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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 弹
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 弹
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Meaning of

Pinyin dàn、 tán
crossball / bullet / shot / shell / ball, impeach / to pluck a string / to play (a stringed musical instrument with fingers)
弹: 彈 dàn [名] 【本义】:弹丸 【造字法】:形声。从弓,单声。 1. 同本义 ([En.] bullet) - 例如: 枪弹 (gun bullet); 弹子涡 (pebble); 枪林弹雨 (intense battle); 弹丸黑子 (very small area) 2. 形状像弹丸的东西,如圆形的果实;禽鸟的卵等 ([En.] a bullet-shaped thing) - 例如: 其法乃以凫弹数十,黄、白各聚一器。 3. 弹弓 ([En.] slingshot) - 例如: 援弹飞丸,应弦而落。 4. 炸弹 ([En.] bomb) - 例如: 燃烧弹; 氢弹; 烟幕弹; 催泪弹 5. 另见 tán 弹: 彈 tán [动] 【本义】:用弹弓发射弹丸 【造字法】:形声。从弓,单声。 1. 同本义 ([En.] shoot with the function of a spring; eject) - 例如: 弹力 (the force of ejection); 弹丸 (pellets, bullets); 弹射 (to shoot out using spring force); 弹金 (to launch pellets) 2. 弹击 ([En.] fluff; strike) - 例如: 新沐者必弹冠。 3. 用手指拨动而演奏 ([En.] play) - 例如: 弹琴; 弹击 (to play an instrument); 弹弦 (to pluck stringed instruments); 弹纬 (to play with strings stretched) 4. 批评,揭发 ([En.] criticize; expose) - 例如: 弹议 (to impeach); 弹黜 (to impeach and dismiss); 弹文 (to petition for impeachment of an official's mistakes) 5. 针刺 ([En.] puncture) - 例如: 弹疽不严,必半复聚。 6. 测定重量 ([En.] weight) - 例如: 拿来天平上弹着。 7. 另见 dàn 弹: 1. 用手或工具拨动而发射出去,亦指用手指拨弄。 - 例如: 弹射; 弹指; 弹琴。 2. 检举违法失职的官吏。 - 例如: 弹劾; 弹纠; 讥弹。
dàn kēng
bomb crater
dàn sù xìng
elastoplasticity / elastic-plastic
dàn ké
ammunition case
dàn jiā
ammunition clip / cartridge clip / magazine (for ammunition)
tán zòu
to play (musical instrument, esp. string)
dàn xiá
magazine (for ammunition)
dǎo dàn
guided missile / cruise missile / missile / CL:枚[mei2]
dàn dào dǎo dàn
ballistic missile
xún háng dǎo dàn
cruise missile
yān mù dàn
smoke bomb
dàn gōng
catapult / slingshot
zhà dàn
bomb / CL:枚[mei2],顆|颗[ke1]
pào dàn
artillery shell / CL:枚[mei2]
zǐ dàn
bullet / CL:粒[li4],顆|颗[ke1],發|发[fa1]
tán xìng
flexibility / elasticity
dòng tan
to budge
dàn yào
dàn tóu
yuán zǐ dàn
atom bomb / atomic bomb / A-bomb
fǎn tán
to bounce / to bounce back / to boomerang / to ricochet / rebound (of stock market etc) / bounce / backlash / negative repercussions
liú dàn pào
shǒu liú dàn
hand grenade
dàn dào
trajectory (of a projectile) / ballistic curve
qiāng dàn
dì kōng dǎo dàn
surface-to-air missile
hè qiāng shí dàn
(idiom) armed / carrying a loaded firearm
hé dàn tóu
nuclear reentry vehicle / nuclear warhead
zhì dàn tǒng
grenade launcher / grenade discharger / grenade-thrower / knee mortar
yè guāng dàn
tracer ammunition / tracer
hé dàn
nuclear warhead
liú dàn
high explosive shell / grenade
qiāng liú dàn
rifle grenade
liú xiàn dàn
shrapnel shell / shrapnel / also pr. [liu2 san3 dan4]
tán hé
to accuse of misconduct (in official task) / to impeach
cuī lèi dàn
tear bomb / tear-gas grenade
qīng dàn
H-bomb / hydrogen bomb
shēn shuǐ zhà dàn
depth charge
dìng shí zhà dàn
time bomb
rán shāo dàn
fire bomb / incendiary device
tán qín
to play or strum a lute or other stringed instrument
穿 chuān jiǎ dàn
armour-piercing projectile / armour-piercing bullet / armour piercer
tán huáng
tán huáng chèng
spring balance
huǒ jiàn dàn
rocket (artillery)
tán huáng gāng
spring steels
tán huáng mén
swing door
zhān tán xìng
viscoelasticity / firmo viscosity
dàn wán
dàn wán zhī dì
a tiny area
dǎo dàn tǐng
missile boat
qiān dàn
xiàn dàn
shot / grapeshot

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Input Method for
Pinyin dan4
Four Corner
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