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力 stroke order animation

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力 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 力
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 力
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Meaning of

power / force / strength
力 [lì] 名词: 1. 人和动物筋肉的效能。[En.] The physical strength and power of humans and animals. 2. 一切事物的效能。[En.] The effectiveness of all things. 3. 物理学上指物体之间相互作用,引起运动加速或形变。[En.] In physics, it refers to the interaction between objects that causes acceleration or deformation. 4. 用极大的力量。[En.] To use tremendous strength. 5. 姓。[En.] A surname. 同本义 ([En.] effort; physical strength: ~气, ~量) 力的引申义: 1. 如《说文》:力,筋也。像人筋之形。[En.] As stated in "Shuowen," strength refers to muscle. 2. 例如《礼记·礼运》:其行之以货力。[En.] In "Liji," it means actions are supported by economic force. 3. 例如《汉书·食货志》:力农数耘。[En.] In "Han Shu," it refers to diligent farming. 4. 例如《诗·邶风》:有力如虎,执辔如组。[En.] In "Shijing," it compares strength to a tiger. 5. 例如宋·王安石《游褒禅山记》:力足以至焉。[En.] In Wang Anshi's text, he reflects on the limits of human strength. 6. 例如唐·柳宗元《童区寄传》:以缚背刃,力上下,得绝。[En.] Discusses the exertion of effort in a struggle. 7. 例如《孟子·梁惠王上》:吾力足以举百钧,而不足以举一羽。[En.] Mengzi speaks of the disparity of strength in his arguments. 例:[En.] For example, - 力尽神危 (exhausted in effort and spirit to the extreme) - 力软筋麻 (completely exhausted, out of stamina) - 力屈 (power exhausted) - 力尽 (strength used up) - 力竭 (strength at the limit). 动词: 1. 勤;致力,努力;从事于。[En.] To engage or work hard. 2. 役使。[En.] To employ or exploit. 例:[En.] For example, - 力农 (to engage in agriculture) - 力耕 (to work hard in farming). 副词: 1. 尽力,竭力。[En.] To do all one can; to try one's utmost. 例:[En.] For example, - 力正 (to strive for righteousness) - 力战 (to fight with all one's might).
tīng lì
hearing / listening ability
xī yǐn lì
attractive force (such as gravitation) / sex appeal / attractiveness
bù fèi chuī huī zhī lì
as easy as blowing off dust / effortless / with ease
shēng mìng lì
hào zhào lì
to have the power to rally supporters
gǎn zhào lì
appeal / attraction / charisma
chī lì
to entail strenuous effort / to toil at a task / strenuous / laborious / strain
yǐng xiǎng lì
influence / impact
shēng sī lì jié
to shout oneself hoarse (idiom)
lì tú
to try hard to / to strive to
shì jūn lì dí
evenly matched (idiom)
pò huài lì
collapsing force / destructive power
zhòng lì bà
gravity dam
nián qīng lì zhuàng
young and vigorous (idiom)
fèn lì
to do everything one can / to spare no effort / to strive
wēi lì
might / formidable power
tóng xīn xié lì
to work with a common purpose (idiom); to make concerted efforts / to pull together / to work as one
xié lì
to unite in common effort
mài lì
to really put out energy for
láo lì
labor / able-bodied worker / laborer / work force
miǎn lì
to strive / to make an effort / to exert oneself
qí xīn xié lì
to work with a common purpose (idiom); to make concerted efforts / to pull together / to work as one
jìn lì
to strive one's hardest / to spare no effort
jié jìn quán lì
to spare no effort (idiom); to do one's utmost
lì fān duì
chóng qìng lì fān duì
Chongqing Lifan
yǐn lì
gravitation (force) / attraction
qiáng lì
shèng yú láo dòng lì
surplus labor / manpower surplus
lì liang
power / force / strength
quán lì
power / authority
yā lì
nǔ lì
great effort / to strive / to try hard
shì li
power / (ability to) influence
shí lì
diàn lì
electrical power / electricity
dòng lì
motive power / force / (fig.) motivation / impetus
láo dòng lì
labor force / manpower
yǒu lì
powerful / forceful / vigorous
rén lì
manpower / labor power
dà lì
energetically / vigorously
wǔ zhuāng lì liàng
armed force
shuǐ lì
hydraulic power
yòng lì
to exert oneself physically
lì dù
strength / vigor / efforts / (music) dynamics
lì quàn
gōng lì
merit / efficacy / competence / skill / power
bù xiè nǔ lì
make unremitting endeavor / unrimitting efforts
fèn fā nǔ lì
Work hard
jìn lì
force / strength
pàn duàn lì
ability to judge / judgment
jì yì lì
faculty of memory / ability to remember
huī fù lì
yòu huò lì
allure / spell
guàn xìng lì
inertia force
wēi shè lì
deterrent force
zhèn shè lì
deterrent power
zhàn dòu lì
fighting strength
lù lì tóng xīn
concerted efforts in a common cause (idiom); united and working together
tóng xīn lù lì
Work together
dǐ kàng lì
resistance / immunity
jū shù lì
náo lì hé
Naoli River
lì cuò
to win as a result of tenacious effort / to fight off tough competition
lì wǎn kuáng lán
to pull strongly against a crazy tide (idiom); fig. to try hard to save a desperate crisis
tuī lì
driving force / impetus / thrust (of a boat or aeroplane engine) / repelling force
níng jù lì
cohesion / cohesiveness / cohesive
miǎn yì lì
quán lì
with all one's strength / full strength / all-out (effort) / fully (support)
bīng lì
military strength / armed forces / troops
nèi lì
internal force / endogenous force
mó cā lì
zhī chēng lì
braced force / holding power
zhèn hàn lì
shock power
xiào lì
effectiveness / positive effect / to serve (in some capacity)
Mò lì Dá wǎ Dá wò ěr zú Zì zhì qí
Morin Dawa Daur Autonomous Banner in Hulunbuir 呼倫貝爾|呼伦贝尔[Hu1 lun2 bei4 er3], Inner Mongolia
wú lì
powerless / lacking strength
zhì lì
intelligence / intellect
bào lì
violence / force / violent
zì lì gēng shēng
regeneration through one's own effort (idiom) / self-reliance
yuē shù lì
(of a contract) binding (law)
jí lì
to make a supreme effort / at all costs
gǎn rǎn lì
inspiration / infectious (enthusiasm)
hé dòng lì
nuclear power
lì jǔ
néng lì
capability / ability / CL:個|个[ge4]
lì ǒu
moment of forces (mechanics)
lì cù
to urge / to press (for action)
jiè lì
wǔ lì
military force
fán zhí lì
fecundity / fertility / reproductive capacity
yì lì
perseverance / willpower
háo bù fèi lì
effortless / not expending the slightest effort
lì qi
strength / CL:把[ba3]
lì qiú
to make every effort to / striving to do one's best
jīng lì chōng pèi
vigorous / energetic
zhù yì lì
huó lì
energy / vitality / vigor / vital force
fú lì
shèn tòu lì
seepage force / osmotic force

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