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箭 stroke order animation

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箭 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 箭
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 箭
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Meaning of

Pinyin jiàn
箭 [jiàn] 1. 用弓发射到远处的兵器。 - A weapon shot from a bow to far distances. 2. 箭能射到的距离。 - The distance an arrow can reach. 3. 形容急切、迅速。 - Describing urgency or swiftness. --- 1. 用弓发射到远处的兵器:弓~。~镞。~头。~在弦上(喻事情已经到了不得不做或话已经到了不得不说的地步)。 - Weapon shot from a bow: bow and arrow. Arrowhead. Arrow nocked (metaphorically, this means the situation has come to a point where something must be done or something must be said). 2. 箭能射到的距离:一~之遥。~步。 - The distance an arrow can shoot: a short distance. A step away. 3. 形容急切、迅速:归心似~。 - Describing urgency or swiftness: a heart racing like an arrow. --- 【本义】:竹名。箭竹 - Original meaning: A type of bamboo, called arrow bamboo. 【造字法】:形声。从竹,前声。 - Character formation: Phono-semantic compound, associated with bamboo, pronounced based on the preceding sound. 1. 同本义 ([En.] China-cane) - Same as the original meaning (China-cane). 2. 搭在弓弩上发射的竹制武器 ([En.] arrow) - A bamboo weapon shot from a bow or crossbow (arrow). 3. 古代置计时器漏壶下用以指示时刻之物 ([En.] handle of water clock) - An ancient device used in water clocks to indicate time (handle of water clock). --- 引例: 1. 《说文》:箭,矢竹也。 - "Shuo Wen": Arrow, a type of bamboo. 2. 《周礼·职方氏》:其利金锡竹箭。 - "Zhou Li": Its tip is made of gold and silver on bamboo arrows. 3. 东南之美者,有会稽之竹箭焉。—《尔雅·释地》 - "Er Ya": The beautiful ones in the southeast are the Kuaiji bamboo arrows. 4. 《礼记·礼器》:如竹箭之有筠也。 - "Li Ji": Like a bamboo arrow having joints. 5. 《仪礼·乡射礼记》:箭筹八十。 - "Yi Li": Eighty arrow tokens. --- 例句: 1. 又如:箭笋(箭竹嫩笋);箭茁(笋芽);箭萌(小笋);箭筠子竹(一种竹棍子);箭笄(竹制的簪子) - For example: bamboo shoots (young bamboo shoots); sprouting bamboo shoots (bud); small bamboo shoots; a type of bamboo stick; bamboo hairpin. 2. 又如:箭羽(箭上的羽毛);箭衣(古代弓箭手穿的衣服。后来成为一种长礼服);箭壶(盛箭的囊袋);箭袖(又名马蹄袖。一种便于射箭的袖口,上面较长可以盖住手,下面较短) - For example: feather on the arrow; clothing worn by ancient archers (later became a type of long ceremonial dress); quiver (a bag for storing arrows); arrow sleeves (also known as horse hoof sleeves, a type of sleeve that is longer at the top to cover the hand and shorter at the bottom for ease in shooting arrows). 3. 古代置计时器漏壶下用以指示时刻之物 ([En.] handle of water clock) - An ancient device used in water clocks to indicate time (handle of water clock). 引例: 1. 王维《冬晚对雪忆胡处士家》:寒更传晓箭,清镜览衰颜。 - Wang Wei: "In the winter evening snow, the cold bell announces the dawn arrow, and in the clear mirror, I gaze at my aging face." 例句: 又如:箭水(漏壶的水);箭刻(箭漏的刻度);箭漏(古代计时器。漏壶);箭滴(漏箭随水浮沉,不断移动。滴:漏壶滴水) - For example: arrow water (the water in a water clock); arrow marks (the scale of a water clock); arrow leak (an ancient water clock); arrow drop (the arrow drop moves up and down with the water, continuously moving; drop refers to the dripping of the water clock).
yǔ zhòu huǒ jiàn
space rocket / escape rocket
shè jiàn
archery / to shoot an arrow
gōng jiàn
bow and arrow
gōng jiàn shǒu
gōng jiàn bù
bow-and-arrow step (dance step)
jiàn zài xián shàng
The arrow is fitted to the string. / a point of no return / like an arrow on the bowstring / There can be no turning back.
nǔ jiàn
dǎng jiàn pái
shield / (fig.) excuse
jiàn gǎn
arrow shaft
huǒ jiàn
rocket / CL:枚[mei2]
huǒ jiàn pào
rocket artillery
huǒ jiàn tǒng
bazooka / rocket launcher
huǒ jiàn dàn
rocket (artillery)
Máo jiàn qū
Maojian district of Shiyan city 十堰市[Shi2 yan4 shi4], Hubei
yùn zài huǒ jiàn
carrier rocket
jiàn tóu
arrowhead / arrow symbol
jiàn lóu
embrasured watchtower
fàng jiàn
jiàn bù
sudden big stride forward
dú jiàn
poisoned arrow
yǔ jiàn
Feather Arrow
huǒ jiàn duì
Houston Rockets
lìng jiàn
arrow banner of command (archaic used as symbol of military authority) / fig. instructions from one's superiors
jiàn shí
xiù jiàn
spring-loaded arrow concealed in one's sleeve
jiàn zú
yī jiàn shuāng diāo
lit. one arrow, two golden eagles (idiom) / to kill two birds with one stone

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Input Method for
Pinyin jian4
Four Corner
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