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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

伯 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

伯 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 伯
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 伯
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Meaning of

Pinyin bó、 bǎi
father's elder brother / senior / paternal elder uncle / eldest of brothers / respectful form of address
伯 [bà] 名 1. 兄弟排行次序。 Eldest of brothers. 2. 父亲的哥哥。 Father's elder brother. 3. 对父辈戚友的尊称。 Respectful term for elder men among relatives. 4. 封建制度五等爵位的第三等。 Third rank in the five noble titles of the feudal system. 5. 旧时对文章、道德足为表率者的尊称。 Title for someone who is exemplary in writing or morality. 6. 姓。 A surname. 名 1. 兄弟排行次序:~仲(指兄弟的次第,喻事物不相上下)。 Order of brothers: e.g., 伯仲 (referring to the ranking among brothers, suggesting equality). 2. 父亲的哥哥:~~。~父。~母。 Father's elder brother: 伯父 (paternal uncle), 伯母 (paternal aunt). 3. 对父辈戚友的尊称:老~。世~。 Honorific for elder relatives: 老伯 (old uncle), 世伯 (gentleman). 4. 封建制度五等爵位的第三等:~爵。 Third noble rank in the feudal system: 伯爵 (count). 5. 旧时对文章、道德足为表率者的尊称:“海内文章~”。 A title for someone outstanding in writing or morality: "In the realm of literature, he is a 伯". 6. 姓。 A surname. 名 (形声。从人,白声。本义:排行第一的,老大) (Phonetic-ideographic character: from 人 (person), pronounced as "bà". Original meaning: the first in rank, the eldest.) 同本义 同本义。 Same original meaning. 名 (1) 兄弟排行第一。 Eldest of brothers. (2) 伯父。 Father's elder brother. (3) 尊称年龄较长的男子。 Respectful term for older men. (4) 女子对丈夫的尊称。 Title used by women for their husbands. (5) 古代统领一方的长官。 Ancient local official. (6) 古代五等爵位的第三等。 Third noble title in ancient five-grade system. (7) 王覇。 Master or overlord. (8) 姓。 A surname. 名 1. 数目。十的十倍。 Numerical value: ten times ten (hundred). 2. 百倍。通“百”。 Hundredfold, synonymous with "百". 3. 妇人对夫兄的称呼。 Term used by women for their husband’s elder brother, also called "伯子" or "伯叔". 名 1. 古同“霸”,古代诸侯联盟的首领。 Same as “霸”, referring to leaders of ancient feudal alliances. 名 1. 称霸。 To dominate or tyrannize. 2. 另见 bǎi,bó。 See also bǎi, bó. 名 1. 数目。十的十倍。 Numerical value: ten times ten (hundred). 2. 百倍。通“百”。 Hundredfold, synonymous with "百". 3. 妇人对夫兄的称呼。 Term used by women for their husband’s elder brother, often called "伯子" or "伯叔". 名 1. 古同“霸”,古代诸侯联盟的首领。 Same as “霸”, referring to leaders of ancient feudal alliances.
Kǎn tè bó léi
xūn bó gé
suǒ ěr zī bó lǐ
harrison evans salisbury
Dù ěr bó tè
Dorbod Mongol autonomous county in Daqing 大慶|大庆[Da4 qing4], Heilongjiang
dà bó
husband's older brother / brother-in-law
Shā tè Ā lā bó
Saudi Arabia
Ā lā bó Bàn dǎo
Arabian Peninsula
Bó luó bēn ní sā
Peloponnese (peninsula in southern Greece)
Xī ěr bó tè
David Hilbert (1862-1943), German mathematician
shū bai
(of cousins) descending from the same grandfather or great-grandfather
Ā lā bó Hǎi
Arabian Sea
hēng bó
西 Xī bó lì yà
Jiǎn Bó zàn
Jian Bozan (1898-1968), Chinese Marxist historian and vice-president of Bejing University 1952-1968
niǔ bó ruì
Yà bó lā hǎn
Abraham (name) / Abraham, father of Judaism and Islam in the Bible and Quran / same as Ibrahim 易卜拉辛
dì niè bó hé
dì niè bó
dì niè bó luó bǐ dé luó fū sī kè
Ā lā bó rén
Arab / Arabian / Arabian people
ài bó tǎ shěng
Luó bó cí
Ā lā bó Lián hé Qiú zhǎng guó
United Arab Emirates (UAE)
Xī bó
Xibo ethnic group of northeast China

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Input Method for
Pinyin bo2
Four Corner
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