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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

愚 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

愚 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 愚
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 愚
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Meaning of

愚 [yú] 1. Foolish; Stupid - 愚人 (foolish person) - 愚笨 (foolish and clumsy) - 愚蠢 (silly) - 愚鲁 (simpleton) - 愚氓 (foolish person) - 愚昧 (ignorant; lacking knowledge and culture) - 愚顽 (stupid and stubborn) - 愚妄 (foolish and reckless) - 愚不可及 (foolish to the extreme) - 大智若愚 (the wisest seem foolish; those with great wisdom do not show it off and may appear foolish) 2. Deceive; Fool - 愚弄人 (make a fool of someone) - 为人所愚 (being deceived by others) 3. Humble expression for self-reference - 愚兄 (my humble brother) - 愚见 (my humble opinion) 愚 [yú] (adjective) - Original meaning: foolish and ignorant - Character formation: ideographic; consists of heart and a sign representing foolishness. 1. Same as original meaning (foolish; stupid) 引 (References) 1. 《说文》: 愚, 戆也. 2. 《周礼·司刺》: 三赦, 曰惷愚. 3. 《诗·大雅·抑》: 靡哲不愚. 4. 哲人之愚. 5. 《荀子·脩身》: 非是是非谓之愚. 6. 《贾子道术》: 深知祸福谓之知,反知为愚. 7. 明· 刘基《卖柑者言》: 以惑愚瞽. 8. 《乐府诗集·陌上桑》: 使君一何愚. 9. 唐· 韩愈《师说》: 愚人所为愚. 10. 清· 黄宗羲《原君》: 愚者亦明. 例 (Examples) - 愚若胶柱 (foolishly rigid like a glue stick) - 愚戆 (silly and straightforward) - 愚騃 (dim-witted) - 愚浊 (stupid; muddled) 2. Humble expression for self-reference - 如: 愚兄 (my humble brother) - 愚老 (humble term for an elder) - 愚臣 (a minister's humble self-reference) - 愚意 (my humble opinion) - 愚怀 (humble expression of one's thoughts) 3. Honest and sincere - 引 (References) 1. 《孔子家语》: 故《诗》之失愚,《书》之失诬. 例 (Examples) - 愚款 (simple and sincere) - 愚鲠 (honest and straightforward) 愚 [yú] (verb) - To deceive; to make a fool of - 引 (References) 1. 汉· 贾谊《过秦论》: 以愚黔首. 例 (Examples) - 愚学 (foolish mockery of Confucianism) - 愚锢 (deceptive imprisonment) - 愚聋 (to deceive or mislead)
yú nòng
to make a fool out of / to fool / to dupe
yú chǔn
silly / stupid
yú mín
ignorant masses / to keep the people in ignorance
yú jiàn
my humble opinion
yú mèi
ignorant / uneducated / ignorance
yú dùn
stupid / slow-witted
xián yú
Xian Yu
yú rén
stupid person / ignoramus
yú bèn
stupid / clumsy
yú lǔ
dull-witted / foolish
yú mèi wú zhī
stupid and ignorant (idiom)
yú gōng yí shān
the old man moves mountains (idiom); fig. where there's a will, there's a way
Yú rén jié
April Fools' Day
yú bù kě jí
impossibly stupid
yú wán
ignorant and stubborn
yú zhuō
clumsy and stupid
yú zhě
The Fool / fool / folly / featherwit
yú lòu
ignorant and backward
yú mín zhèng cè
obscurantism / policy of keeping the people in ignorance / obscurantist policy
yú xiōng
Brother Yu

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Input Method for
Pinyin yu2
Four Corner
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