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Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

密 stroke order animation

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密 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 密
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 密
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Meaning of

secret / confidential / close / thick / dense
密 [mì] 1. Dense, small gaps, opposite to "稀" (xī) and "疏" (shū). 2. Close relationship, good feelings. 3. Not public, matters that are not open. 4. Exquisite, detailed. 5. A surname. 1. Dense, small gaps, opposite to "稀" (xī) and "疏" (shū): tight密, thick密, lush密, strict严密,密封, thin布, densely集, densely匝匝, tightly prepared (e.g., "紧锣密鼓"). 2. Close relationship, good feelings: 密友 (close friend), 密亲 (intimate). 3. Not public, matters that are not open: 秘密 (secret), 保密 (keep secret), 密谋 (plot secretly), 密电 (secret telegram), 密报 (secret report), 密使 (secret envoy), 密信 (secret letter), 密诏 (secret edict), 密旨 (secret message), 密探 (secret agent). 4. Exquisite, detailed: 精密 (precise), 细密 (fine), 细致 (delicate), 密实 (dense and solid). 5. A surname. 密 [mì] 名 (Noun) 本义: Shape resembling a mountain resembling a hall. 造字法: Phonetic-semantic compound, consisting of "山" (mountain) and the phonetic element "宓" (mì). 1. Same original meaning (meaning many hills) (En: hill resembling a hall). 引: 1 《说文》: 密,山如堂者. 2 《尸子》: 松柏之鼠,不知堂密之有美枞. 2. Concealed place (En: concealed place). 引: 1 《礼记·少仪》: 不窥密. 注: “隐曲处也.” 3. Surname. 密 [mì] 形 (Adjective) 1. Used in place of "比". Dense; close; numerous (En: dense; close; numerous). 引: 1 《增韵》: 密,稠也,疏之对也. 2 《易·小畜卦》: 密云不雨. 3 《国语·晋语八》: 加密石焉. 4 《左传·文公十七年》: 以陈楚之密迩于楚. 5 宋·沈括《梦溪笔谈·活板》: 密布字印. 6 清·龚自珍《病梅馆记》: 密则无态. 例: 文理有疏密; 斫直删密; 密札札,密匝匝; 密茂; 密茫茫; 密茸茸; 密丛丛. 2. Close; intimate; (En: close; intimate). 引: 1 《三国志·诸葛亮传》: 情好日密. 2 陆机《叹逝赋序》: 昵交密友,亦不半在. 例: 密近; 密坐. 3. Secret; concealed; discreet; (En: secret). 引: 1 《宣和殿荔枝》: 密移造化出闽山,禁御新栽荔枝丹. 2 唐·李朝威《柳毅传》: 密通洞庭. 3 清·梁启超《谭嗣同传》: 密奏请皇上. 例: 宦人密侍; 出密诏示之; 荣禄密谋; 奉有密诏; 密章; 密启; 密揭; 密幄; 密诏. 4. Tight (En: tightly connected). 引: 1 柳宗元《种树郭橐驼传》: 其土欲故,其筑欲密. 5. Stable; quiet (En: stable; quiet). 引: 1 《诗·周颂·昊天有成命》: 成王不敢康,夙夜基命宥密. 2 《尔雅·释诂》: 密,静也. 3 《书·舜典》: 四海遏密八音. 4 《诗·大雅·公刘》: 止旅乃密. 5 《文选·张衡·东京赋》: 京室密清. 例: 密如; 密清. 6. Deep (En: deep). 例: 密恩; 密深; 密款. 7. Precise; well-conceived (En: precise; well-conceived). 引: 1 辛弃疾《美芹十论》: 古之为国者,甚虑敌深,其防患密. 2 曹丕《典论论文》: 刘桢壮而不密. 3 《管子·内业》: 凡道必周密. 例: 密心; 密巧; 密石; 密要; 密科. 8. Tacit; silent (En: tacit; silent). 引: 1 《庄子·达生》: 公密而不应. 密 [mì] 动 (Verb) 1. Approach; be close to (En: approach; be close to). 引: 1 《左传·襄公三年》: 以敝邑介在东表,密迩仇雠,寡君将君是望. 2. Seal; close down (En: seal; close down). 例: 密固; 密迹; 密椟.
Hā mì
Kumul city in Xinjiang (Chinese: Hami)
mì zā zā
Close turn
mì shì
a room for keeping sth hidden / secret room / hidden chamber
mì dù
density / thickness
mì mì
secret / CL:個|个[ge4]
jǐn mì
inseparably close
mì mǎ
secret code / ciphertext / password / PIN
mì jí
concentrated / crowded together / intensive / compressed
jī mì
secret / classified (information)
mì bù
to cover densely
mì fēng
to seal up
jīng mì
accuracy / exact / precise / refined
zhōng mì dù
medium density
chóu mì
mào mì
dense (of plant growth) / lush
mì lín
mì mi má má
numerous and close together / densely packed / thickly dotted / thick / dense
shū mì yuàn
privy council
mì qiè
close / familiar / intimate / closely (related) / to foster close ties / to pay close attention
mì zhǐ
Secret order
Mì tè lǎng
使 shū mì shǐ
Privy envoy
mì mi zā zā
thick / concentrated / dense
bǎo mì
to keep sth confidential / to maintain secrecy
Mì xiē gēn
Michigan, US state
Mì xiē gēn zhōu
Michigan, US state
Mì xiē gēn Hú
Lake Michigan, one of the Great Lakes 五大湖[Wu3 da4 hu2]
xiè mì
to leak secrets
nóng mì
thick / murky
shè mì
secret-related / secrecy-involved
shū mì
density / spacing
qīn mì
intimate / close
Mì yún
Miyun town and county in Beijing
rén yān chóu mì
densely populated / a densely populated locality / crowded with people / It is quite a busy place. / thickly peopled
zhěn mì
meticulous / careful / deliberate / delicate / fine (texture)
mián mì
detailed / meticulous / fine and careful
mì àn
yán mì
strict / tight (organization, surveillance etc)
mì zhào
secret imperial edict
xiáng mì
detailed / meticulous
Mài ā mì
Miami (Florida)
mì yào
secret key
jǐn luó mì gǔ
wildly beating gongs and drums / (amid) a din of drums and gongs / intense publicity campaign in preparation for some sinister undertaking, etc.
mì luó jǐn gǔ
wildly beating gongs and drums / a din of drums and gongs / intense publicity campaign in preparation for some sinister undertaking / intense preparation
mì bì
sealed / airtight

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