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饭 stroke order animation

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Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 饭
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 饭
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Meaning of

Pinyin fàn
food / cuisine / cooked rice / meal
饭 (fàn) 1. 煮熟的谷类食品。 [En.] Cooked cereals, especially rice. 2. 泛指人每天定时分次吃的食物。 [En.] Generally refers to the food eaten at specific times throughout the day. 3. 吃饭,或给人饭吃。 [En.] To eat (a meal) or to feed someone. 4. 喂牲畜。 [En.] To feed livestock. 饭 (fàn) [动] 【本义】: 吃饭 [En.] Original meaning: to eat. 1. 同本义 ([En.] eat) 引例: 1. 《说文》:饭,食也。 [En.] “Fan, means to eat.” 2. 《礼记·玉藻》:饭飱者三饭也。 [En.] “Those who eat share three meals.” 3. 《汉书·朱买臣传》:呼饭饮之。 [En.] “He called out to feed him.” 4. 《论语·述而》:饭疏食,饮水。 [En.] “Eat simple food and drink water.” 5. 《孟子·尽心下》:饭糗(干粮)茹草。 [En.] “Eating dry food and chewing herbs.” 6. 宋· 辛弃疾《永遇乐·京口北固亭怀古》:廉颇老矣,尚能饭否? [En.] “Is Lian Po, old as he is, still able to eat?” 例: 又如: 尚能饭否; 饭粥(吃粥); 饭蔬(吃蔬菜). 2. 给人喂饭或喂牲口 ([En.] feed) 引例: 1. 《史记·淮阴侯列传》:有一漂母见信饥,饭信。 [En.] “A beggar saw him hungry and fed him.” 2. 《楚辞·九章·惜往日》:吕望屠于朝歌兮,宁戚歌而饭牛。 [En.] “Lü Wang butchered in Chao Ge, while Ning Qi sang and fed the cattle.” 例: 又如: 饭牛(饲牛); 饭僧(施舍饭食给僧人). 3. 含。古代将米贝珠玉之类放入死者口中 ([En.] keep in the mouth) 引例: 1. 《周礼·典瑞》:共饭玉。注:“碎玉以杂米也。” [En.] “To feed jade; meaning to mix broken jade with rice.” 例: 又如: 饭玉(饭含。古时把碎玉杂米放入死者口中); 饭腥(把生米填入死人口中); 饭米(填入死者口中的米). 饭 (fàn) [名] 1. 煮熟的谷类食物,多指米饭([En.] cooked cereals, especially rice) 引例: 1. 《礼记·曲礼上》:毋抟饭。 [En.] “Do not knead rice.” 2. 汉· 刘向《列女传》:父时为将,身所奉饭者以十数。 [En.] “When my father was a general, those who served him meals were more than ten.” 2. 又泛指为了满足饥饿或食欲,在一个特定的时间吃进的一份食物。 [En.] Also refers to a portion of food eaten at a specific time to satisfy hunger or appetite. 例: 如: 早饭; 中饭; 一天三顿饭; 饭车(运饭的车); 饭肴(丰盛的饭菜); 饭头(寺院里的伙食管理人). 3. 比喻无用之人 ([En.] person of good-for-nothing). 例: 如: 饭袋(讥讽只会吃饭而不学无术的人); 饭袋酒囊(讥人只知吃喝,不学无术).
wǔ fàn
lunch / CL:份[fen4],頓|顿[dun4],次[ci4],餐[can1]
fàn zhuāng
big restaurant
fàn diàn
restaurant / hotel / CL:家[jia1],個|个[ge4]
shèng fàn
leftover food
cán gēng shèng fàn
leftovers from a meal / fig. remnants handed down from others
chī fàn
to have a meal / to eat / to make a living
zhāi fàn
food given to Buddhist monks as alms
zǎo fàn
breakfast / CL:份[fen4],頓|顿[dun4],次[ci4],餐[can1]
wǎn fàn
evening meal / dinner / supper / CL:份[fen4],頓|顿[dun4],次[ci4],餐[can1]
fàn zhuō
dining table
fàn tǒng
rice tub (from which cooked rice or other food is served) / (fig.) fathead / a good-for-nothing
zuò fàn
to prepare a meal / to cook
diàn fàn bāo
rice cooker
chǎo fàn
fried rice / (slang) (Tw) to have sex
zhǔ fàn
to cook
shēng mǐ zhǔ chéng shú fàn
the rice is cooked / what's done is done / it's too late to change anything now (idiom)
fàn hé
lunchbox / mess tin
hé fàn
meal in a partitioned box
fàn wǎn
rice bowl / fig. livelihood / job / way of making a living
tiě fàn wǎn
secure employment (lit. iron rice bowl)
kūn lún fàn diàn
Kunlun Hotel
xī fàn
porridge / gruel
fàn lán
Rice basket
nuò mǐ fàn
glutinous rice
mǐ fàn
(cooked) rice
cāo mǐ fàn
steamed brown rice
cán gēng lěng fàn
leftovers / remains of food / leavings of meals / crumbs from the table
diū fàn wǎn
to lose one's job
fàn cài
tǎo fàn
to ask for food / to beg
fàn pù
restaurant / eating house
dà guō fàn
lit. big rice pan / communal feeding / fig. egalitarianism (equal treatment for everyone in same institution)
fàn guǎn
restaurant / CL:家[jia1]
fàn hòu
after a meal / post cibum
便 jiā cháng biàn fàn
simple home-style meal / common occurrence / nothing out of the ordinary
jiǔ zú fàn bǎo
to have eaten and drunk to one's heart's content
饿 è fàn
go hungry / go without food

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Pinyin fan4
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