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烛 stroke order animation

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Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 烛
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 烛
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Meaning of

Pinyin zhú
烛 燭 zhú 名词 【本义】: 古代照明用的火炬 [Original meaning]: A torch used for illumination in ancient times. 1. 同本义 ([En.] torch) [Same as original meaning]: torch 引用: 1. 《说文》:烛,庭燎大烛也。 按,燋也。未爇曰燋,执之曰日烛,树地曰庭燎。苇薪为之,小者麻蒸为之。 [Example from "Shuowen Jiezi"]: A candle is a large candle used in the courtyard. When it is not burning, it is called a "燋". When held, it is called "日烛", and when placed in the ground, it is called "庭燎". It is made of reed with smaller ones made from steamed hemp. 2. 《仪礼·燕礼》:执烛于西阶上。 [Example from "Yili"]: Holding a candle on the western steps. 3. 《周礼·司烜氏》:共坟烛庭燎。 注:“树于门外,曰大庭燎。” [Example from "Zhouli"]: Together, they hold the candles at the graveyard. Note: "placed outside the door, it is called '大庭燎'." 4. 《礼记·曲礼》:独不见跋。 [Example from "Liji"]: Alone, he did not see the prints. 5. 火在地曰燎,执之曰烛。——《仪礼·士丧礼》注 [Example from "Yili"]: When fire is on the ground, it is called "燎", and when held, it is called "烛". 6. 《韩非子·外储说左上》:举烛者,尚明也。 [Example from "Hanfeizi"]: The one who holds the candle is still bright. 7. 《古诗十九首·生年不满百》:昼短苦夜长,何不秉烛游? [Example from "Nineteen Ancient Poems"]: The days are short and the nights long, why not hold a candle and enjoy? 8. 陆游《雪夜感旧》:江月亭前桦烛香,龙门阁上驮声长。 [Example from Lu You’s "Old Feelings on a Snowy Night"]: The fragrance of the birch candle in front of the Jiangyue Pavilion, the sound from Longmen Pavilion lingers long. 又如: 烛火(火炬,火把);烛炬(指火炬或蜡烛) [For example]: 烛火 (torch), 烛炬 (referring to torch or candle) 2. 蜡烛(始于唐代) ([En.] candle) [Candle (originating in the Tang Dynasty)] 引用: 1. 李白《同族弟金城尉叔卿烛照山水壁画歌》:高堂粉壁图蓬瀛,烛前一见沧洲清。 [Example from Li Bai]: In the tall hall with powder wall paintings of Pengying, one can see the clear Cangzhou before the candle. 2. 李商隐《夜饮》:烛分歌扇泪,雨送酒船香。 [Example from Li Shangyin]: The candle divides the song fan tears, while the rain sends the aroma of wine boat. 3. 杜牧《初冬夜饮》:淮阳多病偶求欢,客袖侵霜与烛盘。 [Example from Du Mu]: In Huaiyang, many are ill, so I occasionally seek joy, as the frost invades the guest’s sleeve and the candle tray. 又如: 烛信 (插蜡烛用的签子);烛奴 (雕刻成人形的烛台;泛指一般烛台);烛心 (蜡烛中心用以点火的灯草、纱线等) [For example]: 烛信 (a stick used to insert candles), 烛奴 (a candle holder carved in human form; generally refers to a candle holder), 烛心 (the wick of a candle used for lighting) 3. 姓 [Surname] 动词 1. 照;照亮 ([En.] illuminate) [Illuminate, to light up] 引用: 1. 《韩非子·内储说上》:夫日,兼烛天下。 [Example from Hanfeizi]: The sun illuminates the world. 2. 《儒林外史》:望见青枫城里火光烛天。 [Example from "Rulin waishi"]: I can see the firelight illuminating the sky in Qingfeng City. 3. 《史记·鲁仲连邹阳列传》:名高天下而光烛邻国。 [Example from "Shiji"]: His name is well-known throughout the world and illuminates neighboring states. 4. 清·姚鼐《登泰山记》:明烛南天。 [Example from Yao Nai’s "Climbing Mount Tai"]: The light illuminates the southern sky. 又如: 烛银(精光闪耀的银子);烛天(照耀天空)烛明(照亮);烛夜(照亮黑夜);烛幽(照亮昏暗);烛远(光照远方);烛临(由上向下照射) [For example]: 烛银 (glimmering silver), 烛天 (illuminating the sky), 烛明 (to light up), 烛夜 (to illuminate the night), 烛幽 (to brighten up the darkness), 烛远 (light up the distance), 烛临 (to shine down from above) 2. 洞察 ([En.] understand thoroughly) [To understand thoroughly] 引用: 1. 《韩非子·孤愤》:智术之士,必远见而明察,不明察,不能烛私。 [Example from Hanfeizi]: A wise person must have foresight and keen insight; without insight, one cannot see through deceit. 又如: 烛知 (明察洞悉);烛物 (明察事物);烛微 (观察入微);烛察 (明察,洞察);烛鉴 (明鉴,明察) [For example]: 烛知 (to see through), 烛物 (to observe things), 烛微 (to observe in detail), 烛察 (to investigate thoroughly), 烛鉴 (to distinguish clearly).
là zhú
candle / CL:根[gen1],支[zhi1]
zhú guāng
candle light / candle-lit (vigil etc) / candela, unit of luminous intensity (cd)
zhú huǒ
candle flame
zhú tái
candlestick / candle holder
xiāng zhú
joss stick and candle
hóng zhú
red candle (used during birthdays and other celebrations)
dòng fáng huā zhú
bridal room and ornamented candles / wedding festivities (idiom)
huǒ zhú
fire and candles / household things that burn
zhú zhào
illuminate / light up
bǐng zhú
variant of 炳燭|炳烛[bing3 zhu2]
huā zhú
fancy candles lit in the bridal chamber at wedding
fēng zhú cán nián
one's late days / to have one foot in the grave
zhú yǐng
Candle shadow
huǒ guāng zhú tiān
Fire day
dà yáng zhú
White candlestick
zhú huā
sōng zhú
Song Candle
zhú lèi
drop of melted wax that runs down the side of a candle
dòng zhú
Hole candle

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