Learn to write the Chinese character "恕" by watching the stroke order animation of "恕".
Stroke by Stroke: 恕 Writing Order
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恕 [shù]
1. To forgive; to be tolerant.
2. To empathize with others by imagining their feelings as one's own.
1. 原谅,宽容:
- 例子: 恕宥, 恕谅, 恕罪, 宽恕, 饶恕, 恕我直言.
- Translation: Forgive, pardon: examples include forgiving mistakes, being lenient, and allowing honest speech.
2. 以自己的心推想别人的心:
- 例子: 恕道, 忠恕.
- Translation: Empathizing with others: examples include the way of empathy and loyalty in understanding others.
- 名: 恕道,体谅.
- 字形结构: 形声。从心,如声.
1. 《说文》: 恕,仁也.
- Translation: To forgive is to be benevolent.
2. 《孟子》: 彊恕而行,求仁莫近焉.
- Translation: Strive to forgive and act; there is nothing closer to benevolence than this.
3. 《声类》: 以心度物曰恕.
- Translation: To judge others with one’s own heart is called forgiveness.
4. 《贾子道术》: 以己量人谓之恕.
- Translation: To measure others by oneself is called forgiveness.
5. 《墨子经上》: 恕,明也.
- Translation: To forgive is to be enlightened.
6. 《礼记·中庸》: 忠恕违道不远. 注: “恕,忖也。忖度其义于人.”
- Translation: Loyalty and forgiveness do not deviate far from the way; note: "Forgiveness is careful consideration of others."
7. 《论语·卫灵公》: 子贡问曰:“有一言而可以终身行之者乎?” 子曰:“其恕乎! 己所不欲,勿施于人.”
- Translation: Zigong asked, "Is there a phrase one can follow for a lifetime?" Confucius replied, "Perhaps it's forgiveness! Do not impose on others what you do not desire for yourself."
- 恕直 (tolerant and upright)
- 恕心 (heart of compassion)
- 恕实 (honesty, sincerity)
- 恕道 (the way of forgiveness)
1. 饶恕,宽恕 ([En.] forgive; pardon)
1. 《战国策·赵策》: 老臣病足,曾不能疾走,不得见久矣,窃自恕而恐太后玉体之有所郄也,故愿望见太后.
- Translation: The old minister has health issues and cannot run swiftly; he has not seen the empress for a long time. He fears this may be displeasing, hence he desires to see her.
2. 宋·王安石《答司马谏议书》: 故今具道所以,冀君实或见恕也.
- Translation: Therefore, I will lay out the reasons for your understanding, hoping you might indeed see forgiveness in your heart.
- 恕谅 (be lenient, forgive)
- 恕免 (forgive; pardon)
- 恕辞 (words of pardon or forgiveness)
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