Learn to write the Chinese character "庾" by watching the stroke order animation of "庾".
Stroke by Stroke: 庾 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '庾' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
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庾 [yǔ]
1. 露天的谷仓 (Open barn)
2. 古代容量单位,一庾等于十六斗 (An ancient unit of capacity, one "庾" equals sixteen "斗")
3. 姓 (Surname)
1. 露天的谷仓:~积 (Open barn: granary of stored grain)
2. 古代容量单位,一庾等于十六斗 (An ancient unit of capacity, one "庾" equals sixteen "斗")
3. 姓 (Surname)
【本义】: 露天的谷堆 (Original meaning: open barn)
【造字法】: 形声。从广( yǎn),臾声。广,依山崖建成的房子。从“广”与房屋有关。 (Character construction: Phonetic and semantic; "广" indicates a structure built against a cliff, related to houses.)
1. 同本义 (Same as original meaning: Open barn)
引: 唐·杜牧《阿房宫赋》:钉头磷磷,多于在庾之粟粒。 (Tang dynasty poet Du Mu: "The grains are more than those in the open barn.")
例: 又如:庾积 (Open barn: stored grains)
2. 储存水路转运粮食的仓库 (Granary for storing grain transported to the capital by waterways)
引: 《战国策》:粟粮漕庾,不下十万。 (Strategies of Warring States: "Grain transported by water exceeds one hundred thousand.")
3. 泛指粮库 (A general term for granaries)
引: 唐·杜牧《阿房宫赋》:钉头磷磷,多于在庾之粟粒。
例: 又如:庾司 (Office managing granaries during the Song Dynasty); 庾曹 (Department managing granaries); 庾吏 (Minor official managing granaries); 庾廪 (Grains)
4. 量词。古代量名,容二斗四升 (Measure word; an ancient unit holding two "斗" and four "升")
引: 《左传》:粟五千庾。杜预注:“庾,十六斗,凡八千斛。” (Zuo Zhuan: "Five thousand '庾' of grain." Annotation by Du Yu: "'庾,' sixteen '斗,' a total of eight thousand '斛.'")
5. 大庾岭的简称 (Abbreviation for Dayuling mountain)
引: 宋·秦观《青门饮》:湘瑟声沉,庾梅信断。 (Song dynasty poet Qin Guan: "The sound of the Xiangse is heavy, the message of the Dayuling plum is broken.")
例: 又如:庾岭 (Dayuling mountain; one of the Wuling mountains in Jiangxi Province, known for its plum trees.)
6. 姓 (Surname)
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