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Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

懸 stroke order animation

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懸 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 懸
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 懸
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Meaning of

Pinyin xuán
hang / suspend
懸 (xuán) 1. 掛、繫。 Hanging, fastening. 【例】「悬壶济世」。如《后汉书·卷八十二·方术传下·费长房传》:“又卧于空室,以朽索悬万斤石于心上。” Example: "Hanging the pot to save the world." From "Book of the Later Han: Volume 82: Biography of Fei Changfang" – "He also lay in an empty room, hanging ten thousand pounds of stone on his heart with a rotten rope." 2. 牽掛、掛念。 To be worried about, to miss. 【例】「悬念」、「悬思」。如唐·李白《闻丹丘子于城北营石门幽居》诗:“心悬万里外,影滞两乡隔。” Example: "Worry" and "thoughts." From Li Bai's poem "Hearing of Dan Qiuzizi in the Northern Camp of Chengbei" – "My heart hangs far away, my shadow is stuck between two places." 3. 公示、公布。 To announce, to make public. 【例】「悬赏」。如《孙子·九地》:“施无法之赏,悬无政之令。” Example: "To announce a reward." From "The Art of War" – "To offer rewards without legal means, to issue orders without governance." 4. 高掛的。 Hanging high. 【例】「悬泉」、「悬瀑」。 Example: "Hanging spring" and "hanging waterfall." 5. 差別大、距離遠。 Big difference, far distance. 【例】「悬殊」。 Example: "Disparity." 6. 久延不決的。 Long unresolved. 【例】「悬案」。如《韩非子·亡徵》:“藏怒而弗发,懸罪而弗誅,使臣阴憎而愈忧懼。” Example: "Unresolved case." From "Han Feizi" – "Conceal anger but do not express, suspend punishment without execution, making the ministers harbor resentment and further anxiety." 7. 憑空﹑無依據。 Without basis or evidence. 【例】「悬想」。如唐·柳宗元《复杜温夫书》:“吾性骈滞,多所未甚谕,安敢悬断是且非耶?” Example: "Baseless conjecture." From Liu Zongyuan's "Reply to Du Wenzhong" – "My nature is dull and stagnant, I have many things I do not fully understand, how dare I make baseless judgments on right and wrong?" 動詞 1. 挂、系。 Verb: To hang, to fasten. 【例】「悬壶济世」。如《后汉书·卷八十二·方术传下·费长房传》:“又卧于空室,以朽索悬万斤石于心上。” Example: "Hanging the pot to save the world." From "Book of the Later Han" – "He also lay in an empty room, hanging ten thousand pounds of stone on his heart with a rotten rope." 動詞 2. 牵挂、挂念。 Verb: To be worried about, to miss. 【例】「悬念」、「悬思」。如唐·李白《闻丹丘子于城北营石门幽居》诗:“心悬万里外,影滞两乡隔。” Example: "Worry" and "thoughts." From Li Bai's poem "Hearing of Dan Qiuzizi in the Northern Camp of Chengbei" – "My heart hangs far away, my shadow is stuck between two places."

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Pinyin xuan2
Four Corner
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