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燔 stroke order animation

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燔 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 燔
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 燔
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Meaning of

Pinyin fán
burn / to roast meat for sacrifice
燔 [fán] (Verb) 【Primary Meaning】: Burn 1. Burn. Example: 燔诗书而明法度 (burning books and writings for clarity of laws and regulations). 2. Roast meat to cook. Example: 燔肉 (roast meat). 【Usage】 1. Same as primary meaning (En. burn). 2. Burning whole livestock (En. as sacrifice) (En. roast). 【Examples in Literature】 1. “燔,爇也。从火,番声。与焚略同。” from Shuowen Jiezi (说文) indicates that燔 means to burn and is similar to焚 (burn). 2. “藉芿燔林。” from Liezi, Huangdi (列子·黄帝) referring to burning the forest. 3. “燔之于四通之衢。” from Han Shu, Dongfang Shuo Zhuan (汉书·东方朔传) clarifying that it means to burn. 4. “体若燔炭。” from Suwen, Shengqi Tongtian Lun (素问·生气通天论) describes the body like charred coal. 5. “抱木而燔死。” from Zhuangzi, Dao Zhi (庄子·盗跖) refers to someone who died by burning wood. 6. “燔其茏城。” from Shiji, Pingjin Hou Shengfu Zhuan (史记·平津侯生父传) indicates burning the city of Long. 7. “人民饥饿,相燔烧以求食。” from Han Shu, Xuan Di Ji (汉书·宣帝纪) tells of people in hunger burning each other for food. 8. “燔诗书” from Han Shu, Rulin Zhuan (汉书·儒林传) refers to the act of burning books. 9. “不若燔土。” from Shen Kuo, Mengxi Bitan (宋·沈括《梦溪笔谈·活板》) suggests that it is not as good as burning soil. 【Related Terms】 - 燔燎 (torch); - 燔石 (roasting ore); - 燔刑 (the cruel punishment of burning someone to death); - 燔燃 (burning); - 燔销 (destroy by burning). 2. Burning whole livestock (En. as sacrifice) (En. roast). 【Examples in Literature】 1. “有免斯首,炮之燔之。” from Shijing, Xiao Ya, Huyè (诗·小雅·瓠叶) refers to roasting the head of a sheep. 2. “为俎孔硕,或燔或炙。” from Shijing, Xiao Ya, Chuce (诗·小雅·楚茨) mentions preparing large cuts of meat, either roasted or cooked. 【Examples of the Ceremony】 - 燔柴 (placing jade and sacrifices on a pile of wood to burn as a offering to the heavens); - 燔祀 (burning wood for sacrifices).

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