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人 stroke order animation

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人 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 人
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 人
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Meaning of

Pinyin rén
man / person / people
人 [rén] (名) 1. A higher animal that evolved from anthropoids, capable of making and using tools for labor, and able to communicate using language. (English: human being; person; man; woman) 2. Others; other people. (English: other people) 3. The quality, temperament, and reputation of a person. (English: character; reputation) 4. Refers to manpower, the people who get things done. (English: manpower) 5. Refers to others, other people. (English: other people) 6. Common people. (English: common people) 7. Intelligent beings. (English: man) 8. Refers to adults. (English: adult; grown-up) 9. Refers to all social phenomena a person encounters in life. (English: life's affairs) 10. The secular world; this world. (English: this world) 11. A person's body. (English: body) 12. Refers to human feelings and reasoning. (English: human sentiment) 13. Sexual intercourse. (English: sexual intercourse) 14. Companions. (English: company) 15. A nut kernel; later used as "仁". (English: kernel) 16. Used interchangeably with "仁". Charity or benevolence. (English: charity) (代) 1. Every person; each individual within a certain group. (English: everybody) (形) 1. Man-made; artificial. (English: artificial)
hài rén tīng wén
shocking / horrifying / atrocious / terrible
wú rén
(literary) we / us
bèi gào rén
defendant (in legal case)
lìng rén zuò ǒu
nastiness / disgusting
zhào jí rén
zhào rén
Call people
gè rén
each one / everyone
xià rén
terrifying / frightening / shock / scary / scare / shocking / appall / fearsome
zhèng rén jūn zi
upright gentleman / man of honor
zāng pǐ rén wù
Zang Fei
rén shēn
péi le fū rén yòu zhé bīng
having given away a bride, to lose one's army on top of it (idiom) / to suffer a double loss after trying to trick the enemy
yǒu rén
xù lì yà rén
zǒng rén kǒu
total population
rén kǒu shù
gǔ rén
people from ancient times / the ancients / the late (i.e. person who has passed away)
Měng gǔ rén
hǒng rén
Coax people
zhǎo wā rén
lóng yǎ rén
deaf-mute / surdomute
zhé rén
wise man
hǔ rén
to scare people / to bluff / to deceive
rèn rén wéi qīn
to appoint people by favoritism (idiom); nepotism / corrupt appointment
shāng rén
merchant / businessman
shàn rén
philanthropist / charitable person / well-doer
rén hǎn mǎ sī
lit. people shouting and horses neighing (idiom) / fig. tumultuous / hubbub
rén shì
person / figure / public figure
fū ren
lady / madam / Mrs. / CL:位[wei4]
sì rén bāng
Gang of Four: Jiang Qing 江青, Zhang Chunqiao 張春橋, Yao Wenyuan 姚文元, Wang Hongwen 王洪文, who served as scapegoats for the excesses of the cultural revolution
rén mín tuán tǐ
people's organization (e.g. labor unions, peasant associations, scholarly associations etc) / mass organization
shèng rén
saint / sage / refers to Confucius 孔子[Kong3 zi3] / the current reigning Emperor
rén jūn
per capita
rén jūn shōu rù
per capita income / average per capita income
huài rén
bad person / villain
mǎ bà rén
Mapa man
fū rén dào
Mrs. Road
fū rén chéng
Lady City
qí rén
an eccentric / odd person / person of extraordinary talent
diàn jī rén
founder / pioneer
jiān rén
crafty scoundrel / villain
fù rén
married woman
yāo rén
magician / sorcerer
rén yāo
transvestite / transsexual / ladyboy
yuán shǐ rén
primitive man
méi ren
go-between / matchmaker
jià rén
to get married (of woman)
jià huò yú rén
to pass the misfortune on to sb else (idiom); to blame others / to pass the buck
sǎo fū rén
xián yí rén
a suspect
tǎo rén xián
unpleasant / disagreeable
dān rén
one person / single (room, bed etc)
Jí bǔ sài rén
chí kǎ rén
wù shī yú rén
Do not do to others
duō duō bī rén
overbearing / forceful / aggressive / menacing / imperious
xiōng yá lì rén
jiàng rén
craftsman / a man of his hands
Huá rén
ethnic Chinese person or people
xiào gǎn rén
Xiaogan people
gū shēn yī rén
all on one's own
zōng rén fǔ
Clan mansion
yí rén
nice / pleasant / charming / hospitable to people
kè rén
visitor / guest / customer / client / CL:位[wei4]
rèn rén zǎi gē
to get trampled on (idiom) / to be taken advantage of
hài rén
to harm sb / to inflict suffering / to victimize / pernicious
lǎo rén jiā
polite term for old woman or man
jì wú rén shēng
jì rén lí xià
to lodge under another person's roof (idiom); to live relying on sb else's charity
fù rén
rich man
guǎ rén
I (first person pronoun used by royalty or nobility)
gū jiā guǎ rén
one who is cut off from others (idiom) / one who has chosen to follow a solitary path / (can also be an indirect way of referring to an unmarried person)
gū guǎ lǎo rén
an elderly person of no family
yā zhài fū rén
mistress of the fort
cǎn jué rén huán
extremely tragic (idiom); with unprecedented brutality
sā shǒu rén huán
to leave one's mortal frame (idiom) / to die
nài rén xún wèi
thought-provoking / worth thinking over / to provide food for thought
lǐng dǎo rén
寿 rén shòu
life insurance
寿 rén shòu bǎo xiǎn
life insurance
xiǎo rén
person of low social status (old) / I, me (used to refer humbly to oneself) / nasty person / vile character
yuàn tiān yóu rén
(idiom) to blame the gods and accuse others
gè rén chóng bài
personality cult
rén gōng
artificial / manpower / manual work
jù rén
sǔn rén lì jǐ
harming others for one's personal benefit (idiom); personal gain to the detriment of others
rén mín bì
Renminbi (RMB) / Chinese Yuan (CNY)
zhuāng jia rén
(coll.) farmer
fèi rén
handicapped person / useless person
shù rén
the common people
yōng rén
mediocre person
yōng rén zì rǎo
lit. silly people get their panties in a bunch (idiom) / fig. to get upset over nothing / to make problems for oneself
jīng rén
yǐn rén zhù mù
to attract attention / eye-catching / conspicuous
kòu rén xīn xián
to excite / to thrill / exciting / thrilling / cliff-hanging
rén yǐng
figure / shadow
dài rén
to treat people (politely, harshly etc)
rén lì
manpower / labor power
láo dòng rén mín wén huà gōng
Working People's Cultural Palace
chuàng shǐ rén
creator / founder / initiator

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Pinyin ren2
Four Corner
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