Learn to write the Chinese character "篩" by watching the stroke order animation of "篩".
Stroke by Stroke: 篩 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '篩' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '篩' Step-by-Step
Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '篩' through a video tutorial with a
calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the
Chinese Character '篩'. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and
practice writing together with pen and paper.
1. 篩子,一種竹編器具。底面多小孔,可用來分離粗細顆粒。
A sieve, a kind of bamboo-made tool. The bottom has many small holes, used to separate coarse and fine particles.
例: 唐李洞《喜鸞公自蜀歸》: "掃石月盈箒,濾泉花滿篩."
Example: "Sweeping the stones, the moon fills the broom; filtering the spring, the flowers fill the sieve."
2. 竹名。
A type of bamboo.
3. 傳說中的一種異草。
A legendary type of strange grass.
1. 用篩子過物。
To sift or sieve.
例: 《漢書•賈山傳》: "篩土築阿房之宫."
Example: "Using a sieve to process earth to construct the palace of Epang."
2. 斟酒。
To pour wine.
例: 明李翊《俗呼小錄》: "瀉酒謂之篩."
Example: "Pouring wine is referred to as 'sifting'."
3. 擊,敲。
To strike or beat.
例: 宋趙彦衛《雲麓漫鈔》: "又中原人以擊鑼為篩鑼."
Example: "In the Central Plains, to strike a gong is referred to as 'sifting the gong'."
4. 搖動,抖動。
To shake.
例: 清江昉《疏影•浄輝亭賦竹影》: "摇漾無聲,一任風篩."
Example: "Gently swaying quietly, letting the wind sift through."
5. 灑,分散地落下。
To sprinkle or fall scattered.
例: 明戴羲《養余月令》: "篩於紙上."
Example: "Sprinkle it on the paper."
6. 把酒盛在容器裡,放在火上使熱。
To warm wine in a container over fire.
例: 《紅樓夢》第六十三回: "兩箇老婆子蹾在外面火盆上篩酒."
Example: "Two old women squat outside the fire pit warming wine."
7. 胡言亂語。
To talk nonsense.
例: 明湯顯祖《牡丹亭•冥判》: "則你那小鬼頭胡亂篩."
Example: "Then your little ghost head talks nonsense."
Additional meanings:
1. 引申為孔隙中透過、漏下,多用於風、月、光線等。
Extended meaning of passing through or leaking through holes, often used for wind, moonlight, or rays of light.
2. 比喻經過挑選後淘汰。
A metaphor for selection and elimination after careful consideration.
Example: "把不合格的篩出去."
Example: "Sift out the unqualified ones."
量詞: 用於酒。
Measure word used for wine.
Example: 《儒林外史》第四十二回: "買了一盤子驢肉,一盤子煎魚,十來篩酒."
Example: "Bought a plate of donkey meat, a plate of fried fish, and ten measures of wine."
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