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哭 stroke order animation

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哭 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 哭
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 哭
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Meaning of

to cry / to weep
哭 [kū] 【动】 【本义】: 悲痛出声,声泪俱下 【造字法】: 会意。甲骨文字形,从( xuān),表示号呼;中间象一人擗踊的样子。 1. 同本义(有声有泪) (En. cry; weep; sob) - Example: 哭喊 (cry out); 哭泣 (weep); 哭诉 (cry and complain); 哭腔 (tone of crying); 啼哭 (wail); 长歌当哭 (sing a long song in mourning). 2. 吊唁,祭奠死者并慰问家属 (En. condole) - Example: 哭先祖 (mourn for ancestors). 3. 歌 (En. sing) - Example: 昔雍门子以哭见于孟尝君 (In the past, Yongmenzi was seen by Lord Mengchang while singing). 引: 1. 《说文》:哭,哀声也。 2. 张博《五人墓碑记》:哭声震天动地。 3. 《左传·僖公三十三年》:秦伯素服郊次,向师而哭。 4. 《左传·僖公三十二年》:蹇叔之子与师,哭而送之。 5. 《苛政猛于虎》:有妇人哭于墓者而哀。 例: 又如: 哭哭嘶嘶 (crying and shouting); 哭唠叨 (complaining while crying, dialect); 哭踊 (crying and jumping, a ritual in ancient funerals); 哭临 (crying at the scene, in ancient imperial funerals, often involves people gathering to mourn).
yòu kū yòu nào
Crying and making noise
kū shēng
sound of weeping
kū qì
to weep
tòng kū
to cry bitterly
kū xiào bù dé
lit. not to know whether to laugh or cry (idiom) / both funny and extremely embarrassing / between laughter and tears
tí kū
to cry / to wail
kū jiào
kū hǎn
to wail
kū ku tí tí
to weep endlessly / interminable wailing
kū sù
to lament / to complain tearfully / to wail accusingly
tòng kū liú tì
weeping bitter tears
kū nào
cry and scream
háo kū
to bawl / to wail / to cry
háo táo dà kū
bào tóu tòng kū
to weep disconsolately / to cry on each other's shoulder
kū qiāng
sobbing tone / sob / dirge / opera tune portraying mourning
tòng kū
wail / lamentation
guǐ kū láng háo
to wail like ghosts and howl like wolves (idiom)
kū hǎn shēng
háo kū
to bawl / to cry / to wail / to howl / also written 號哭|号哭[hao2 ku1]
guǐ kū shén háo
moaning like ghosts and howling like spirits / a dreadful clamor
dà kū
to cry loudly
kū tiān mǒ lèi
to wail and whine / piteous weeping
kū qì shēng
kū sang zhe liǎn
sullen / to scowl miserably
kū sāng bàng
mourning staff draped in white, held at a funeral to show filial piety

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Input Method for
Pinyin ku1
Four Corner
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