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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

惑 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

惑 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 惑
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 惑
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Meaning of

Pinyin huò
惑 [huò] 1. 心疑不定,不明白对还是不对。 (Be perplexed; be puzzled; be bewildered.) 2. 使迷乱。 (Puzzle; delude; confuse; mislead.) 3. 迷恋。 (Indulge in.) 4. 迷失。 (Lose.) --- 1. 心疑不定,不明白对还是不对:疑~。困~。惶~。智者不~。 (Be perplexed; an uncertainty of heart: doubt... trapped... anxious... the wise are not perplexed.) 2. 使迷乱:迷~。~乱。~人耳目。蛊~人心。 (Cause confusion: confuse... disorder... delude the ears and eyes... bewitched hearts.) --- 动 (Verb) 【本义】:疑惑,分辨不清 (Original meaning: to be perplexed, indistinct.) 【造字法】:形声。从心,惑声。 (Character formation method: pictophonetic; from heart, sound of 'huò'.) 1. 同本义 ([En.] be perplexed; be puzzled; be bewildered.) 【引】 1. 《史记·屈原贾生列传》:内惑于郑袖。 2. 唐· 李朝威《柳毅传》:为奴婢所惑。 【例】 又如:惑眩(迷乱;混乱);惑疾(迷乱之病);惑变(迷乱变化);惑易(精神失常);惑志(疑心);惑误 (使人疑而误之) 2. 迷惑,使…辨不清 ([En.] puzzle; delude; confuse; mislead.) 【引】 1. 宋玉《登徒子好色赋》:嫣然一笑,惑阳城,迷 下蔡。 2. 明· 刘基《卖柑者言》:以惑愚瞽。 【例】 又如:惑动(迷惑动摇);惑主(迷惑君主);惑术(迷惑人心之术);惑惑(迷惑);惑众(迷惑众人);造谣惑众;妖言惑众;惑世 3. 迷恋 ([En.] indulge in.) 【例】 如:惑妄(迷于邪说);惑溺(沉迷) 4. 迷失 ([En.] lose.) 【引】 1. 《汉书》:广不谢大将军而起行…惑失道。后大将军。 --- 形 (Adjective) 1. 糊涂,令人不解 ([En.] muddle-headed.) 【引】 1. 《吕氏春秋·察今》:不亦惑乎。 2. 唐· 韩愈《师说》:传道受业解惑。 3. 孰能无惑。 4. 宋· 王安石《游褒禅山记》:幽暗昏惑。 【例】 又如:惑实(糊涂);惑人(昏庸糊涂的人);惑主(昏君);惑突(糊涂,疑惑)
kùn huò
bewildered / perplexed / confused / difficult problem / perplexity
yí huò
to doubt / to distrust / unconvincing / to puzzle over / misgivings / suspicions
yòu huò
to entice / to lure / to induce / to attract
huáng huò
anxious and perplexed / uneasy and confused / suspicious and fearful
mí huo
to puzzle / to confuse / to baffle
dà huò bù jiě
to be at a loss (idiom)
yòu huò lì
allure / spell
gǔ huò
to poison / to bewitch / to put a spell on sb / to harm by witchcraft
shān huò
jiě huò
to dispel doubts / to clear up confusion
gǔ huò rén xīn
to stir up public sentiment by false statements (idiom) / to resort to demagogy
mí huò bù jiě
to feel puzzled
huò luàn
delude / confuse / puzzle
bù huò
without doubt / with full self-confidence / forty years of age
bù huò zhī nián
the age of 40s
yíng huò
to bewilder / to dazzle and confuse / the planet Mars
yāo yán huò zhòng
to mislead the public with rumors (idiom) / to delude the people with lies
zào yáo huò zhòng
spread rumours to confusehoodwink / mislead] the people / fabricate rumours to mislead people / spread rumours to create confusion
xīn cún yí huò
mí huò xìng
confusability / perplexity / puzzle

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Input Method for
Pinyin huo4
Four Corner
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