Learn to write the Chinese character "飢" by watching the stroke order animation of "飢".
Stroke by Stroke: 飢 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '飢' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '飢' Step-by-Step
Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '飢' through a video tutorial with a
calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the
Chinese Character '飢'. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and
practice writing together with pen and paper.
飢 jī
1. hungry; famishing; starving.
2. a term synonymous with "饑"; refers to disaster and famine; years of poor harvest where crops do not mature.
3. name of an ancient state located in the northeast of current Licheng County, Shanxi Province.
4. surname; also written as "饑".
1. 《說文》:飢,餓也。從食,幾聲。
2. 《詩·陳風·衡門》:可以樂飢。 箋:「飢者,不足於食也.」
3. 《韓非子·飾邪》:家有常業,雖飢不餓。
4. 漢· 賈誼《論積貯疏》:或受之飢。
5. 《資治通鑑》:操軍兼以飢疫。
又如: 飢火(飢餓難忍,如火燒於腹中); 飢殍(餓死的人。同餓莩); 飢驅(為飢餓所迫,出外奔波謀生); 飢火中燒(飢餓難忍。如火燒於腹中)
飢 jī
1. synonymous with "饑"; refers to disaster and years of poor harvest where crops do not mature.
1. 《韓非子·五蠹》:飢歲之春。
2. 《後漢書·張奮傳》:比年不登,人用飢匱。
2. name of an ancient state.
古國名。[En.] Ji state.
1. 《史記·殷本紀》:西伯伐 飢國,滅之。
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