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How to write 輿

Animated Stroke Order of 輿

Learn to write the Chinese character "輿" by watching the stroke order animation of "輿".

輿 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: 輿 Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '輿' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

輿 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '輿' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '輿' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character '輿'. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable 輿 Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "輿"
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 輿
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of "輿"
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 輿
Download the worksheet in PNG format

Meaning of 輿

carriage / sedan chair / world
輿 輿 yú 名詞 【本义】:車廂 1. 車中裝載東西的部分,後泛指車。 (English: The part of a vehicle used for carrying things, later commonly refers to a vehicle.) 例: 輿馬 (carriage); 肩輿 (shoulder-borne vehicle). 2. 古代奴隸中的一個等級,泛指地位低微的人,亦用以指衆人的。 (English: A rank among ancient slaves, generally referring to people of low status; also refers to the masses.) 例: 輿臺 (a platform for the people); 輿論 (opinions of the masses); 輿情 (public opinion). 3. 疆域。 (English: Territory.) 例: 輿地 (territory); 輿圖 (map of territories); 堪輿 (geomancy). 4. 賤官,僕役。 (English: A lowly official, servant.) 例: 輿隸 (low-ranking servant; slave); 輿皁 (terms for two low rankings among ancient ten ranks, used to generally refer to lowly officials). 5. 古地名 (English: An ancient place name.) 例: Yu prefecture, originally established during Han dynasty, belonged to Linhuai commandery, later changed to Guangling commandery, merged into Jiangdu county during Southern Song dynasty. 形容詞 大衆 (English: Popular; public.) 引: 1. 《廣雅》:輿,多也。 (English: In "Guangya": "Yú" means "many.") 2. 《左傳·昭公七年》:皁臣輿。 服注:“衆也。” (English: In "Zuo Zhuan": "Zao Chen Yú", annotations explain as "the masses.") 動詞 1. 通“舁”。共同擡東西。 (English: Related to "yú", to carry together.) 引: 1. 《禮記·曾子問》:遂輿機而往。 (English: In "Liji": "Then together they lifted the platform and left.") 例: 輿機 (putting a corpse on the platform to carry, used in funeral context). 2. 運載。 (English: To transport.) 例: 輿糧 (to transport grain). 3. 指載柩車。 (English: To refer to carrying a coffin.) 例: 輿櫬 (to draw a coffin with a vehicle, indicating a mortal sin or a dead intent); 輿尸 (to transport a corpse); 輿棺 (to carry a coffin as a sign of imminent death). 4. 乘坐。 (English: To ride.) 引: 1. 《漢書·嚴助傳》:輿轎而隃嶺。 (English: In "Han Shu": "Riding the sedan to Yuling.")

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Input Method for 輿
Pinyin yu2
Four Corner
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