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Stroke by Stroke: 養 Writing Order
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give birth / keep (pets) / to support / to bring sb. up / to raise (pig, etc.)
1. To take care of; to nurture.
Example: "Nurture" ("撫養"), "support the people" ("養民").
《禮記•大學》: “未有學養子,而後嫁者也。”
《史記• 卷一一二•主父偃傳》: “百姓靡敝,孤寡老弱不能相養。”
2. To cultivate plants or raise animals.
Example: "Cultivate orchids" ("養蘭"), "raise chickens" ("養雞").
《周禮•夏官•圉人》: “圉人,當養馬芻牧之事。”
3. To refine one's character.
Example: "Cultivate one's character" ("修養品德").
《孟子•盡心下》: “養心莫善於寡欲。”
4. To teach; to educate.
Example: "The protector teaches the state sons by the Way" ("養國子以道").
《漢書•卷八十八•儒林傳•序》: “或言孔子布衣,養徒三千人。”
5. To treat; to nurse.
Example: "Nourish health" ("調養"), "beautify" ("養顏"), "recover from illness" ("養病").
《儒林外史•第五回》: “再折些須銀子給他養那打壞了的腿。”
6. To increase; to promote.
Example: "Private desires nourish pursuits" ("私欲養求").
《孔穎達•正義》: “私有所欲,長養其情,求物共之,民不共給,則應之以罪。”
7. To uphold; to maintain.
Example: "The dragon flag's nine banners are to uphold trust" ("養信也").
《荀子•禮論》: “龍旗九斿,所以養信也。”
8. Surname. For instance, during the Spring and Autumn period, there was a person from the State of Chu named 養由基.
養 (continued)
Basic meaning: To support or provide for.
造字法: Phonetic-ideographic compound; composed of food (食) and sheep sound (羊).
1. To support; to provide for; to nurture.
供養,奉養;撫育 ([En.] support; provide for)
2. To raise or breed.
飼養 ([En.] raise)
Example: "Raise chickens" ("養雞").
3. To give birth to.
生育 ([En.] give birth to)
4. To cultivate; to foster.
培養,修養 ([En.] cultivate; foster)
Example: "Foster talent" ("養士").
5. To convalesce; to recuperate.
保養 ([En.] convalesce; recuperate)
Example: "Nourish the body" ("養身").
6. To treat; to nourish.
治,調養 ([En.] nourish)
Example: "Nourish a disease" ("養痾").
7. To cultivate and retain.
蓄養 ([En.] cultivate and retain)
Example: "Nourish minor ailments" ("養癰貽患").
8. To store up.
貯藏 ([En.] store up)
Example: "Store food" ("養羞").
9. To hide; to conceal.
隱,隱蔽 ([En.] hide)
Example: "Hide in obscurity" ("養晦").
1. Raised by non-birth parents.
由非親生父母的人養育的 ([En.] adoptive; foster)
Example: "Foster mother" ("養娘").
2. Equivalent to itching; a prickly sensation on the skin.
通「癢」。皮膚受刺激,產生欲搔的感覺 ([En.] itch; tickle)
Example: "Itchiness" ("養癢").
养 (continued)
Verb: The younger generation provides for the older generation.
【Phrase】:"Support parents" ("奉養父母").
宋·欧阳修: "Better to feed them thinly than to honor them with feasts."
Noun: The younger generation's support for the older generation.
《孟子.离娄下》: "Neglecting one's parents is filial impiety."
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