Learn to write the Chinese character "庄" by watching the stroke order animation of "庄".
Stroke by Stroke: 庄 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '庄' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '庄' Step-by-Step
Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '庄' through a video tutorial with a
calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the
Chinese Character '庄'. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and
practice writing together with pen and paper.
莊 zhuāng
1. 村落,田舍:村~。~户。~稼。
Hamlet, rural residence: village... rural households... farming.
2. 封建社会君主、贵族等所占有的成片土地:皇~。~主。~客。
Feudal land owned by monarchs, aristocrats: imperial estate... landowner... tenant.
3. 商店的一种名称:茶~。饭~。钱~。
A type of store: tea shop... restaurant... bank.
4. 某些种类的赌博,局中人轮流为主:~家。坐~。
Certain types of gambling, where participants take turns being the host: banker... taking turns as the host.
5. 四通八达的道路:康~大道。
Thoroughfare: Kangzhuang Avenue.
6. 严肃,端重:~严。~重(zhòng)。端~。
Solemnity, seriousness: serious... serious... dignified.
7. 姓。
A surname.
莊 zhuāng
1. 同本义 ([En.] grassy)
2. 谨严持重 ([En.] solemn; sober; serious)
3. 四面八方的,四通八达的 ([En.] be linked to various parts of the earth)
4. 恭敬 ([En.] respectful)
莊 zhuāng
1. 村庄,也指建在山林田野间的住宅,别墅 ([En.] hamlet; village)
2. 六路通达的大路 ([En.] thoroughfare)
3. 又如康庄 (Kang, five routes accessible; Zhuang: six routes accessible. Together referred to as a thoroughfare.)
4. 庄园,皇室、官僚、地主等在乡下占据的大片土地及其建筑物 ([En.] manor)
5. 规模较大的或做批发生意的商店 ([En.] place of business)
6. 庄口 (a place specializing in selling certain goods) 的简称 ([En.] business firm)
7. 庄家 ([En.] banker)
8. 姓。
莊 zhuāng
[Measure Word]
1. 件。后作“桩”
Item. Later written as "桩".
2. 古代云南交易用贝单位
Ancient unit of currency used in Yunnan trade.
莊 zhuāng
通“妆”。打扮,修饰 ([En.] apply makeup)
To adorn or dress up.
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