Learn to write the Chinese character "悠" by watching the stroke order animation of "悠".
Stroke by Stroke: 悠 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '悠' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '悠' Step-by-Step
Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '悠' through a video tutorial with a
calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the
Chinese Character '悠'. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and
practice writing together with pen and paper.
悠 (yōu)
1. 久,远,长: Lasting, distant, long.
例: 悠久 (long-lasting). 悠远 (distant). 悠扬 (to resonate for a long time).
2. 在空中摆动: To swing in the air.
例: 悠荡 (to sway). 晃悠 (to sway back and forth). 转悠 (to turn or drift).
3. 稳住,控制: To stabilize or control.
例: 悠着点劲 (to moderate one's strength).
4. 闲适,闲散: Leisurely and relaxed.
例: 悠闲 (leisurely). 悠然 (at ease). 悠忽 (describing a leisurely and careless demeanor).
a. 悠悠 (1. Leisurely, free and easy, such as "白云悠悠").
b. 忧郁 (melancholic, such as "悠久我思").
c. 长久,遥远 (long-lasting, far away, such as "悠悠长夜").
d. 众多 (numerous).
e. 荒谬 (absurd, such as "悠悠之谈").
1. 长;远: Long; distant.
例: 悠远 (distant).
2. 飘扬的样子: Fluttering appearance.
例: 悠气儿 (a slight breath).
3. 闲适的样子: Leisurely appearance.
例: 悠然 (leisurely).
4. 众多: Numerous.
例: 悠悠 (numerous).
- 《说文》: 悠,忧也 (Yŏu means worry).
- 《尔雅》: 悠,思也 (Yŏu means to think).
- 《诗·小雅·十月之交》: 悠悠我里 (Yŏu means to miss).
-《楚辞·初放》: 悠悠苍天兮 (To long for the vast heaven).
-《诗·周南·关睢》: 悠哉悠哉,辗转反侧 (Leisurely and restless).
- 南朝梁·江淹《杂体诗三十首》: 西北秋风至,楚客心悠哉 (As the autumn wind blows, the guest from Chu feels longing).
如: 悠然(忧伤的样子); 悠忧(忧伤).
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