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make or cause to be / order / command / decree / honorable
令 [líng]
1. 〔~狐〕a. An ancient place name, in the area of Linyi County, Shanxi Province; b. A compound surname.
1. Obey. Later read as “聆” ([En.] obey)
1. "吕氏春秋": Therefore, the ancient sage kings, by following the heavens and acting according to their desires, would have the people obey without exception.
2. Noun. Same as “鸰” ([En.] wagtail)
1. "诗·小雅·常棣": The wagtails are at the source, while brothers are in urgent need.
3. Hypothetical mood particle ([En.] if)
1. "助字辨略": “令” is for setting up terms.
4. See also: lǐng; lìng.
1. A unit for the quantity of paper; one "令" equals 500 sheets of original printed paper ([En.] ream of paper).
令 [lǐng]
1. A unit for the quantity of paper; one "令" equals 500 sheets of original printed paper ([En.] ream of paper).
2. See also: líng; lìng.
1. Instructions from superior to subordinate.
2. An ancient official title.
3. To cause or make.
4. Season.
5. Beautiful, good.
6. A respectful term used for someone else's relatives or acquaintances.
7. Short melodies, tunes that are not composed in fixed patterns (often used in the names of lyrics and melodies).
1. Instructions from superior to subordinate: command; law.
2. Ancient official title: county governor; governor.
3. To cause or make: to make someone excited.
4. Season: seasonal time.
5. Beautiful, good: good name; auspicious time; good reputation.
6. A respectful term used for someone else's relatives or acquaintances: your respected one; your father-in-law; your love.
7. Short melodies among traditional versified compositions: light melody.
令 [lìng]
【Original meaning】: To issue a command.
【Character formation】: Ideogram. The shape of the oracle bone character shows “集” (gather) above and “人” (people) below, symbolizing gathering people to give orders.
1. Same original meaning (direction from above to below) ([En.] demand; order)
1. "说文": “令” means to issue an order.
2. "诗·齐风·东方未明": Move from one place to another, according to the instruction of the lord.
3. "孟子·离娄上": Unable to command, and also not accept orders.
4. "论语·子路": When the body is right, actions are carried out without issuing commands.
5. Chen Shou's "三国志": Commanding Cao Cao, who had gathered a million troops, to utilize the emperor to command the feudal lords.
6. "史记·陈涉世家": Summoned the followers.
7. "战国策·齐策": Then it was ordered.
例: Once an order is issued.
2. Same as “命”. To name ([En.] give a name to)
1. "管子": In the past, the Yellow Emperor created the five tones according to urgency, using five bells.
3. To cause or make ([En.] cause; make)
1. "史记": Invited Wu Guang to the small temple nearby to build a bonfire at night.
2. Ming Dynasty’s Wei Xi: To make the bandits aware.
3. "宋·沈括·梦溪笔谈": The fire burns too firmly.
4. Qing Dynasty's Xue Fu: To make it unbearable to watch.
例: To cause someone to lose heart.
令 [lìng]
1. Order; decree ([En.] laws and decrees; decree)
1. "书·说命上": The subjects have nothing to inform you about.
2. "周礼·夏官·大司马": Offenders should be punished.
3. "战国策·齐策": At the first order, the ministers offered their advice; the gates were crowded.
4. "史记·屈原列传": The king made Qu Ping the order, which everyone knew. Every time an order was issued, Ping would punish the offense.
例: Political decrees; military orders; passing on orders.
2. Seasonal time ([En.] season)
1. Ming Li Yu: Flowers bloom at the right season.
3. Warrant; seizure order ([En.] warrant).
例: Search warrant; confiscation order.
4. Used by a forceful authority ([En.] writ).
例: Entry warrant; order to return property to the owner.
5. Drinking game, a game that allows division of winnings when drinking ([En.] drinking game).
1. "红楼梦": Today let's play a drinking game for fun.
6. Song-poem, known as "short melody," generally consists of fewer words and shorter tunes.
1. Zhang Yan: The difficulty of poetry compared to short melody is like the difficulty of poetry compared to quatrains.
7. Ancient official title ([En.] an ancient official title).
8. Chief of a certain department or institution in ancient Chinese government.
9. The administrative head of a county.
10. Reputation ([En.] renown; reputation).
11. Same as “鸰”. Wagtail, a bird about the size of a sparrow ([En.] wagtail).
令 [lìng]
1. Good ([En.] good).
1. "论语·学而": Elegant words and pleasing colors.
2. "世说新语·自新": Why worry that the good name is not renowned?
3. "玉台新咏·古诗为焦仲卿妻作": At the age of eighteen or nineteen, one speaks of great talent.
例: Good appearance; auspicious times; pleasant voice; good governance; good reputation.
2. Lucky ([En.] lucky).
例: Lucky day; lucky month; auspicious day; lucky year.
3. Your--polite term for someone else’s relatives ([En.] your).
1. "玉台新咏·古诗为焦仲卿妻作": Is it appropriate for your boy?
例: Your esteemed son; your mother; the respected you.
令 [lìng]
1. If, hypothetically ([En.] if).
1. "史记·陈涉世家": If they really did not kill, then they are surely around sixteen or seventeen years old.
2. See also: líng; lǐng.
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