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炮 stroke order animation

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炮 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 炮
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 炮
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Meaning of

Pinyin pào、 páo、 bāo
cannon / gun / firecracker, gun / cannon
炮 1. 烧。 Burn. 2. 烧:~炙。~烙(luò)。~制。 Roast: [to roast]. [to bake]. [to prepare]. 炰 páo [名] - 【本义】: 古烹饪法的一种。用烂泥等裹物而烧烤。 【Original meaning】: An ancient cooking method. Roasting with mud or other wrapping materials. - 【造字法】: 形声。从火,包声。( páo ) 【Character formation】: Phono-semantic compound. From fire, sound of wrapping. 1. 同本义 ([En.] roast) Same as the original meaning (roast). 2. 焚烧,燃烧 ([En.] burn) Burn, to ignite. 3. 制中药的一种方法,把生药放在热铁锅里炒,使它焦黄爆裂 ([En.] prepare Chinese medicine by roasting it in a pan) A method of preparing Chinese medicine, where raw medicine is fried in a hot iron pan until charred and bursting. 4. 通“庖”。厨师 ([En.] cooker) Same as "庖". Chef or cook. 炮 páo [动] 1. 通“咆”。吼叫,咆哮 ([En.] shout) Same as "咆". To roar or shout. 2. 另见 bāo;pà --- 1. 把物品放在器物上烘烤或焙。 To place items on objects for baking or roasting. 2. 一种烹调方法,在旺火上急炒。 A cooking method that involves quick frying over high heat. --- 1. 把物品放在器物上烘烤或焙:把湿衣服搁在热炕上~干。 To place items on objects for baking or roasting: placing wet clothes on a hot stove to dry. 2. 一种烹调方法,在旺火上急炒:~羊肉。 A cooking method that involves quick frying over high heat: to stir-fry lamb. --- 炮 [bāo] [动] 1. 一种烹调方法 ([En.] quick-fry) A type of cooking method (quick-fry). 2. 用锅等在旺火上急炒 ([En.] stir-fry with a pot, etc.) Quick fry using a pot over high heat (beef slices, lamb slices, etc.). 3. 中药制法之一。把药物放在高温铁锅里急炒,使其焦黄爆裂。 One method of preparing traditional Chinese medicine; placing the medicine in a high-temperature iron pot and quickly frying it until charred and bursting. 4. 把物品放在器物上烘烤或焙 ([En.] dry by heat). To place items on objects for baking or roasting. 5. 另见 páo;pào --- 炮 [名] 1. 重型武器的一类,有迫击炮、高射炮、火箭炮等。 A class of heavy weapons, including mortars, anti-aircraft guns, rocket launchers, etc. 2. 爆竹。 Firecrackers. 3. 爆破土石等在凿的眼内装进炸药后称“炮”。 Refers to blasting earth and stone with explosives packed into drilled holes. 炮 砲、礮 pào [名] 1. “炮”假借为“砲”,大炮 ([En.] cannon; artillery piece; big gun) "炮" is used as a substitute for "砲", meaning cannon. 2. 爆竹 ([En.] firecracker) Firecracker. 3. 爆破土石 ([En.] blast). Blasting earth and stone. 4. 另见 bāo;páo
yǎ pào
dud / squib
pào tǎ
gun turret
pào shēng
the sound of artillery / thunder of guns / report of gun / roar of guns
pào dàn
artillery shell / CL:枚[mei2]
liú dàn pào
pǎi jī pào
mortar (weapon)
pào bīng
artillery soldier / gunner
qiāng pào
jiā liú pào
huǒ pào
cannon / gun / artillery
dà pào
big gun / cannon / artillery / one who talks big / trad. form 大炮 also used / CL:門|门[men2],尊[zun1]
pào huǒ
artillery barrage / gunfire
pào hōng
to bombard / to bomb / (fig.) to criticize / to roast
pào tái
fort / battery
pào jī
to shell / to bombard / bombardment
gāo pào
antiaircraft gun
biān pào
firecrackers / string of small firecrackers / CL:枚[mei2]
huǒ jiàn pào
rocket artillery
jiàn pào
naval gun / chase gun / shipboard artillery
èr pào
Second Artillery Corps
lǐ pào
gun salute (e.g. 21-gun salute) / salvo
zhòng pào
heavy artillery
páo lào
the hot pillar (ancient Chinese torture instrument)
pào zhang
pào tǒng
barrel (of a gun) / gun barrel
pào jiàn
biān pào shēng
sound of firecrackers

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Pinyin pao4
Four Corner
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