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署 stroke order animation

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署 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 署
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 署
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Meaning of

Pinyin shǔ
office / bureau
署 [shǔ] (verb) 1. 办理公务的机关:指专门处理公务的机构。 Official bureau: Refers to an institution that specializes in handling official affairs. 2. 布置:指安排或配置某某事务。 Arrange: Refers to the arrangement or allocation of certain matters. 3. 签名,题字:指在文件或物品上签署自己的名字。 Sign: Refers to signing one's name on documents or objects. 4. 暂代:指暂时代理某一职务或工作。 Act as deputy: Refers to temporarily acting in a certain position or job. 署 [shǔ] (noun) 1. 公署; 官署。办理公务的机关。 Official bureau: Refers to an authority in charge of handling official affairs. 引: 1. 署,都署有所系属。 In "Shuowen Jiezi": The bureau has its dependencies. 2. 署,置也。 In "Guangya": Refers to placing or arranging. 3. 署位之表也。 In "Guoyu": Refers to expressing the position of the bureau. 4. 部署诸将。 In "Han Shu": Refers to the allocation of various generals. 例: - 部署(安排; 布置). - 署用(署理任用). - 署事(处理事务). - 署置(设置官署任用官吏). 引: 1. 吏呼名至史公,公瞿然注视,呈卷,即面署第一。 From Qing Dynasty: Official called the name of Shi Gong, and he looked up, presenting the document, immediately signing first. 2. 冯湲署曰“能”。 In "Strategies of the Warring States": Feng Yuan signed "able". 例: - 署笺(署名于章奏). - 署券(签署券约). - 署押(在文书上签名,押字). - 署榜(开列姓名,张榜示人). 引: 1. 署南平教谕。 In "Ming Shi": Acting as the educational commissioner of Nanping. 2. 太守宗资先闻其名,请署功曹,委任政事。 In "Hou Han Shu": The governor asked to appoint him as the chief of achievements and assign him administrative duties. 例: - 署印(代理官职). - 署任(暂摄原任). - 署缺(本官出缺,由他官暂代其职). - 署事(官员任职,以一年为期的叫署事; 代理管事). 署 [shǔ] (verb) 1. 布置、安排。如:「部署就绪」。 Arrange, as in "the arrangement is ready". 2. 签写、题写。如:「签署」、「署名」。 Write or sign, as in "signature" or "signing". 3. 暂代或试充某种职务。 Temporarily take or act in a certain position. 引自繁体辞典解释: 1. 署,官舍曰署。署使用于战国时期,常称官署,公署。 The bureau was referred to as a government office during the Warring States period, often called an official bureau. 2. 夫署,所以朝夕虞君命也。 The bureau is to attend to the commands morning and evening. 3. 宣帝即时召武待诏宦者署。 The emperor summoned Wu to await orders in the bureau. 4. 学士入署,常视日影为候。 Scholars entered the bureau, often paying attention to the shadow of the sun as they awaited. 例: - 署府(泛指官署). Bureau: A general term for official offices.
guān shǔ
official institution / state bureau
shěn jì shǔ
audit office / public accounts committee
qiān shǔ
to sign (an agreement)
bù shǔ
to dispose / to deploy / deployment
yá shǔ
government office in feudal China / yamen
xíng zhèng gōng shǔ
administrative office
gōng shǔ
government office
xíng shǔ
administrative office
shǔ míng
to sign (a signature)
shǔ zhǎng
zǒng shǔ
general office
shǔ lǐ
act as deputy / handle by proxy
chū bǎn shǔ
Publishing Agency
guī huà shǔ
planning department
zhuān shǔ
prefectural commissioner's office
huán jìng shǔ
Environment Agency
jì huà shǔ
Planning agency
jǐng shǔ
police station (abbr. for 警察署[jing3 cha2 shu3])
kāi fā shǔ
agency for development / development office
zhuān yuán gōng shǔ
Commissioner's office

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Pinyin shu3
Four Corner
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