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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

利 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

利 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 利
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 利
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Meaning of

advantage / benefit / profit / sharp
jí lì
auspicious / lucky / propitious
Yīng jí lì
England (historical loan, from English)
Jiān lì xiàn
Jianli county in Jingzhou 荊州|荆州[Jing1 zhou1], Hubei
Ā ěr jí lì yà
xù lì yà rén
wéi lì shì tú
to seek nothing but profit (idiom); personal profit before everything / self-seeking
píng jūn lì rùn
equalization of profit / average profit
Kěn lì xiàn
Kenli county in Dongying 東營|东营[Dong1 ying2], Shandong
āi lì sī
shī lì
to lose / to suffer defeat
zhēng quán duó lì
scramble for power and profit (idiom); power struggle
dé kuí lì yà ěr
De Cuellar
kǎ lì
Xiōng yá lì
xiōng yá lì rén
xiōng yá lì gòng hé guó
The Republic of Hungary
Bù yí nuò sī Ài lì sī
Buenos Aires, capital of Argentina
jiān lì
sharp / keen / cutting / shrill / piercing
西 Yóu lì xī sī
Ulysses (novel)
Jiā lì fú ní yà
Jiā lì fú ní yà zhōu
尿 lì niào
to promote urination / diuresis
尿 lì niào jì
Lì chuān shì
Lichuan county level city in Enshi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture 恩施土家族苗族自治州[En1 shi1 Tu3 jia1 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Hubei
lì jǐ
personal profit / to benefit oneself
sǔn rén lì jǐ
harming others for one's personal benefit (idiom); personal gain to the detriment of others
lì bì
pros and cons / merits and drawbacks / advantages and disadvantages
quán héng lì bì
to weigh the pros and cons (idiom)
xīng lì chú bì
to promote what is useful and get rid of what is harmful (idiom)
yǒu lì yǒu bì
to have both advantages and disadvantages
gè yǒu lì bì
cut both ways
shā dì lì
lì rèn
sharp blade
shèng lì
victory / CL:個|个[ge4]
Yì dà lì
Italy / Italian
quán lì
power / right / privilege
lì yì
benefit / (in sb's) interest / CL:個|个[ge4]
lì rùn
bù lì
unfavorable / disadvantageous / harmful / detrimental
lì hài
pros and cons / advantages and disadvantages / gains and losses
yǒu lì
advantageous / to have advantages / favorable
shùn lì
smoothly / without a hitch
lì lǜ
interest rates
shuǐ lì
water conservancy / irrigation works
lì xī
interest (on a loan) / CL:筆|笔[bi3]
lì rùn lǜ
profit margin
Ào dì lì
Bǐ lì shí
fú lì
material benefit / benefit in kind / (social) welfare
lì xi lǜ
interest rate
wéi lì shì tú
variant of 唯利是圖|唯利是图[wei2 li4 shi4 tu2]
Cí lì
Cili county in Zhangjiajie 張家界|张家界[Zhang1 jia1 jie4], Hunan
jié lì
jìng lì rùn
net profit
gān jìng lì luo
squeaky clean / neat and tidy / efficient
Kǎi lì
Kelly (person name)
yǒu lì yú
avail / in favour of / make for / to the benefit of
jì dé lì yì
vested interest
jì dé lì yì zhě
people with vested interests
Sài lā lì áng
Sierra Leone
Zhì lì
bào lì
sudden huge profits
zhèng zhì quán lì
political rights
shuǐ lì shū niǔ
key water control project / hydro-junction
Yà lì sāng nà zhōu
便 biàn lì
convenient / easy / to facilitate
lì yòng
to exploit / to make use of / to use / to take advantage of / to utilize
Lì wù pǔ
Liverpool (England)
máo lì lǜ
gross profit rate
dàn bó míng lì
not caring about fame and fortune (idiom) / indifferent to worldly rewards
tài lì sī
fēi lì pǔ
Philip / Phillips
chāo é lì rùn
superprofit / excess profit
chún lì rùn
pure profit / net profit
xī lì
sharp / incisive / penetrating
nán ào dà lì yà
South Australia
西 Xī Ào dà lì yà
Western Australia, Australian state
Yī bǐ lì yà
Iberia / the Iberian peninsula
bā fá lì yà zhōu
Bā fá lì yà
lì yù xūn xīn
blinded by greed (idiom)
lì zhǎo
sharp claw / talon
móu qǔ bào lì
to profiteer / profiteering
Mǎ lì yà
Mary (biblical name)
Bō lì wéi yà
bō lì wǎ ěr
ruì lì
yíng lì
profit / gain
fēi yíng lì
yíng lì xìng
qiè shēn lì yì
vital interests / immediate interests
Jiān lì
Jianli county in Jingzhou 荊州|荆州[Jing1 zhou1], Hubei
gōng míng lì lù
position and wealth (idiom); rank, fame and fortune
sī lì
personal gain / (one's own) selfish interest
yǒu lì yú
avail / in favour of / make for / to the benefit of
hù lì
mutually beneficial
píng děng hù lì
mutual benefit / to share profits equitably
Ào dà lì yà
Xù lì yà
西 Xī bó lì yà

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Input Method for
Pinyin li4
Four Corner
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