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吃 stroke order animation

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吃 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 吃
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 吃
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Meaning of

Pinyin chī
eat / eradicate / destroy / receive, eat, stammer
吃 [chī] Verb 1. To send something into the mouth and swallow it, or to rely on something for living: 吃饭 (eat rice), 吃药 (take medicine), 吃斋 (eat a vegetarian diet). 2. To annihilate or eliminate (mostly used in military contexts or games): 吃掉敌人一个连 (destroy an enemy company). 3. To inhale or suck: 吃烟 (smoke). 4. To feel or experience: 吃惊 (be surprised), 吃紧 (feel tense), 吃一堑,长一智 (learn from mistakes). 5. To suffer or encounter: 吃官司 (face a lawsuit). 6. To bear or support: 吃不消 (cannot bear). 7. The depth of a boat submerged in water: 吃水深浅 (depth of the boat in water). 8. Indicates passive voice, similar to "被": 吃那厮砍了一刀 (was cut by that guy). 9. To stutter: 口吃 (speech impediment). 吃 [chī] 1. To eat. Contrast with 喝 (drink). 2. To drink. 3. To absorb. 4. To suffer, bear, or incur. 5. Indicates passive voice, similar to "被". 6. To eat at a place where food is sold (e.g., restaurants). 7. To live on or rely on something to survive. 8. To use or incur expense. 9. To eliminate or destroy a significant part. 10. To fall. 11. To bully. 12. To soak. 吃 [chī] Preposition Indicates passive voice; by, due to, because of. 吃 [chī] Verb Original meaning: to stutter. The character is formed phonetically with the mouth (口) and a sound character (乞). 引: 1. 《说文》: 吃, 言蹇难也 (To stutter is to speak with difficulty). 2. 《汉书·周昌传》: 昌为人吃 (Chang was a person who stuttered). 例: 如: 吃子 (a person who stutters); 吃吃 (to stutter or have trouble expressing words). 形: 1. Describes the appearance of stuttering or difficulty in speech, such as "口吃". 状: 1. Describes laughter. 汉·伶玄《赵飞燕外传》: 帝昏夜拥昭仪居七成帐, 笑吃吃不止 (At night, the emperor held the concubine in the tent, laughing incessantly).
bù chī
not eat / eat nothing / without eating
hǎo chī
tasty / delicious
chī jīng
to be startled / to be shocked / to be amazed
dà chī yī jīng
to have a surprise (idiom); shocked or startled / gobsmacked
chī diào
to eat up / to consume
chī fǎ
way of eating / how something is eaten / how a dish is prepared / the way a dish is to be cooked
xiǎo chī
snack / refreshments / CL:家[jia1]
chī hē
to eat and drink / food and drink
chī yào
to take medicine
chī kǔ
to bear hardships
chī jiǔ
drink wine
chī lì
to entail strenuous effort / to toil at a task / strenuous / laborious / strain
chī shuǐ
drinking water / to obtain water (for daily needs) / to absorb water / draft (of ship)
kǒu chī
to stammer / to stutter / also pr. [kou3 ji2]
chī cù
to feel jealous
chī xiāng
popular / in demand / well regarded
chī shí
to eat (of bird or animal) / to feed
chī jǐn
in short supply / dire / tense / critical / hard-pressed / important
yǎ ba chī huáng lián
no choice but to suffer in silence (idiom) / also written 啞巴吃黃蓮|哑巴吃黄莲 / (often precedes 有苦說不出|有苦说不出[you3 ku3 shuo1 bu5 chu1])
chī hē wán lè
to eat, drink and be merry (idiom) / to abandon oneself to a life of pleasure
dà chī dà hē
to eat and drink as much as one likes / to make a pig of oneself
chī yī qiàn zhǎng yī zhì
A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit
chī yī qiàn
Eat a bite
chī hē piáo dǔ
to go dining, wining, whoring and gambling / to lead a life of dissipation
yín chī mǎo liáng
lit. eating away next year's food in advance / fig. to dip into the next month's check / live now, pay later
gǒu chī shǐ
to fall flat on one's face (vulgar)
chī fàn
to have a meal / to eat / to make a living
hào chī lǎn zuò
happy to partake but not prepared to do any work (idiom) / all take and no give
chī lǐ pá wài
live on sb. while helping others secretly
zì zhǎo kǔ chī
to bring trouble on oneself
chī bu liǎo dōu zhe zǒu
lit. if you can't eat it all, you'll have to take it home (idiom) / fig. you'll have to take the consequences
chī zhāi
to abstain from eating meat / to be a vegetarian
shěng chī jiǎn yòng
to live frugally / to economize on food and clothing / to scrimp and save
lài há ma xiǎng chī tiān é ròu
lit. the toad wants to eat swan meat (idiom) / fig. to try to punch above one's weight
chī bài zhàng
Lose the battle
chī kuī
to suffer losses / to come to grief / to lose out / to get the worst of it / to be at a disadvantage / unfortunately
chī dà kuī
to cost one dearly / to end disastrously / to pay bitterly
chī kǔ nài láo
hardworking and enduring hardships (idiom)
chī hūn
eat meat and other food produced by fowls or animals
zì tǎo kǔ chī
to ask for trouble (idiom) / to make a rod for one's own back
tān chī
gluttonous / voracious
zhēng fēng chī cù
to rival sb for the affection of a man or woman / to be jealous of a rival in a love affair

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Input Method for
Pinyin chi1
Four Corner
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