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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

羁 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

羁 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 羁
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 羁
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Meaning of

halter / restrain
羁 (jī) 1. 马笼头 ([En.] bridle). - 马笼头:无羁之马 ([En.] a horse without a bridle). - 羁绁 ([En.] bridle and rein; metaphorically means to bind or restrain). 2. 束缚,拘束 ([En.] bind; restrain). - 羁押 ([En.] detain). - 羁绊 ([En.] hinder; fetter). - 羁缚 ([En.] tie up; bind). - 羁囚 ([En.] imprisoned). - 放荡不羁 ([En.] unrestrained and carefree). 3. 停留,使停留 ([En.] stay). - 羁旅 ([En.] reside for a long time in a foreign place). - 羁留 ([En.] remain). - 羁泊 ([En.] stay in a harbor). - 羁滞 ([En.] delay in staying). 4. 古代女孩留在头顶像马笼头的发型 ([En.] (hairdressing) a bun). Additional meanings and usages: - 同本义 ([En.] same original meaning: bridle). - 例句: 韩愈《汴泗交流赠张仆射》:红牛缨绂黄金羁 ([En.] A poetic line describing a decorative bridle). - 引申义 ([En.] extended meaning, e.g. for the hairstyle): 男角女羁 ([En.] boys wear their hair styled like horns, girls in a bun). - 例句: 羁角 ([En.] hairstyle for children; also known as 羁卯 or 羁贯). 动词用法 ([En.] verb usage): 1. 套上笼头 ([En.] fasten a bridle). - 引: 使麒麟可系而羈兮,岂云异夫犬羊 ([En.] quoted from Han dynasty's Jia Yi's poetry). 2. 系,捆绑; 束缚,拘束 ([En.] bind; restrain). - 引:仆少负不羈之才 ([En.] quoted from Sima Qian's "Letter to Ren An"). - 例句: 羈靡 ([En.] fettered); 羈梏 ([En.] restraint); 羈身 ([En.] bound by duties). 3. 拘系。引申为拘禁 ([En.] arrest). - 例句: 羈管 ([En.] detention; confinement). 4. 寄居; 旅寓 ([En.] lodge). - 引: 为羈终岁 ([En.] a line expressing a life of wandering). - 例句: 羈恨 ([En.] worries and sorrows of living away from home). 5. 停留 ([En.] stay). - 引: 不羈晷刻 ([En.] not restrained by time). - 例句: 羈泊 ([En.] staying in a foreign land).
jī yā
to detain / to take into custody / detention / imprisonment
luò tuò bù jī
be by nature unconventional and straight forward / not to be fettered by formalities and manners / throw restraint to the winds / lead a licentious life -- unconventional and unrestrained
jī mí
jī bàn
trammels / fetters / yoke / to restrain / to hinder / restraint
fàng dàng bù jī
wanton and unrestrained (idiom); dissolute
bù jī
unruly / uninhibited
jī lǚ
to live abroad / to be traveling / traveler
kuáng fàng bù jī
uninhibited / unruly / profligate and unrestrained / behave unbridledly / with abandon
jī liú
to stay / to detain
háo fàng bù jī
being vigorous and unrestrained / bold and unconstrained / bold and uninhibited / (of literature style) romantic and uncontrolled

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Input Method for
Pinyin ji1
Four Corner
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