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Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

炀 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

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炀 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 炀
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 炀
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Meaning of

Pinyin yàng、 yáng
molten / smelt
炀 煬 yáng 1. 熔化金属。 (Melt metals.) 2. 火旺。 (Fire is strong.) 3. 烘干,烤火。 (Drying out and warming by fire.) 4. 古代谥法,去礼远众称“炀”。 (In ancient posthumous naming practice, to name someone "炀" meant to be distant from ceremonies and the public.) 煬 yáng 〈动〉 1. 熔炼金属 (Melt metals.) 引: 宋·沈括《梦溪笔谈·活板》:以一铁范…密布字印…持就火炀之。 (Song Dynasty, Shen Kuo, "Dream Pool Essays": Using an iron mold... densely covered with printed characters... holding it to the fire to melt.) 2. 另见 yàng (Also see yàng.) 煬 yàng 〈动〉 【本义】:烘烤 (Original meaning: roast.) 【造字法】:形声。从火,昜( yáng )声。 (Character formation: phonetic compound, the radical is fire, and the phonetic component is 昜 (yáng).) 1. 同本义 (Roast.) 引: 《庄子》:古者民不知衣服,夏多积薪,冬则炀之。 (Zhuangzi: In ancient times, people did not know clothing; they accumulated firewood in summer and roasted it in winter.) 2. 向火(取暖);烤火 (Warm oneself by fire.) 引: 《说文》:炀,炙燥也。 (Shuowen Jiezi: 炀 means to roast and dry.) 引: 《淮南子》:冬则羊裘解札,短褐不掩形而炀灶口。 (Huainanzi: In winter, sheep wool is untied, short clothes don't cover the body while warming by the stove.) 引: 《战国策》:若灶则不然,前之人炀,则后之人无从见也。 (Strategies of the Warring States: If the stove is not this way, those before who heated would not be seen by those after.) 3. 炊 (Cook.) 例: 如:炀者(灶下烧火的人);炀器(炉灶) (Example: e.g., 炀者 (the one who cooks at the stove); 炀器 (the stove).) 4. 遮蔽,蒙蔽,挡住 (Cover.) 例: 如:炀没(湮没,消失);炀蔽(遮瞒;遮蔽) (Example: e.g., 炀没 (to become lost or disappear); 炀蔽 (to conceal or cover).) 煬 yàng 〈形〉 1. 炽热 (Hot.) 引: 汉·东方朔《七谏》:观天火之炎炀兮,听大壑之波声。 (Han Dynasty, Dongfang Shuo "Seven admonitions": Observing the flames of the heavenly fire, listening to the waves of the great valley.) 例: 又如:炀火(烈火);炀旱(炎热干旱);炀炀(火盛的样子);炀和(融和;暖和) (Example: e.g., 炀火 (blazing fire); 炀旱 (hot and dry); 炀炀 (appearance of fierce fire); 炀和 (warm and harmonious).) 2. 另见 yáng (Also see yáng.)
yáng dì
Emperor Yang

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Input Method for
Pinyin yang4
Four Corner
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