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哲 stroke order animation

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哲 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 哲
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 哲
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Meaning of

Pinyin zhé
philosophy / wise
哲 zhé 形 1. 有智慧。 1. Intelligent; wise. 2. 聪明智慧的人。 2. A person who is clever and wise. 本义: 聪明,有智慧 Original meaning: Intelligent; wise. 造字法: 形声。从口,折声。 Character formation method: Phono-semantic compound; it contains components indicating "mouth" and the "折" sound. 引 1. 《说文》:哲,知也。古文从三吉(嚞),字亦作喆。作悊。 From "Xuēwén": "Zhé means knowledge." In ancient writing it comes from three吉 (嚞), and it can also be written as 喆 or 作悊. 2. 《尔雅》:哲,智也。 From "Ěryǎ": "Zhé means wisdom." 3. 《诗·大雅·下武》:世有哲王。 From the "Book of Songs": "In the world, there are wise kings." 4. 《诗·大雅·瞻卬》:哲夫成城,哲妇倾诚。 From the "Book of Songs": "The wise man builds the city, the wise woman gives her heart." 5. 《书·伊训》:敷求哲人。 From "Shū": "Seek the wise." 6. 《汉书·叙传》:或悊或谋。 From "Historical Records": "Some are clever, some are strategists." 7. 《书·皋陶谟》:知人则哲,能官人。 From "Shū": "To know people is to be wise and capable of leading." 例 Again: - 哲士 (zhé shì) - a clever and remarkably insightful person; - 哲子 (zhé zǐ) - a wise person; - 哲艾 (zhé ài) - refers to an enlightened elder; - 哲母 (zhé mǔ) - a wise mother; - 哲匠 (zhé jiàng) - a talented and insightful official; - 哲明 (zhé míng) - a wise chancellor or minister; - 哲夫 (zhé fū) - a resourceful person; - 哲思 (zhé sī) - profound and agile thinking; - 哲妇 (zhé fù) - a thoughtful woman; - 哲圣 (zhé shèng) - a person with exceptional talent and virtue. 哲 zhé 名 1. 贤明的人;有智慧的人 ([En.] sage; wise man) A wise and virtuous person; a sage. 引 1. 《书·大诰》:尔庶邦君,越尔御事;爽邦由哲。 From "Shū": "You, the lord of the common people, take charge of your affairs; the realm thrives with wisdom." 例 Again: - 先哲 (xiān zhé) - respected predecessors or sages; - 哲人其萎 (zhé rén qí wěi) - "the wise die." A common expression used in mourning for virtuous individuals. 2. 哲学的简称 ([En.] philosophy). Abbreviation for "philosophy." 例 如: 文史哲 (wén shǐ zhé) - referring to literature, history, and philosophy. 3. 对别人的尊称、敬称 ([En.] your). A respectful term for others. 例 如: 哲兄 (zhé xiōng) - a respectful term for elder brothers; 哲昆 (zhé kùn) - a respectful term for someone else's elder brother; 哲嗣 (zhé zì) - a respectful term for someone else's son.
zhé lǐ
philosophic theory / philosophy
zhé xué jiā
zhé xué shǐ
history of philosophy
zhé rén
wise man
xián zhé
a wise and able person
zhé lǐ xìng
zhé xué xì
department of philosophy
zhé zōng
Zhé bàng sì
Drepung monastery, Lhasa, Tibet
zhé lǐ mù méng
Zhelimu League
xiān zhé
distinguished precursor / famous thinker of antiquity
zhé xué
philosophy / CL:個|个[ge4]
Zhào Jùn zhé
Zhao Junzhe (1979-), Chinese football player

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Input Method for
Pinyin zhe2
Four Corner
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