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Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

烟 stroke order animation

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烟 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 烟
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 烟
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Meaning of

Pinyin yān、 yīn、 yú
cigarette / tobacco / smoke
xī yān
to smoke
Yān tái
Yantai prefecture level city in Shandong
yān yè
leaf tobacco
yān cōng
bí yān hú
snuff bottle
yān hú
Smoke pot
juǎn yān
cigarette / cigar
yān chén
smoke and dust / air pollution
yān pì gu
cigarette butt
yān mù dàn
smoke bomb
yān mù
smokescreen / fig. a diversion
xiāo yān mí màn
A cloud of smoke floated over (the battlefield).
yān wù mí màn
be wreathed in mist / be permeated with thick fog and smoke / filled with smoke / full of smoke / The air was filled with smoke.
jiè yān
to give up smoking
chōu yān
to smoke (a cigarette, tobacco)
mào yān
to discharge smoke / to fume with rage
hàn yān
tobacco (smoked in a long-stemmed pipe)
hàn yān dài
long-stemmed Chinese pipe
shài yān
sun-cured tobacco
nóng yān
thick smoke
hào rú yān hǎi
vast as the open sea (idiom); fig. extensive (library)
yān bō hào miǎo
a wide expanse of mist-covered waters / (be) a vast expanse of water / mists and ripples -- river scenery / Mists and waves stretch far into the distance.
chuī yān
smoke from kitchen chimneys
yān cǎo
yān bō hào miǎo
Yan Bo vast
yī liù yān
like a wisp of smoke / (to disappear etc) in an instant
huī fēi yān miè
lit. scattered ashes and dispersed smoke (idiom) / fig. to be annihilated / to vanish in a puff of smoke
chuī yān niǎo niǎo
smoke curling up from kitchen chimneys / Smoke from the kitchen chimney wreathed over the cottage. / smoke spiraling from kitchens / Somke is spiralling upward from kitchens chimneys.
yān wù
smoke / mist / vapor / smog / fumes
xiāo yān
smoke (from guns)
xiāng yān
cigarette / smoke from burning incense / CL:支[zhi1],條|条[tiao2]
yān huǒ
smoke and fire / fireworks
zhǐ yān
yān dài
tobacco pipe
kǎo yān
flue-cured tobacco / tobacco for flue-curing
fēng yān
fire beacon (used as alarm signal over long distance)
yān yàn
Smoke flame
wú yān méi
yān méi
bitumite / bituminite / boghead / soft coal / bituminous coal
yān xūn huǒ liǎo
smoke and baking fire (idiom); surrounded by flames and smoke
yān yǐn
the urge to smoke / tobacco addiction
yān hé
cigarette case
yān jiǎn
variant of 菸鹼|菸碱[yan1 jian3] / nicotine
yān xiāo yún sàn
to vanish like smoke in thin air / to disappear
rén yān xī shǎo
no sign of human habitation (idiom); desolate
rén yān chóu mì
densely populated / a densely populated locality / crowded with people / It is quite a busy place. / thickly peopled
qī qiào shēng yān
lit. spouting smoke through the seven orifices (idiom) / fig. to seethe with anger
yān tong
chimney / stovepipe / smokestack
yì yān jǐng
isoniazide / retozide
yān huī gāng
yān gāng
wū yān zhàng qì
billowing smoke (idiom) / foul atmosphere / (fig.) murky atmosphere / in a turmoil
yān dì
cigarette butt
shuǐ yān dài
water bong / water pipe / hookah
yān guō
smoke pan
yān yǔ
misty rain / drizzle
yān xiá

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Input Method for
Pinyin yan1
Four Corner
Stroke Number Category
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