。——《墨子·天志上》
例 [examples]
1. 政本 (the fundamentals of governance).
2. 政主 (the ruler).
3. 政官 (officials managing military and political affairs).
名 [noun]
1. Politics; political affairs.
政治;政事 ([En.] politics; political affairs)
引 [quotation/references]
1. 其政不获。——《诗·大雅·皇矣》
2. 使帅其属而掌邦政。——《周礼·夏官》
3. 掌邦政。——《吕氏春秋·察今》
例 [examples]
1. 政化 (politics and education).
2. 政地 (the place for managing political affairs).
2. Certain administrative aspects of government.
国家某一部门主管的业务 ([En.] certain administrative aspects of government).
例 [examples]
1. 民政; 邮政; 财政.
3. Affairs of a family or an organization.
指家庭或团体的事务 ([En.] affairs of a family or an organization).
例 [examples]
1. 家政; 校政.
4. Policy; decree; edict.
政策;法令 ([En.] policy; decree; edict).
引 [quotation/references]
1. 先王之政。——《王安石《答司马谏议书》
例 [examples]
1. 政刑 (governing orders and punishments).
5. Official; person in charge.
官长; 主事者 ([En.] official).
6. In ancient sayings, each official term represented one governance period.
旧说做官一任为一政 ([En.] post).
例 [examples]
1. 历官七政.
7. State political power.
政权 ([En.] state political power).
引 [quotation/references]
1. 州吁果杀其君而夺之政。——《韩非子·内储说下》
8. Strategy; tactics.
策略 ([En.] tactics).
名 [noun]
1. 通“征”(zhēng).
2. Go on a punitive expedition.
征伐 ([En.] go on a punitive expedition).
3. Levy.
征税 ([En.] levy).
4. 另见 zhèng.
另见 zhèng.
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