Learn to write the Chinese character "簧" by watching the stroke order animation of "簧".
Stroke by Stroke: 簧 Writing Order
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簧 [huáng]
1. 乐器里用金属或其他材料制成的发声薄片。
(Instruments use thin sound-producing sheets made of metal or other materials.)
2. 〔双~〕
a. 曲艺的一种;
(A type of Chinese folk art.)
b. 喻一方出面,一方背后操纵的活动。
(Metaphorically refers to activities where one party appears in front while another manipulates behind the scenes.)
3. 器物里有弹力的机件。
(A component within an object that has elasticity.)
4. 同本义 [En.] reed
(Same as the original meaning - reed.)
5. 弹簧圈 [En.] spring coil
(Spring coil.)
6. 笙,竽 [En.] sheng, a reed pipe wind instrument
(Sheng, a type of reed pipe wind instrument.)
7. 动听的语言 [En.] sweet words
(Pleasant-sounding language.)
1. 《说文》:簧,笙中簧也。
(From "Shuowen": A reed is the reed within the sheng.)
2. 《诗·秦风·车邻》:并坐鼓簧。
(From "Book of Songs": Sitting together playing the drum and reed.)
3. 《礼记·月令》:调竽笙竾簧。
(From "Book of Rites": Adjusting the instruments of the sheng and yu.)
4. 《楚辞·忧苦》:愿假簧以舒忧兮。
(From "Chuci": Wishing to borrow the reed to relieve my worries.)
又如: 簧言(簧片振鸣。比喻动听的乐声; 欺人的谎言);
(For example: "Huangyan" refers to pleasant music generated by the reed; it can also mean deceitful lies.)
("Huangkou" refers to sweet words, often implying enticing speech.)
("Huangkou lishé" describes someone good with words, often with a negative connotation.)
弹簧圈 [En.] spring coil
(For example: 1. 弹簧; 2. 表簧; 3. 闹钟的簧断了.)
(Examples: 1. Spring; 2. Watch spring; 3. The spring of the alarm clock is broken.)
动听的语言 [En.] sweet words
1. 《诗·小雅·巧言》:巧言如簧。
(From "Book of Songs": Sweet words are like reeds.)
2. 《庄子·骈拇》:使天下簧鼓,以奉不及之法。
(From "Zhuangzi": Making the world sweet with words to comply with the law not reached.)
又如: 簧言(谎言); 簧鼓(蛊惑;煽动);
(For example: "Huangyan" means lies; "Huanggu" refers to manipulation and incitement.)
("Huanghuo" metaphorically means to confuse people with clever speech.)
("Huangyou" means to entice and deceive using sweet words.)
a form or theatrical double act, popular since Qing times, with one player seated stage front and acting out the poem or song of the second player hidden at the back (also written 雙黄|双黄) / double reed (as used in oboe or bassoon) / an oboe or bassoon
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