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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

府 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

府 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 府
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 府
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Meaning of

prefecture / mansion
府 [fǔ] 名 1. 储藏文书或财物的地方:repository 2. 旧时封建贵族和官僚的主宅,泛指一般人的住宅:mansion; official residence 3. 中国唐代至清代的行政区域名,等级在县和省之间:prefecture 4. 国家行政机关:government agency; seat of government 5. 古同“腑”,脏腑:internal organs of human body; viscera 引 1. 《说文》:府,文书藏也。 2. 《淮南子·时则》:开府库,出币帛。 3. 《礼记·曲礼》:在府言府。 4. 《史记·项羽本纪》:籍吏民,封府库,而待将军。 5. 《汉书·匈奴传》:以问公卿,亦以为虚费府帑。 6. 清·洪亮吉《治平篇》:遇有水旱疾疫,则开仓廪悉府库以赈之。 例 又如: 府室(国家书库); 府库(官府储存财物、兵甲的仓库); 府实(府库中的财物); 府帑(国库;国库所藏的金帛); 府钱(府库的钱财) 动 1. 通“俯”。屈身,低头,与“仰”相对:bow one's head 引 1. 《列子·周穆王》:王府而视之,其宫榭若累块积苏焉。 例 又如: 府然(屈身、低头的样子)
xiàn zhèng fǔ
county administration / county regional government
fǔ yǐn
magistrate / prefect
zōng rén fǔ
Clan mansion
guān fǔ
authorities / feudal official
Kāi fēng fǔ
Kaifeng as the capital of Northern Song dynasty
zhèng fǔ
government / CL:個|个[ge4]
mù fǔ
(orig.) tents forming the offices of a commanding officer / administration of a military government / (medieval Japan) "bakufu", administration of the shogun
Tiān fǔ
Heavenly province (epithet of Sichuan, esp. area around Chengdu) / land of plenty
xué fǔ
educational establishment
shì zhèng fǔ
city hall / city government
shěng zhèng fǔ
provincial government
zhī fǔ
prefectural magistrate (during Tang to Qing times)
shǒu fǔ
capital city of an autonomous region
zhōu zhèng fǔ
state government
dū du fǔ
Dudu Mansion
zǒng tǒng fǔ
presidential palace
xué fǔ lù
Xuefu Road
zhōu fǔ
autonomous prefecture center / state capital
zhí zhèng fǔ
Directoire Executif
zhèng fǔ bù mén
government sector
fǔ shàng
(polite) your home / residence
xiàn fǔ
county government
gōng wáng fǔ
Prince Gong Mansion
míng fǔ
underworld / hell
zǒng dū fǔ
governor's palace
xiāng zhèng fǔ
township government
fǔ chóu
poplin (cotton cloth used for shirts)
jīng nán fǔ
Jingnan Prefecture
bāng zhèng fǔ
State government
fǔ dǐ
mansion house / official residence

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Input Method for
Pinyin fu3
Four Corner
Stroke Number Category
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