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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

官 stroke order animation

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Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

官 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 官
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 官
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Meaning of

Pinyin guān
official / government
官 [guān] [名] 【本义】: 官吏,官员 1. 在政府担任职务的人: official; officeholder - 例: 文官; 武官; 京官; 地方官; 清官; 贪官; 军官; 教官. 2. 属于国家的或公家的: government; public - 例: 官办; 官费; 官方; 官府. 3. 生物体上有特定机能的部分: organ - 例: 感官; 器官; 五官. 4. 姓: surname. 5. 官府(政府机关) ([En.] government) 6. 通“馆”。房舍,馆舍 ([En.] house) 7. 官场,官吏阶层及其活动范围 ([En.] officialdom) 8. 古时用以称天子 ([En.] emperor) 9. 官职,职位 ([En.] government position) 官 [guān] [形] 1. 属于国家、政府或公家的 ([En.] government-owned; government-sponsored; official) - 例: 官街; 官地; 官会子; 官银; 官仓. 2. 公; 公有。与“私”相对 ([En.] public) 官 [guān] [动] 1. 当官,作官 ([En.] be an official) - 例: 官兴; 官声; 官照; 官常. 2. 做官做到 ([En.] reach the rank of) - 例: 官至户部郎中; 官居方面. 3. 通“管”(guǎn)。管制,管理 ([En.] control; manage)
guān yuán
official (in an organization or government) / administrator
guān si
lawsuit / CL:場|场[chang2]
tān guān wū lì
grasping officials, corrupt mandarins (idiom); abuse and corruption
làn guān wū lì
covetous and corrupt officers
qì guān
organ (part of body tissue) / apparatus
zhǎng guān
senior official / senior officer / commanding officer / CL:位[wei4] / sir (term of address for senior officer)
guān fāng
government / official (approved or issued by an authority)
guān jiā
emperor / government / official
guān zhí
an official position / a job in the bureaucracy
guān fǔ
authorities / feudal official
fǎ guān
wén wǔ bǎi guān
civil and military officials
huàn guān
court eunuch
jǐng guān
constable / police officer
wén guān
civil official
guān huà
"officialese" / bureaucratic language / Mandarin
wǔ guān
military official / military attaché
guān shǔ
official institution / state bureau
guān huàn
functionary / official
jiǎn chá guān
public prosecutor / public procurator (judicial officer whose job may involve both criminal investigation and public prosecution)
tǔ sī guān zhài
Tusi Guanzhai
guān lì
bureaucrat / official
fù guān
pàn guān
magistrate (during Tang and Song dynasties) / mythological underworld judge
shěn pàn guān
zhí xíng guān
bailiff / executive officer
zhí zhèng guān
consul (of the Roman Republic) / magistrate (chief administrator)
zhǐ huī guān
jūn guān
officer (military)
guān jūn
official army government army
guān bīng
officers and men
zuò guān
to take an official post / to become a government employee
guān liáo zhǔ yì
guān liáo zī běn
bureaucrat capital / bureaucratic capital
guān liáo zī běn zhǔ yì
bureaucrat capitalism
guān liáo huà
guān liáo zhǔ yì zhě
guān bīng men
Officers and soldiers
guān jué
official ranking / titles and honors
mài guān yù jué
sell offices and barter ranks / raise money by selling official titles / sell official posts for a consideration / sell ranks and titles
gǒu guān
Dog officer
guān liáo
bureaucrat / bureaucracy / bureaucratic
guān yáo
Guanware / official ware
guān shēn
Official gentry
bà guān
to dismiss from office / to resign from office
zhí guān
officials / civilian official
diū guān
(of an official) to lose one's job
zhī ma guān
low ranking official / petty bureaucrat
guān xián
title / official rank
guān yá
yamen / yamun
tān guān
corrupt official / grasping functionary / greedy mandarin
zāng guān
corrupt official
guān dǐ
official residence
guān bī mín fǎn
a government official drives the people to revolt (idiom); a minister provokes a rebellion by exploiting the people
xīn wén guān
Press officer
guān jiē
official rank

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Input Method for
Pinyin guan1
Four Corner
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