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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

魚 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

魚 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 魚
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 魚
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Meaning of

魚 yú 名词 【本义】: 一种水生脊椎动物 1. A class of vertebrates living in water, generally having scales and fins, breathing with gills, and being cold-blooded. 例: 魚蝦 [fish and shrimp], 魚網 [fishing net], 魚躍 [fish leap], 魚貫 [like fish swimming in succession], 魚雁 [letters, information], 魚米鄉 [land of fish and rice], 魚尾紋 [fish tail pattern], 魚目混珠 [to mix fish eyes with pearls], 魚質龍文 [metaphor for something that appears valuable but is not]. 2. Surname. 【引】 1. 《說文》: 魚,水蟲也。象形。魚尾與燕尾相似。 2. 《易·中孚》: 豚魚吉。 3. 《論衡·指瑞》: 魚木精。 4. 《儀禮·特牲禮》: 魚十有五。 5. 《詩·邶風·新臺》: 魚網之設。 6. 《禮記·曲禮》: 鮮魚曰脡祭。 7. 《呂氏春秋》: 魚上冰,獺祭魚。 8. 《史記·周本記》: 白魚躍入王舟中。 【例】 如: 魚鯇冠兒 [a pointed hat worn by female Taoists resembling a fish skull], 魚鱗冊 [a shorthand for “魚鱗圖冊”, land records compiled for tax collection], 魚爛 [fragmented like fish scales], 魚軒 [a vehicle decorated with fish skin for nobility], 魚膾 [finely sliced raw fish], 魚市 [market for selling fish], 魚質龍文 [something that looks like a dragon on the outside but is a fish inside], 魚米 [fish and rice], 魚秧 [slightly larger small fish], 魚魚雅雅 [a demeanor of seriousness and propriety, as fish swim in a line and crows fly in formation]. 2. Certain aquatic animals resembling fish. 例: 魚甲 [shark skin armor], 魚須 [shark whiskers], 鯨魚 [whale], 鱷魚 [crocodile], 甲魚 [soft-shelled turtle], 鯢魚 [eels]. 3. A horse with white eyes. 4. In traditional Chinese medicine, refers to points on the body, specifically a prominent muscle area behind the thumb (or big toe) resembling a fish's belly. 5. In the Tang dynasty, a copper fish talisman used for rituals. 6. A letterbox made in the shape of a fish, used in ancient times. 7. Surname. 魚 yú 动词 The ancient character for “漁” (to fish). To catch fish. 【引】 1. 《易·繫辭下》: 以佃以魚。 2. 《左傳·隱公五年》: 公將如棠觀魚者。 3. 宋·孔武仲《自實豐倉歸》: 拋掉一官如糞壤,好隨魚舸此中間。 【例】 如: 魚罟 [fishing net], 魚戶 [fishing household], 魚船 [fishing or angling boats], 魚釣 [to fish], 魚榔 [a stick used to scare fish into the net], 魚舸 [fishing boat, also written as "魚舲"], 魚罩 [bamboo catchment for fish].

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